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Old 12-04-2023, 03:07 AM   #1
The Grand Mouse 高貴的老鼠
pdurrant ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.pdurrant ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.pdurrant ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.pdurrant ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.pdurrant ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.pdurrant ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.pdurrant ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.pdurrant ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.pdurrant ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.pdurrant ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.pdurrant ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.
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The 2024 Annual Reading Challenge List Thread

2024 Reading Challenge List Thread

Welcome to our 15th Annual Reading Challenge!

The Annual Reading Challenge is not a race, nor an “exclusive club”, anyone can join! This is just a fun activity that some of us have enjoyed doing in the past. Many of us have found reading challenges to be an entertaining way to set goals for ourselves, get ideas for books, and see what others are reading.

This thread is for you to keep a running tally for your chosen challenge. Please state your goals at the top of your post (in the title line if you can), and then start your list in the body of your post. As you read books, edit your post to update your list of books read, or other challenge status.

Please Remember: No discussion posts in this thread. Please use the other thread for that. Non-List posts will be deleted or moved to the other thread.

Discussions & Ideas can be found here:

Post #2 of this thread is dedicated to a Table of Contents for all participants in this thread. Names will be added to this TOC in alphabetical order with a link to that individual’s post number from this thread.

Previous threads were for
2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011 and 2010

Last edited by pdurrant; 12-12-2024 at 12:20 PM.
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Old 12-04-2023, 03:08 AM   #2
The Grand Mouse 高貴的老鼠
pdurrant ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.pdurrant ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.pdurrant ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.pdurrant ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.pdurrant ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.pdurrant ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.pdurrant ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.pdurrant ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.pdurrant ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.pdurrant ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.pdurrant ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.
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Table of Participants

  • afv011 - Post #17
  • astrangerhere - Post #6
  • bookaho!ic - Post #20
  • CAFlanny - Post #10
  • Dazrin - Post #11
  • DrNefario - Post #5
  • HLS - Post #14
  • Hollow Man - Post #16
  • Indio777 - Post #15
  • issybird - Post #7
  • jbcohen - Post #8
  • JSWolf - Post #19
  • library addict - Post #13
  • Musicman - Post #18
  • Paperbackstash - Post #12
  • pdurrant - Post #3
  • Tarana - Post #9
  • Uncle Robin - Post #4
  • Waylander - Post #21

  • - Post #22
  • - Post #23
  • - Post #24
  • - Post #25
  • - Post #26
  • - Post #27
  • - Post #28
  • - Post #29

19 Participants .

Last edited by pdurrant; 01-01-2024 at 05:00 AM.
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Old 12-04-2023, 03:12 AM   #3
The Grand Mouse 高貴的老鼠
pdurrant ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.pdurrant ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.pdurrant ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.pdurrant ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.pdurrant ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.pdurrant ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.pdurrant ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.pdurrant ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.pdurrant ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.pdurrant ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.pdurrant ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.
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To Reduce my TBR

Once again, my goal is to buy fewer books than I read.
Last year I managed to reduce my TBR pile by 22 books!

I start 2024 with 681 books on my TBR pile.

Books removed from TBR

Read and Reading
  1. December 30th: The Cosmic Perspective by Brian Stableford - £1.35 - 3/5 - 135pp
    An interesting but odd mixture of SF, fantasy and folk tale.
  2. January 1st: One Salt Sea by Seanan McGuire - £0.55 - 5/5 - 323pp
    The series is really getting into its stride now.
  3. January 3rd: Undertow by Elizabeth Bear - £2.47 - 2/5 - 256pp
    Interesting, but not convincing.
  4. January 7th: To Say Nothing of the Dog by Connie Willis - £0.99 - 4/5 - 475pp
    A lot less grim than her other time travel book. One historical inaccuracy that I noticed.
  5. January 10th: Demon Daughter by Lois McMaster Bujold - £2.49 - 5/5 - 112pp
    Good new Penric&Desdemona tale
  6. January 11th: The Lost Metal by Brandon Sanderson - £0.99 - 5/5 - 539pp
    Excellent. Makes me want to do a re-read
  7. January 13th: The Book of Lost Tales 1 by J R R Tolkien - £0.99 - 2/5 - 434pp
    [ABANDONED]Interesting, but not enough for me.
  8. January 14th: The Fire Engine That Disappeared by Maj Sjöwall & Per Wahlöö - £0.99 - 3/5 - 226pp
    It was OK
  9. January 20th: Stone Blind by Natalie Haynes - £0.99 - 5/5 - 292pp
  10. January 23rd: A Sultry Month by Alethea Hayter - £9.99 - 2/5 - 296pp
    Very dry, doesn't really bring characters to life, and doesn't follow own conceit
  11. January 26th: The Real Deal by Caitlin Devlin - Free - 3/5 - 271pp
    Brilliant idea, and rather well done. But I didn't like the ending.
  12. January 28th: The Bad Weather Friend by Dean Koontz - Free - 4/5 - 336pp
    A little too whimsical in places, but fun.
  13. January 31st: Death Beside the Seaside by T. E. Kinsey - £0.99 - 5/5 - 247pp
    Fun, and never too serious
  14. February 2nd: Galaxy's Edge Issue 8 edited by Mike Resnick - £0.40 - 4/5 - 233pp
    Some good original short stories.
  15. February 3rd: The Venetian Game by Philip Gywnne Jones - £2.99 - 4/5 - 235pp
    A decent mystery/thriller set in Venice
  16. February 5th: Dawn of the Dreadfuls by Steve Hockensmith - £0.79 - 4/5 - 306pp
    Fun, but I would have liked it to be more like Jane Austen and less Steve Hockensmith
  17. February 7th: Midnight Blue-Light Special by Seanan McGuire - £0.55 - 5/5 - 305pp
    Fun with cryptids
  18. February 9th: Half-off Ragnarok by Seanan McGuire - £0.55 - 5/5 - 300pp
    New protagonist, still great fun
  19. February 10th: Master of the Five Magics by Lyndon Hardy - £0.78 - 5/5 - 524pp
    Great magic systems, fun.
  20. February 11th: Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury - £0.99 - 4/5 - 138pp
    Brilliant ideas. Didn't like some of the execution. Good foreword.
  21. February 14th: Dawnshard by Brandon Sanderson - £0.99 - 5/5 - 170pp
    Wow. Excellent.
  22. February 16th: The Monkey and the Tiger by Robert van Gulik - £0.68 - 5/5 - 104pp
    Two excellent little mysteries with Judge Dee
  23. February 17th: Vengeance in Venice by Philip Gwynne Jones - £4.99 - 5/5 - 245pp
    An enjoyable story set in Venice
  24. February 18th: The Collapsium by Will McCarthy - £3.78 - 5/5 - 346pp
    Enjoyable almost science space opera
  25. February 20th: The Willow Pattern by Robert Van Gulik - £0.68 - 5/5 - 152pp
    Another fine mystery
  26. February 21st: The Wellstone by Will McCarthy - £1.18 - 4/5 - 195pp
    Good, but lost a star for "the everything told from far future" wrapper
  27. February 23rd: Arrows of the Queen by Mercedes Lackey - £0.58 - 5/5 - 210pp
  28. February 24th: Arrow's Flight by Mercedes Lackey - £0.58 - 5/5 - 237pp
  29. February 25th: Arrow's Fall by Mercedes Lackey - £0.58 - 5/5 - 238pp
    All three great fun, and the first published Valdemar stories
  30. February 26th: Lost in Transmission by Will McCarthy - £1.18 - 4/5 - 350pp
    Good, but lost one star for the framing
  31. February 29th: Goodnight, Mr James & Other Stories by Clifford D Simak - £1.59 - 5/5 - 240pp
    Excellent eclectic mix of stories
  32. March 3rd: Uprising by Justin Kemppainen - £0.49 - 2/5 - 312pp
    Almost abandoned. Too much going on, not well enough done.
  33. March 7th: To Crush the Moon by Will McCarthy - £1.78 - 4/5 - 312pp
    The framing became the story. Good.
  34. March 9th: The Nine Tailors by Dorothy L. Sayers - £0.67 - 5/5 - 283pp
    A good mystery, with an interesting background
  35. March 12th: One Virgin Too Many by Lindsey Davis - £0.99 - 5/5 - 351pp
    Excellent misdirection
  36. March 15th: The Tiger in the Attic by Edith Milton - Free - 2/5 - 216pp
    [ABANDONED. Interesting, but the discussion of her psychic powers was too much]
  37. March 19th: The Hanging Gardens by Ian Rankin - £0.99 - 5/5 - 349pp
    Very good indeed. Edinburgh's underworld.
  38. March 23rd: Re-read: Tooth and Claw by Jo Walton - £0.99 - 5/5 - 247pp
    Even better than I remembered
  39. March 26th: The Hanson-Yudkowsky AI-Foom Debate - Free - - 539pp
    [ABANDONED: Fact-free unedited waffle]
  40. March 27th: The Complete Short Stories: The 1950s by Brian Aldiss - £0.99 - 2/5 - 826pp
    [ABANDONED: Too downbeat. Too 1950s]
  41. April 6th: The Demon Awakes by R. A. Salvatore - Free - 2/5 - 560pp
    [ABANDONED: Trite]
  42. April 7th: The Merry Men by Robert Louis Stevenson - £0.02 - 3/5 - 219pp
    [ABANDONED. No enthusiasm for it.]
  43. April 9th: To End in Fire by David Weber and Eric Flint - £3.97 - 5/5 - 668pp
    Good continuation of the grand story
  44. April 13th: A New Clan by David Weber and Jane Lindskold - £3.97 - 5/5 - 319pp
    Fun prequel adventures
  45. April 15th: Against a Dark Background by Iain M. Banks - £0.99 - 3/5 - 452pp
    A bit dull. A technological civilisation several thousand years old, but dull.
  46. April 23rd: Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker - £3.99 - 5/5 - 345pp
    Authoritative, interesting and informative
  47. April 26th: A Girl Called Justice by Elly Griffiths. - £0.99 - 5/5 - 140pp
    A fun YA detective mystery.
  48. April 28th: A Cat's Guide to Bonding with Dragons by Chris Behrsin - Free - 3/5 - 252pp
    OK, interesting. Doesn't quite work, but willing to try the next one...
  49. April 30th: A Cat's Guide to Meddling with Magic by Chris Behrsin - Free - 3/5 - 2632pp
    OK, but too much Deus ex Machina. I won't continue the series.
  50. May 3rd: Sharpe's Command by Bernard Cornwell - £0.99 - 5/5 - 202pp
    Excellent, as expected
  51. May 7th: A Thousand Ships by Natalie Haynes - £1.99 - 5/5 - 263pp
    Greek Myth's Rozencrantz and Guildenstern. Brilliant
  52. May 10th: The Loving Cup by Winston Graham - £0.99 - 5/5 - 418pp
    Further adventures of the Poldark Clan. Great fun.
  53. May 16th: Bleeding Heart Yard by Ellie Griffiths - £0.99 - 5/5 - 267pp
    Good mystery with Harbinder Kaur
  54. May 17th: Disobedient by Elizabeth Fremantle - £0.99 - - 309pp
    Excellent fictionalised biography of the early years of Artemisia Gentiles chi
  55. May 19th: The Bronze God of Rhodes by Harry Turtledove - Free - 5/5 - 365pp
    Another excellent work of historical fiction
  56. May 26th: Posey the Monster Slayer by Cory Doctorow - £0.80 - 4/5 - 23pp
    Cute kids picture book
  57. May 26th: The Canadian Miracle by Cory Doctorow - £0.80 - 5/5 - 21pp
    Excellent near-future SF
  58. May 26th: For The Win by Cory Doctorow - £0.80 - 5/5 - 374pp
    Excellent near-future SF
  59. May 29th: The Twisted Sword by Winston Graham - £0.99 - 5/5 - 483pp
    Wonderful historic soap opera.
  60. June 2nd: The Great Deceiver by Ellie Griffiths - £0.99 - 5/5 - 234pp
    Great quick read
  61. June 4th: Divine Might by Natalie Haynes - £0.99 - 3/5 - 253pp
    No overall story, just tales of the various goddesses
  62. June 10th: Nine Princes in Amber - £1.40 - 5/5 - 143pp
    Excellent story. A few typos in this copy. A re-read
  63. June 12th: The Guns of Avalon - £1.40 - 5/5 - 171pp
    Excellent story. A few typos in this copy. A re-read
  64. June 14th: The Book of Love - £0.99 - 4/5 - 611pp
    Interesting. Weird. A bit wordy.
  65. June 18th: Still Life by Sarah Winman - £5.49 - 3/5 - 343pp
    Horrid typography, mildly interesting characters, weird fantasy element
  66. June 21st: Chess with a Dragon by David Gerrold - £1.59 - 4/5 - 111pp
    Good novella that could have done with a bit of tweaking
  67. June 22nd: Sign of the Unicorn by Roger Zelazny - £0.33 - 5/5 - 143pp
    More mysterious happenings in Amber, and some resolutions
  68. June 23rd: Tai-Pan by James Clavell - £1.49 - 5/5 - 665pp
    Excellent story set at the founding to the Hong Kong colony.
  69. June 28th: A Fatal Flying Affair by T E Kinsey - £0.99 - 5/5 - 230pp
  70. June 29th: Rotten to the Core by T E Kinsey - £0.99 - 5/5 - 245pp
    Two excellent cozy murder mysteries
  71. June 30th: Murder in Canton by Robert Van Gulik - £0.79 - 5/5 - 194pp
    Excellent. Judge Dee recognises his limitations.
  72. July 1st: The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle - £0.99 - 4/5 - 187pp
    Very good fantasy, but not quite my style
  73. July 4th: Penric and the Bandit by Lois McMaster Bujold - £2.99 - 5/5 - 90pp
  74. July 5th: An Act of Foul Play by T E Kinsey - £0.99 - 5/5 - 228pp
    Expected fun cozy murder mystery
  75. July 7th: The Joy and Light Bus Company by Alexander McCall Smith - £0.99 - 4/5 - 179pp
    OK, but the series might have gone on too long.
  76. July 10th: The Hand of Oberon by Roger Zelazny - £0.33 - 5/5 - 143pp
    Good stuff.
  77. July 12th: Ashes of Honor by Seanan McGuire - £0.55 - 5/5 - 313pp
    Good stuff.
  78. July 13th: Chimes at Midnight by Seanan McGuire - £0.55 - 5/5 - 311pp
    Good stuff.
  79. July 15th: Full of Briars by Seanan McGuire - £0.55 - 5/5 - 47pp
    Good stuff.
  80. July 16th: The Winter Long by Seanan McGuire - £0.55 - 5/5 - 285pp
  81. July 17th: A Fire at the Exhibition by T E Kinsey - £0.99 - 5/5 - 249pp
    More fun in Edwardian England
  82. July 19th: A Red-Rose Chain by Seanan McGuire - £0.55 - 5/5 - 301pp
  83. July 21st: Pocket Apocalypse by Seanan McGuire - £0.55 - 5/5 - 293pp
  84. July 23th: Once Broken Faith by Seanan McGuire - £0.55 - 5/5 - 348pp
    More fun with Faerie and with cryptids
  85. July 24th: Scottish Folk Tales of Coast and Sea - £0.99 - 3/5 - 152pp
    A good collection, but very plain, as tales probably were.
  86. July 26th: The Crossing Places by Elly Griffiths - £1.99 - 5/5 - 231pp
    Better than I remembered. a re-read
  87. July 27th: The Brightest Fell by Seanan McGuire - £0.55 - 5/5 - 359pp
    Great fun
  88. July 28th: Night and Silence by Seanan McGuire - £0.55 - 5/5 - 351pp
    More great fun
  89. July 29th: Chaos Choreography by Seanan McGuire - £0.55 - 5/5 - 313pp
    Fun with dance competitions and cryptids
  90. July 31st: The Death of Nnanji by Dave Duncan - £0.99 - 5/5 - 295pp
    A very satisfying conclusion to the story
  91. August 1st: Desperate Undertaking by Lindsey Davis - £0.99 - 3/5 - 356pp
    An odd start, and a bit odd throughout
  92. August 3rd: The Wages of Sin by Harry Turtledove - Free - 3/5 - 266pp
    Didn't really work for me.
  93. August 5th: The Broken Bridge by Philip Pullman - £1.99 - 3/5 - 168pp
  94. August 5th: The Unkindest Tide by Seanan McGuire - £0.55 - 5/5 - 354pp
    Excellent stuff
  95. August 7th: Harbinger by Wen Spencer - £3.97 - 4/5 - 397pp
    Great, but a confusing set of characters, and a cliffhanger
  96. August 9th: An Assassination on the Agenda by T E Kinsey - £0.99 - 5/5 - 249pp
    Great fun as usual
  97. August 10th: Lud-In-The-Mist by Hope Mirrlees - £0.99 - 4/5 - 255pp
    Weird and strange, and unlike any other Fairyland fantasy I've read.
  98. August 13th: Claudius the God by Robert Graves - £1.99 - 5/5 - 510pp
    Absolutely excellent. I especially liked the way his death was handled
  99. August 15th: Ice Blue by Emma Jameson - Free - 4/5 - 199pp
    Light police procedural and romance. Fun.
  100. August 16th: A Killing Frost by Seanan McGuire - £0.55 - 5/5 - 350pp
    I'm still enjoying this series
  101. August 17th: When Sorrows Come by Seanan McGuire - £0.55 - 5/5 - 368pp
    So much so, I went straight on to the next one. Fun.
  102. August 18th: Magic for Nothing by Seanan McGuire - £0.55 - 5/5 - 320pp
    And one from her other series
  103. August 19th: Tricks for Free by Seanan McGuire - £0.55 - 5/5 - 382pp
    And another
  104. August 20th: Few are Chosen by M. T. McGuire - Free - 3/5 - 341pp
    Some fun bits, but unconvincing. And not a complete story in a bigger arc.
  105. August 21st: That Ain't Witchcraft by Seanan McGuire - £0.55 - 5/5 - 371pp
    Back to a series with a complete novel in an overall series story
  106. August 22nd: Fatal Legacy by Lindsey Davis - £0.99 - 4/5 - 347pp
    OK, but not her best.
  107. August 25th: Imaginary Numbers by Seanan McGuire - £0.55 - 5/5 - 357pp
    Another viewpoint, excellent stuff, but continuing the story straight into...
  108. August 26th: Calculated Risks by Seanan McGuire - £0.55 - 5/5 - 365pp
    Fun stuff.
  109. August 27th: The Antique Hunter's Guide to Murder by C. L. Miller - Free - 1/5 - 335pp
    [ABANDONED. Not good enough]
  110. August 29th: By The Sword by Mercedes Lackey - Free - 5/5 - 430pp
    Excellent book linking up parts of the tale into a whole.
  111. August 31st: Winds of Fate by Mercedes Lackey - £0.58 - 5/5 - 338pp
    Great follow-on from By the Sword
  112. September 2nd: Winds of Change by Mercedes Lackey - £0.58 - 5/5 - 365pp
    Ends at a place I'm happy to break from the story for a bit
  113. September 4th: The Paris Affair by Anton Du Beke - £0.99 - 4/5 - 384pp
    Light romance/spy romp
  114. September 5th: Winds of Fury by Mercedes Lackey - £0.58 - 5/5 - 298pp
    Excellent Fantasy
  115. September 7th: The Lost Plot by Genevieve Cogman - £0.99 - 5/5 - 285pp
    Another excellent, but completely different, Fantasy
  116. September 8th: The Clutter Corpse by Simon Brett - £0.99 - 3/5 - 189pp
    It was OK, but I found the main character's actions to be odd.
  117. September 9th: Leadership by Henry Kissenger - £5.99 - 4/5 - 580pp
    A fascinating look at six post-war leaders
  118. September 18th: Between Two Thorns by Emma Newman - Free - 4/5 - 285pp
    I enjoyed the re-read. On to the rest:
  119. September 20th: Any Other Name by Emma Newman - £1.99 - 4/5 - 289pp
    Second part of long story, on to the next:
  120. September 22nd: All Is Fair by Emma Newman - £0.99 - 5/5 - 300pp
    Third part of long story, on to the next:
  121. September 23rd: A Little Knowledge by Emma Newman - £0.99 - 5/5 - 308pp
    Good continuation of the story. I'll see if the last one drops in price
  122. September 25th: More Than Human by Theodore Sturgeon - Free - 4/5 - 188pp
    Very good psychic SF story
  123. September 26th: Winter's Gifts by Ben Aaronovitch - £2.99 - 5/5 - 154pp
    A tale from across the pond. Excellent.
  124. September 27th: A Song of Comfortable Chairs by Alexander McCall Smith - £0.99 - 4/5 - 167pp
    More soap opera and less mystery than I'd like.
  125. September 29th: The Phantom of the Temple by Robert Van Gulik - £0.73 - 5/5 - 166pp
    Another good mystery with Judge Dee
  126. October 1st: What If... by Seanan McGuire - £0.99 - 4/5 - 289pp
    Superheroes aren't really my thing, but good fun.
  127. October 3rd: Arcanum 101 by Mercedes Lackey and Rosemark Edghill - £1.59 - 3/5 - 159pp
    An OK YA
  128. October 5th: The Last Word by Elly Griffiths - £0.99 - 4/5 - 259pp
    Slightly unbelievable, but fun.
  129. October 6th: Lent by Jo Walton - £2.99 - 5/5 - 344pp
  130. October 6th: Storm Warning by Mercedes Lackey - £0.86 - 5/5 - 336pp
  131. October 8th: Storm Rising by Mercedes Lackey - £0.86 - 5/5 - 307pp
  132. October 9th: Storm Breaking by Mercedes Lackey - £0.86 - 5/5 - 379pp
    Good trilogy continuation of the Valdemar series
  133. October 10th: Highway of Eternity by Clifford D. Simak - £0.99 - 4/5 - 233pp
    Interesting, but not quite satisfying.
  134. October 12th: Some Desperate Glory by Emily Tesh - £0.99 - 5/5 - 377pp
    EXCELLENT SF. An author to look out for.
  135. October 14th: The Amateur Cracksman by E W Horning - Free - 4/5 - 130pp
    Worth the time to read.
  136. October 16th: From a Far and Lovely Country by Alexander McCall Smith - £0.99 - 4/5 - 179pp
    Usual gentle detection
  137. October 18th: Godmersham Park by Gill Hornby - £0.99 - 4/5 - 376pp
    Interesting historical fiction, not enough separate of fact from fiction
  138. October 20th: The Tainted Cup by Robert Jackson Bennett - £0.99 - 5/5 - 358pp
    Excellent Fantasy Mystery
  139. October 21st: Rounding the Mark by Andrea Camilleri - £0.99 - 5/5 - 181pp
    Excellent, but a bit grim
  140. October 23rd: Gaudy Night by Dorothy L. Sayers - £0.67 - 5/5 - 409pp
    Excellent mystery, nice to see a lot more of Harriet Vane
  141. October 26th: The Demolished Man by Alfred Bester - £0.58 - 3/5 - 193pp
    I won the first Hugo, but it hasn't aged well.
  142. October 29th: The Misted Cliffs by Catharine Asaro - £3.49 - 3/5 - 273pp
    Average fantasy with too much tell at the start
  143. October 31st: The Dawn Star by Catharine Asaro - £3.49 - 3/5 - 331pp
    Shows improvement, although still a little too much telling.
  144. November 1st: Shadows over Baker Street edited by M. Reaves and J. Pelan - £0.99 - 3/5 - 366pp
    One or two good stories, but not brilliant.
  145. November 6th: Odds Against by Dick Francis - £0.99 - 5/5 - 225pp
    Excellent horse-racing based thriller from 1964/5
  146. November 8th: Necessity by Jo Walton - £2.99 - 5/5 - 268pp
    An excellent conclusion
  147. November 10th: Defiant by Brandon Sanderson - £0.99 - 4/5 - 382pp
    A reasonable conclusion
  148. November 10th: Death on the Tiber by Lindsey Davis - £0.99 - 2/5 - 350pp
    [ABANDONED 75% of the way through. I just didn't care about it.]
  149. November 16th: Starter Villain by John Scalzi - £0.99 - 5/5 - 237pp
    Brilliant, as expected.
  150. November 16th: Scarlet by Genevieve Cogman - Free - 5/5 - 275pp
    Great fun. A good tale well told.
  151. November 17th: Dead Souls by Ian Rankin - £0.99 - 4/5 - 424pp
    A solid Rebus story
  152. November 21st: The Screwtape Letters by C. S. Lewis - £5.99 - 4/5 - 136pp
    One star off for actually meaning it
  153. November 23rd: The Fire Opal by Catharine Asaro - £3.49 - 3/5 - 252pp
    A perfectly fine quick fantasy romance
  154. November 24th: Catwings by Ursula K. Le Guin - £0.71 - 3/5 - 35pp
  155. November 24th: Catwings Returns by Ursula K. Le Guin - £0.71 - 3/5 - 35pp
    Simplistic children's tales.
  156. November 24th: Lightspeed Magazine #8 - £0.58 - 4/5 - 253pp
    Some good original short fiction
  157. November 25th: Wonderful Alexander and the Catwings by Ursula K. Le Guin - £0.71 - 4/5 - 28pp
  158. November 25th: Jane On Her Own by Ursula K. Le Guin - £0.71 - 4/5 - 32pp
    Slightly better than the first two, IMO.
  159. November 25th: Very Far Away From Anywhere Else by Ursula K. Le Guin - £0.70 - 5/5 - 45pp
    Excellent coming of age story
  160. November 24th: Lightspeed Magazine #9 - £0.58 - 4/5 - 203pp
    Some good short stories
  161. November 26th: The Diary of a Bookseller by Shaun Bythell - £5.49 - 4/5 - 561pp
    Amusing, but a bit repetitive after a while, as is natural in a diary
  162. December 1st: The Chrysalids by John Wyndham - £0.99 - 5/5 - 214pp
    Excellent long-after apocalypse novel
  163. December 2nd:The Courts of Chaos by Roger Zelazny - £ 0.33 - 5/5 - 127pp
    A satisfying half-way point.
  164. December 4th: A Stroke of the Pen by Terry Pratchett - £1.99 - 5/5 - 189pp
    Wonderful and fascinating early Pratchett
  165. December 6th: The Ministry of Time by ??? - £0.99 - 3/5 - ???pp
    A Time-travel story that doesn't care about time-travel
  166. December 8th: A Civil Contract by Georgette Heyer - £1.20 - 5/5 - 342pp
  167. December 9th: The Nonesuch by Georgette Heyer - £1.20 - 5/5 - 273pp
    Both excellent fun
  168. December 10th: Back to the Bedroom by Janet Evanovich - Free - 3/5 - 117pp
    Light romance, almost a farce
  169. December 11th: E is for Evidence by Sue Grafton - Free - 4/5 - 200pp
    Very good contemporary PI thriller - from 1988
  170. December 13th: The Midnight Folk by John Masefield - £3.99 - 5/5 - 155pp
    What a splendid fantasy story!
  171. December 14th: While the Light Lasts by Agatha Christie - £0.43 - 3/5 - 156pp
    Original versions of some later novellas. Some interesting tidbits.
  172. December 16th: Deeds of Youth by Elizabeth Moon - £1.44 - - 124pp
    Some enjoyable short stories in the Paksenarrion universe
  173. December 17th: The Body on the Beach by Simon Brett - £0.99 - 4/5 - 244pp
    Light cozy murder mystery
  174. December 19th: Death on the Downs by Simon Brett - £0.99 - 4/5 - 272pp
  175. December 21st: Islands' Nights Entertainment by Robert Louis Stevenson - £0.02 - 4/5 - 120pp
    Good stories, but with depictions of terrible racism.
  176. December 24th: The Case of the Missing Books by Ian Sansom - £0.99 - 2/5 - 209pp
    I didn't take to any of the characters
  177. December 26th: The Cask by Freeman Wills Crofts - £0.99 - 4/5 - 303pp
    A good classic murder mystery
  178. December 28th: Walkaway by Cory Doctorow - £0.80 - 5/5 - 403pp
    Excellent near-future SF
  179. December 30th: The Serpent's Tail by Sarah A. Hoyt - Free - 3/5 - 19pp
    OK Time-travel story
  180. December 31st: Castor by Sarah A. Hoyt - Free - 3/5 - 17pp
    OK cloning SF story
  181. December 31st: With Her Eyes by Cixin Liu - Free - 3/5 - 24pp
    OK SF story
  182. December 31st: Curse 5.0 by Cixin Liu - Free - 3/5 - 25pp
    OK SF story
  183. December 31st: Grace Immaculate by Gregory Benford - Free - 2/5 - 19pp
    Poor SF/Religion story
  184. December 31st: Emerging Legacy by Doranna Durgin - Free - 4/5 - 18pp
    Good coming of age fantasy story
  185. December 31st: Defender 1 by Neil Gaiman et al. - Free - 1/5 - 16pp
    Campaigning Magazine
  186. December 31st: Sculpture Stories by Neil Gaiman - £0.58 - 3/5 - 15pp
    OK fantasy/horror short stories
  187. December 31st: Rare Bit Fiends by Neil Gaiman - £0.58 - 3/5 - 11pp
    Dreams don't make good stories
  188. December 31st: Fortunately, The Milk... by Neil Gaiman - £1.09 - 4/5 - 38pp
    Delightful children's story
  189. December 31st: Love, Fishie by Maddy and Neil Gaiman - £0.58 - 2/5 - 41pp
    Very good for an 8-year-old

Books added to TBR

Freebies (Unread)
  1. January 26th: The Real Deal by Caitlin Devlin
  2. January 26th: The Bad Weather Friend by Dean Koontz
  3. March 3rd: The Tiger in the Attic by Edith Milton
  4. March 27th: The Mouse on Wall Street by Leonard Wibberley
  5. April 19th: A Cat's Guide to Bonding with Dragons by Chris Behrsin
  6. April 19th: A Cat's Guide to Meddling with Magic by Chris Behrsin
  7. April 19th: A Cat's Guide to Saving the Kingdom by Chris Behrsin (discarded)
  8. May 2nd: The Bronze God of Rhodes by L. Sprague de Camp
  9. August 1st: The Wages of Sin by Harry Turtledove
  10. August 13th: Ice Blue by Emma Jameson
  11. August 13th: Blue Blooded by Emma Jameson
  12. August 24th: The Antique Hunter's Guide to Murder
  13. August 29th: By The Sword by Mercedes Lackey
  14. September 2nd: Ruth's First Christmas Tree by Elly Griffiths
  15. September 23rd: More than Human by Theodore Sturgeon
  16. October 5th: Reinstated Prelude to Foundation
  17. October 12th: Something Blue by Emma Jameson
  18. October 28th: Scarlet by Genevieve Cogman
  19. December 3rd: Blue Christmas by Emma Jameson
  20. December 11th: The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame
  21. December 12th: Three Stories by L. E. Modesitt
  22. December 17th: Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell
  23. December 21st: Sex on the Kitchen Table by Normal C. Ellstand (not added to TBR)

Bought (Unread)
  • January (7/£19.43): A Fire at the Exhibition, The Book of Lost Tales 1, To Say Nothing of the Dog, Demon Daughter, Stone Blind, A Sultry Month, The Venetian Game
  • February (8/£14.70): Dawn of the Dreadfuls, Dreadfully Ever After, Master of the Five Magics, Fatal Legacy, Dawnshard, Vengeance in Venice, The Collapsium, Goodnight, Mr James & Other Stories
  • March (22/£21.30): Rapture Of The Nerds, Lost Cause, Lawful Interception, Homeland, Poesy The Monster Slayer, Canadian Miracle, Little Brother, For The Win, Attack Surface, Red Team Blues, Walkaway, Eastern Standard Tribe, Party Discipline, Pirate Cinema, Radicalized, Makers, Someone Comes To Town—Someone Leaves Town, Down And Out In The Magic Kingdom, Bleeding Heart Yard, The Ghost of a Model T, Dusty Zebra, The Thing in the Stone
  • April (8/£18.88): Against a Dark Background, The Left Hand of Darkness, A New Clan, To End in Fire, A Girl Called Justice, Murder in Williamstown, Why We Sleep, I Am Crying All Inside
  • May (5/£6.95): Sharpe's Command, A Thousand Ships, Disobedient, Foundation's Edge, The Big Front Yard
  • June (14/£20.59): Forward the Foundation, Divine Might, Chronicles of Amber (Nine Princes in Amber, The Guns of Avalon, Sign of the Unicorn, The Hand of Oberon, The Courts of Chaos), The Untold Story, The Great Deceiver, Owlflight, No Life of Their Own, Chess with a Dragon, The Book of Love, Still Life, Owlkinight
  • July (11/£16.29): The Last Unicorn, From a Far and Lovely Country, In a House of Lies, Penric and the Bandit, A Little Knowledge, An Assassination on the Agenda, The Shipshape Miracle, Scottish Folk Tales of the Coast and Sea, Foundation and Chaos, New Folks' Home, The Death of Nnanji
  • August (16/£24.32): No Reserve, Gryphon in Light, A Desperate Undertaking, A Song for Dark Times, Claudius The God, The Broken Bridge, Harbinger, Lud-in-the-Mist, The Ultimate Discworld Companion, A Death in the House, Any Other Name, Blood Sport, Slay Ride, King Rat, Whirlwind, Noble House
  • September (8/£14.92): The Clutter Corpse, The Lost Plot, The Man in Black and Other Stories, A Heart Full of Headstones, The Paris Affair, Leadership, All is Fair, Winter's Gifts
  • October (18/£20.42): What If..., The Last Word, Arcanum 101, Lent, Foundation and Earth, Patriot Games, The Cardinal of the Kremlin, Clear and Present Danger, Debt of Honor, Executive Orders, The Bear and the Dragon, Highway of Eternity, Some Desperate Glory, Tales of High Hallack 1, The Tainted Cup, Earth For Inspiration, Tales from High Hallack 2, Shadows over Baker Street
  • November (32/£41.12): Starter Villain, Necessity, Defiant, Odds Against, Death on the Tiber, Always Coming Home, Catwings, Catwings Return, Wonderful Alexander and the Catwings, Jane on Her Own, Changing Planes, Finding My Elegy, Gifts, Voices, Powers, Lavinia, No Time to Spare, Steering the Craft, The Language of the Night, The Unreal and the Real, The Telling, The Wind’s Twelve Quarters, The Lathe Of Heaven, Very Far Away from Anywhere Else, Voices, Words Are My Matter, The Diary of a Bookseller, Excession, Matter, Inversions, Look to Windward, At the Gates of Darkness
  • December (10/£17.25): The Ministry of Time, A Stroke of the Pen, Agatha Raisin and Kissing Christmas Goodbye, Super-Infinite, The Midnight Folk, Deeds of Youth, The Body on the Beach, Death on the Downs, The Cask, The Case of the Missing Books

TBR: 671
Books read: 189 (includes 26 freebies, 5 re-reads)
Books otherwise removed from TBR pile: 1 (0 read previously, 1 discarded)

Books removed from TBR pile: 185
Books added to TBR pile: 175 (includes 22 freebies, 1 omnibuses counted as 5, 1 reinstated)
Removed/Added: 1.06
Net reduction for 2023: 10

Non-free books read: 163 (includes 4 re-reads)
Total cost of books read: £215.64
Average cost of books read: £1.32

Non-free books bought: 159 (includes 7 not added to TBR, 1 omnibuses counted as 5)
Total cost of books bought: £235.10
Average cost of books bought: £1.48

Rating System:
1: Bad.
2: Poor. (Or just not to my taste.)
3: Satisfactory.
4: Good.
5: Excellent.

Pages are as given by the ADE algorithm in Calibre, or from the Amazon web page.

Last edited by pdurrant; 12-31-2024 at 07:44 AM. Reason: started and finished Love, Fishie
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Old 12-04-2023, 04:05 AM   #4
Uncle Robin
Diligent dilettante
Uncle Robin ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Uncle Robin ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Uncle Robin ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Uncle Robin ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Uncle Robin ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Uncle Robin ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Uncle Robin ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Uncle Robin ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Uncle Robin ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Uncle Robin ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Uncle Robin ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.
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Location: in my mind
Device: Kobo Sage; Kobo Libra H2O
Primary goals:

Read no more than 210 books - as I will not finish 47 books in the next 57 or so days, I'm calling this one DONE

Read no fewer than 36 nonfiction books. 42 DONE

Ten of them will be my picks for the 2024 StoryGraph Reads the World Challenge (my picks in the screenshot) DONE

Complete the MobileRead Users 2024 TBR Reduction Challenge DONE

Read at least the two non-English books in the screenshot. Only half done. The history of San Marino was manageable, Gulzar will have to be next year.
Attached Thumbnails
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Last edited by Uncle Robin; 11-03-2024 at 06:48 PM.
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Old 12-04-2023, 07:05 AM   #5
DrNefario ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.DrNefario ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.DrNefario ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.DrNefario ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.DrNefario ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.DrNefario ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.DrNefario ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.DrNefario ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.DrNefario ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.DrNefario ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.DrNefario ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.
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Posts: 2,164
Karma: 12000000
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: UK
Device: Kindle, Kobo Touch, Nook SimpleTouch
Read twice as many books as I buy. (May: Excluding Bundles)
Revised targets: Gold = 2x, Silver = 1.5x, Bronze = 1x

Bought: 57
Bundles: 1.5 (125 + 6 books - the 0.5 bundle is mixed media)
Borrowed: 21
Free: 52

Read: 70 - BRONZE
Expired: 2

Books read:
1. The Last Blade Priest - W P Wiles (k) - 547
2. Titanium Noir - Nick Harkaway (k) - 261
3. The Winter King - Bernard Cornwell (k) - 488
4. Blackstone Fortress - Darius Hinks (e) - 244
5. Hell Bent - Leigh Bardugo (h) - 478
6. Roboteer - Alex Lamb (k) - 425
7. Master of the Five Magics - Lyndon Hardy (k) - 410
8. Newcomer - Keigo Higashino (p) - 322
9. Home from the Sea - Mercedes Lackey (e) - 311
10. The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories - Angela Carter (k) - 167
11. The Rook - Daniel O'Malley (k) - 481
12. The Thief - Megan Whalen Turner (k) - 218
13. Round the Bend - Nevil Shute (h) - 362
14. The Siege of Skyhold - John Bierce (k) - 463
15. The White Tiger - Aravind Adiga (k) - 275
16. The Justice of Kings - Richard Swan (k) - 413
17. Provenance - Ann Leckie (k) - 438
18. The Spirit Thief - Rachel Aaron (k) - 352
19. Tokyo Express - Seicho Matsumoto (k) - 149
20. The Green Man's Foe - Juliet E McKenna (k) - 366
21. Decision at Thunder Rift - William H Keith Jr (e) - 302
22. The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle - Stuart Turton (e) - 402
23. The Gathering Storm - Robert Jordan & Brandon Sanderson (k) - 825
24. Wool 4: The Unraveling (novella) - Hugh Howey (k) - 125
25. Wool 5: The Stranded (novella) - Hugh Howey (k) - 181
26. Sorcerer to the Crown - Zen Cho (k) - 378
27. The Mill House Murders - Yukito Ayatsuji (k) - 247
28. Board Games in 100 Moves - Ian Livingstone & James Wallis (h) - 169
29. The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi - Shannon Chakraborty (e) - 415
30. Mercenary's Star - William H Keith Jr (e) - 378
31. The Village of Eight Graves - Seishi Yokomizo (k) - 349
32. Nine Princes in Amber - Roger Zelazny (p) - 190 (reread)
33. The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August - Claire North (k) - 404
34. Trillions - Nicholas Fisk (k) - 99
35. Moonstorm - Yoon Ha Lee (e) - 352
36. Tongue Eater - John Bierce (k) - 504
37. Wine of Violence - Priscilla Royal (e) - 218
38. The Knight of the Swords - Michael Moorcock (p) - 193 (reread)
39. Dungeon Crawler Carl - Matt Dinniman (k) - 432
40. Incursion - Sarah Hawke (k) - 240
41. An Alien Heat - Michael Moorcock (k) - 178 (reread)
42. Bound (short) - Mark Lawrence (k) - 44
43. Reign & Ruin - J D Evans (k) - 395
44. Dragonfall 5 and the Empty Planet - Brian Earnshaw (w) - 96
45. Green for Danger - Christianna Brand (k) - 245
46. Dungeon Diving 101 - Bruce Sentar (k) - 393
47. Goodnight Irene - James Scott Byrnside (k) - 249
48. The Black Lizard - Edogawa Rampo (k) - 176
49. Beast in the Shadows - Edogawa Rampo (k) - 100
50. Road Racer - Michael Dunlop (k) - 277
51. Atlas Alone - Emma Newman (k) - 305
52. The Atlas Six - Olivie Blake (k) - 373
53. The Price of Glory - William H Keith Jr (e) - 332
54. Doctor Who and the Auton Invasion - Terrance Dicks (k) - 156
55. Bullet Train - Kotaro Isaka (k) - 451
56. Crisis on Conshelf Ten - Monica Hughes (w) - 143
57. The Curse of the Mistwraith - Janny Wurts (i) - 800
58. Godkiller - Hannah Kaner (e) - 290
59. The Last Devil to Die - Richard Osman (h) - 417
60. Alien Clay - Adrian Tchaikovsky (k) - 388
61. Doctor Who and the Dalek Invasion of Earth (k) - 142
62. Siege and Storm - Leigh Bardugo (k) - 382
63. Gate of Ivrel - CJ Cherryh (w) - 191
64. Some Desperate Glory - Emily Tesh (k) - 436
65. The Inugami Curse - Seishi Yokomizo (k) - 316
66. Street Cultivation - Sarah Lin (k) - 390
67. Defiant - Brandon Sanderson (k) - 413
68. Gateway - Frederik Pohl (p) - 276
69. Sixteen Ways to Defend a Walled City - K J Parker (k) - 376
70. The Moon Raiders - Patrick Moore (p) - 124

Monthly Breakdown:
Free: 2
Read: 3 (£2.78)
Pages: 1296

Bought: 6 (£5.73)
Borrowed: 3
Free: 2
Read: 5 (£5.27)
Pages: 1879

Free: 7
Read: 6 (£3.96)
Pages: 2002

Bought: 4 (£3.77)
Bundles: 1 (125 books @ £23.78)
Free: 1
Read: 6 (£7.28)
Pages: 1993

Bought: 7 (£71.98)
Borrowed: 1
Read: 3 (£5.49)
Pages: 1529

Bought: 8 (£13.22)
Borrowed: 1
Read: 6 (£18.00)
Pages: 1515

Bought: 7 (£12.45)
Read: 6 (£7.96)
Pages: 1772

Bought: 4 (£7.96)
Borrowed: 10
Free: 1
Read: 7 (£1.65)
Pages: 1809

Bought: 3 (£5.97)
Borrowed: 5
Free: 4
Read: 10 (£2.99)
Expired: 2
Pages: 2611

Bought: 11 (£19.34)
Free: 4
Read: 4 (£3.19)
Pages: 1082

Bought: 1 (£0.99)
Borrowed: 1
Free: 30
Read: 5 (£2.19)
Pages: 2037

Bought: 6 (£9.94)
Free: 1
Read: 9 (£11.34)
Pages: 2804


1. Buy It, Read It. Start at least 75% of the books I buy.
Revised targets: Gold 75%, Silver 66%, Bronze 50%
Current total: 29/57 (51%) - BRONZE

2. King of the Mountains. My 5 longest books should total over 3000 pages.
Current total: 3164 - COMPLETED

825 - The Gathering Storm - Robert Jordan & Brandon Sanderson
800 - The Curse of the Mistwraith - Janny Wurts
547 - The Last Blade Priest - W P Wiles
504 - Tongue Eater - John Bierce
488 - The Winter King - Bernard Cornwell

3. Paper Chase. Reduce my unread paper book collection.
Out: 6
In: 5
Net reduction: 1 - COMPLETED

4. Never Gonna Be Respectable. Read a classic or literary-award-adjacent book.
The White Tiger - Aravind Adiga - Booker winner, 2008

5. He Scores. Read a book by Nevil Shute. This is a bit of an annual tradition since I inherited my father's collection, so I thought I would make it official. COMPLETED
Round the Bend - Nevil Shute (h) - 362

6. And Then. Series points challenge. 1 point for a sequel, 2 points if it's a serial rather than a disconnected sequel, 3 points for the last book in a serial or defined set. -1 for the first book in a series. 0 for the first book in a sub-series. Target: 15 points.
Current total: 9 - FAILED

-1 - The Last Blade Priest - W P Wiles - Last Blade Priest #1
-1 - The Winter King - Bernard Cornwell - Warlord Chronicles #1
-1 - Blackstone Fortress - Darius Hinks - Blackstone Fortress #1 of 2, Warhammer 40K
1 - Hell Bent - Leigh Bardugo - Ninth House #2
-1 - Master of the Five Magics - Lyndon Hardy - Magic by the Numbers #1
1 - Newcomer - Keigo Higashino - Detective Kaga #2 (#6)
-1 - Home from the Sea - Mercedes Lackey - Elemental Masters #7 (first read)
-1 - The Rook - Daniel O'Malley - Chequy Files #1
-1 - The Thief - Megan Whalen Turner - Queen's Thief #1
2 - The Siege of Skyhold - John Bierce - Mage Errant #5 of 7
-1 - The Justice of Kings - Richard Swan - Empire of the Wolf #1 of 3
-1 - The Spirit Thief - Rachel Aaron - Eli Monpress #1
1 - The Green Man's Foe - Juliet E McKenna - Green Man #2
-1 - Decision at Thunder Rift - William H Keith Jr - Gray Death Legion #1 of 3
2 - The Gathering Storm - Robert Jordan & Brandon Sanderson - Wheel of Time #12 of 14
2 - Wool 4: The Unraveling - Hugh Howey - Wool #4 of 5 (Silo #0.8 of 3)
3 - Wool 5: The Stranded - Hugh Howey - Wool #5 of 5 (Silo #1 of 3)
-1 - Sorcerer to the Crown - Zen Cho - Sorcerer to the Crown #1
1 - The Mill House Murders - Yukito Ayatsuji - Mansion Murders #2
2 - Mercenary's Star - William H Keith Jr - Gray Death Legion #2 of 3
1 - The Village of Eight Graves - Seishi Yokomizo - Kindaichi #3
-1 - Moonstorm - Yoon Ha Lee - Lancers #1
2 - Tongue Eater - John Bierce - Mage Errant #6 of 7
-1 - Wine of Violence - Priscilla Royal - Medieval Mysteries #1
-1 - Dungeon Crawler Carl - Matt Dinniman - Dungeon Crawler Carl #1 of ?
-1 - Incursion - Sarah Hawke - The Lost Fleet #1 of 4(?)
-1 - Reign & Ruin - J D Evans - Mages of the Wheel #1 of 6
1 - Green for Danger - Christianna Brand - Inspector Cockrill #2
-1 - Dungeon Diving 101 - Bruce Sentar - Dungeon Diving #1 of ?
-1 - Goodnight Irene - James Scott Byrnside - Impossible Crimes #1
-1 - The Black Lizard - Edogawa Rampo - Kogoro Akechi
3 - Atlas Alone - Emma Newman - Planetfall #4 of 4
-1 - The Atlas Six - Olivie Blake - Atlas Six #1 of ?
3 - The Price of Glory - William H Keith Jr - Gray Death Legion #3 of 3
1 - Doctor Who and the Auton Invasion - Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who
-1 - Bullet Train - Kotaro Isaka - Hitman
-1 - The Curse of the Mistwraith - Janny Wurts - Wars of Light and Shadow #1 of 11
-1 - Godkiller - Hannah Kaner - Godkiller #1 of 3
1 - The Last Devil to Die - Richard Osman - Thursday Murder Club #4
1 - Doctor Who and the Dalek Invasion of Earth - Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who
2 - Siege and Storm - Leigh Bardugo - Grisha #2 of 3
1 - The Inugami Curse - Seishi Yokomizo - Kindaichi #4
-1 - Steet Cultivation - Sarah Lin - Street Cultivation #1
3 - Defiant - Brandon Sanderson - Skyward #4 of 4
-1 - Sixteen Ways to Defend a Walled City - K J Parker - Siege #1 of 3

7. Comic On. Bonus graphic novel challenge. I don't usually track my graphic novels and comics here, but I need to catch up a bit. Read 10 comics on paper and 10 digital comics.
Paper total: 10 - COMPLETED
Digital total: 10 - COMPLETED

Die vol 1: Fantasy Heartbreaker - Kieron Gillen, Stephanie Hans
w0rldtr33 vol 1: Terminal - James Tynion IV, Fernando Blanco
Fine Print vol 1 - Stjepan Sejic
Bad Machinery vol 2: The Case of the Good Boy - John Allison
Rat Queens vol 1: Sass and Sorcery - Kurtis J Weibe, Roc Upchurch
Hellboy Omnibus vol 1: Seed of Destruction - Mike Mignola
Moonshine vol 1 - Brian Azzarello, Eduardo Risso
Lazarus X+66 - Greg Rucka, Michael Lark, Various
Once & Future vol 2: Old English - Kieron Gillen, Dan Mora
Gideon Falls vol 1: The Black Barn - Jeff Lemire, Andrea Sorrentino
Scott Pilgrim vol 6: Scott Pilgrim's Finest Hour - Bryan Lee O’Malley
Astonishing X-Men vol 1 - Joss Whedon, John Cassaday
X-23: The Complete Collection vol 1 - Various
Superman: Birthright - Mark Waid, Leinil Yu
Courtney Crumrin vol 1: The Night Things - Ted Naifeh
The Tea Dragon Society - Kay O'Neill
Nikolai Dante vol 1: Too Cool to Kill - Robbie Morrison, Simon Fraser et al
Hellboy vol 3: The Chained Coffin and Others - Mike Mignola
Eden - Alain Bismut & Abel Ferry, Christopher Sebela, Marc Laming
Absalom vol 1: Ghosts of London - Gordon Rennie, Tiernen Trevallion

8. Bundleer - Ongoing attempt to get value-for-money from bundles by spreading the cost over books read. OK is under £5 (the price of an average ebook), Good is under £2 per book.

Storybundle Video Games (Dec 2020) - £23.24 - Read: 12 - Cost per book read: £1.94 - Value: Good
Storybundle Video Games 2 (Feb 2022) - £11.50 - Read: 5 - Cost per book read: £2.30 - Value: OK
Humble SF (Jul 2014) - £7.24 - Read: 3 - Cost per book read: £2.41 - Value: OK
Humble Post-Apocalypse (Mar 2015) - £10.43 - Read: 4 - Cost per book read: £2.60 - Value: OK
Humble 1 (Oct 2012) - £9.66 - Read: 3 - Cost per book read: £3.22 - Value: OK
Humble 2 (Jul 2013) - £6.87 - Read: 2 - Cost per book read: £3.44 - Value: OK
Poisoned Pen (Feb 2012) - £5.94 - Read: 1 - Cost per book read: £5.94 - Value: Poor
Humble Battletech (Apr 2024) - £23.78 - Read: 3 - Cost per book read: £7.92 - Value: Poor
Young Wizards (Jan 2012) - £21.55 - Read: 2 - Cost per book read: £10.78 - Value: Poor
Humble Modesitt (Sep 2023) - £14.42 - Read: 1 - Cost per book read: £14.42 - Value: Poor

(p) paperback, (h) hardback, (k) kindle, (e) epub, (i) ibook, (f) pdf, (a) audio, (w) web
On target, Off target, Completed

Last edited by DrNefario; 01-01-2025 at 12:15 PM.
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Old 12-04-2023, 08:59 AM   #6
Professor of Law
astrangerhere ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.astrangerhere ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.astrangerhere ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.astrangerhere ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.astrangerhere ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.astrangerhere ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.astrangerhere ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.astrangerhere ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.astrangerhere ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.astrangerhere ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.astrangerhere ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.
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Posts: 3,742
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Device: Kobo Elipsa, Kobo Libra H20, Kobo Aura One, KoboMini
These are my provisional 2024 goals:

Length Goals:
  • Total Books: 50 (stretch goal of 75)
  • Total Pages: 15,000 (stretch of 20,000)
  • Read 25 books from my ETBR (stretch of 50)
  • Read from Print-TBR: 10

Substantive Goals:
  • Read at least 51% non-American authors
  • Read more female/nonbinary authors than male authors
  • Read at least 52 short stories
  • Read at least 52 poems
  • Read at least 10 books across all our collections that are selected by my wife. It's a great way to read things I would not ordinarily do, and I almost always end up enjoying them. List of books will be added as soon as my wife selects them.

Completed Books : Storygraph List

Short Stories:
  • "Eyes, The" by Wharton, Edith
  • "Jolly Corner, The" by James, Henry
  • "That's Marriage" by Ferber, Edna

1. "Burning the New Year" by Naomi Shihab Nye, 1995
2. 'What rage or madness drives you?' by Jay Hulme, 2023
3. "Winter Song" by Wilfred Owen, 1917
4. "If Night You Were a City" by Adam Wiedewitsch, 2024
5. From “The Land” 'Shepherds and stars are quiet with the hills' by Vita Sackville-West 1926
6. "A Line-storm Song" by Robert Frost 1915
7. "Her Kind" by Anne Sexton 1962
8. "Justice Denied in Massachusetts" by Edna St. Vincent Millay 1927

Last edited by astrangerhere; 01-22-2024 at 11:11 AM.
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Old 12-04-2023, 09:08 AM   #7
o saeclum infacetum
issybird ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.issybird ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.issybird ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.issybird ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.issybird ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.issybird ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.issybird ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.issybird ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.issybird ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.issybird ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.issybird ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.
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Ancient; US history; Victorian and earlier.

Only three themes this year plus my benchmark for total books. So here they are; I link to my relevant GR threads.

Last edited by issybird; 01-01-2024 at 09:38 AM.
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Old 12-04-2023, 10:51 AM   #8
jbcohen ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.jbcohen ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.jbcohen ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.jbcohen ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.jbcohen ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.jbcohen ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.jbcohen ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.jbcohen ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.jbcohen ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.jbcohen ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.jbcohen ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.
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Last year was more sucessful for me than the previous year so I will start with a goal of 120, which is about where I finished 2023.

1) Order of Deamon Hunters volume one Order of Deamon Hunters by Eric Vall
2) Frontier Summoner volume three Fronieer Summoner 3 by Jack Bryce
3) Cullinary King volume one Cullinary King by Logan Jacobs
4) How to Hunt Ghosts and Get Girls volume two How to Hunt Ghosts and get Girls 2 by Logan Jacobs
5) Summoner School volume eight Summoner School 8 by Eric Vall
6) Prosecution Force volume one First Strike by Logan Ryles
7) Satan's Sorority Girls volume four Satan's Sorority Girls 4 by Eric Vall
8) Sherlock Homes and Lucy James volume one Last Moriarty by Charles Velley
9) Cullinary King volume two Cullinary King 2 by Logan Jacobs
10) Fear the Reaper volume one Tooth and Nail by Mark Allen
11) Time Pirate volume four Time Pirate 4 by Eric Vall
12) Dino Rider volume one Dino Rider
13) Frontier Summoner volume 6 Frontier Summoner 6 by Jack Bryce
14) Frontier Summoner volume 7 Frontier Summoner 7 by Jack Bryce
15) Jason Trapp volume four Depth Charge by Jack Slater
16) Ink Warrior volume two Ink Warrior 2 by Jack Logan
17) Looting the 13th Floor volume 8 Looting the 13th Floor 8 by Eric Vall
18) Jason Trapp volume three Flash Point by Jack Slater
19) Princess Master volume six Princess Master 6 by Eric Vall
20) Fury of the Shifter volume one Fury of the Shif by Logan Jscobs
21) Spellforge volume one Spell Forge by Logan Jacobs
22) Spellforge volume two Spellforg 2 by Logan Jacobs
23) King of Superheros volume five King of Superheros 5 by Logan Jacobs
24) Jason Trapp volume six Black Eagle by Jack Slatter
25) Spellforge volume one Spell Forge by Logan jacobs
26) Fury of the Shifter volume one Fury of the Shifter by Logan Jacobs
27) Super natural Travel Agency volume one Super natural travel agency by Dante King
28) Frontier Summoner volume eight Frontier Summoner 8 by Jack Bryce
29) Dangmerous Girls volume one Dangerous Girls Eric Vall
39) Beneath the Ashes volume one Beneath the Ashes by Misty Vixen
40) Beneath the Ashes volume two Beneath the Ashes 2 by Misty Vixen
41) Brew Master volume three Brew Master 3 by Logan Jacobs
42) Castle Coeds volume one Castle Coeds by Eric Vall
43) Frontier Summoner volume 9 Frontier Summoner 9 by Jack Bryce
44) Culinary king volume three Culinary King 3 by Logan Jacobs
45) King of Superheroes volume six King of Superheroes 6 by Eric Vall
46) Stone World volume two Stone World 2 by Logan Jacobs
47) Reverse Summoner volume one Reverse Summoner by Eric Vall
48) Noah Wolf volume twenty three Shadow of Aligence by David Archer
49) Master of the Maner volume one Master of the Manor by Dante King
50) Primal Conjurer by Danny Rogen
51) A Warm Place volume five A Warm Place 5 by Misty Vixen
52) A Warm Place volume four A Warm Place 4 by Misty Vixen
53) A Warm Place volume three A Warm Place 3 by Misty Vixen
54) A Warm Place volume two A Warm Place 2 by Misty Vixen
55) A Warm Place volume one A Warm Place by Misty Vixen
56) A Warm Place Prologue by Misty Vixen


Summoner School volume eight summoner school $8 - total $8
Frontier Summoner volume three Fronteer Summoner 3 by Jack Bryce - $13 - total $21
How to hunt ghosts and get girls volume two How to hunt ghosts and Get girls 2 by Logan Jacobs $8 - total $29
Court of the Shifter volume one Court of the Shifter by Logan Jacobs - $8 - total $37
Page Keeper volume two Page Keeper 2 by Dante King - $8 - total $45
Order of Deamon Hunters volume one Order of Deamon Hunters by Eric Vall - $8 - total $53
Harry Baur volume twelve Blood of the Innocent by Blake Banner - $8 - total $61
Dragon Spirit Hunter volume one Dragon Spirit Hunter - $8 - total $69


Frontier Summoner volume four Frontier Summoner 4 by Jack Bryce by Jack Bryce - $13 - total $13
Prosecution files volume one First Strike by Logan Ryles - $19 - total $33
Prosecution files volume two first strike by Logan Ryles - $19 - total $51
Culinary King volume two Culinary King 2 by Logan Jacobs - $8 - total $59
Satan's Sorority Girls volume four Satan's Sororty Girls 4 by Eric Vall - $8 - total $67
A Sherlock Homes and Lucy James Mstery volume one The Last Moriarty - $16 - total $83
Jack Nobel volume two A Deadly Distance by LT Ryan - $20 - total $103
Fear the Reaper volume one Tooth and Nail by Mark Allen - $8 - total $111
Jason Trapp volume one Dark State by Jack Slater - $13 - total $124
Fear the Reaper volume two Center Mass by Brent Townes - $13 - total $137
Jason Trapp volume two False Flag by Jack Slater - $13 - total $150


Noah Wolf volume twenty-two Rogue Wolf by David Archer and Vince Vogek - $14 - total $14
Frontier Summoner volume five Frontier Summoner 5 by Jack Bryce - $8 - total $21
Stone World by Logan Jacobs - $8 - total $29
Time Pirate volume four Time Pirate 4 by Eric Vall - - $8 - total $37
The Extractor volume eleven the impersonator by Mike Ryan - $8 - total $45
Dino Riders volume one Dino Riders by Eric Vall - $8 - total $53
Prosecution Task Force volume two First Strike by Logan Ryles - $ 19 - total $72
Ard's Oath volume one Magic's Mantle by Bruce Sentar - $15 - total $87
Frontier Summoner volume 6 Frontier Summoner 6 by Jack Brtuce $8 - total $75


Princes Master volume six Princess Master 6 vy Eric Vall $8 - total $8

Last edited by jbcohen; 07-04-2024 at 12:11 PM.
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Old 12-04-2023, 11:15 AM   #9
Tarana ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Tarana ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Tarana ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Tarana ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Tarana ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Tarana ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Tarana ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Tarana ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Tarana ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Tarana ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Tarana ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.
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2024 Goals

60 books: 62
20,000 pages: 22,574
Storygraph Mobile Reads Challenge: 4/12
4 books over 600 pages: 2

TBR Down 10 for each category:
Ebooks: +55
Audiobooks: +65

Magazines Read So Far: 0


2024 Purchases Read:
Bought: 109 Read: 10
Free: 77 Read: 1


1. Dead End - Cynthia Harrod-Eagles $2.13
2. Death Watch - Cynthia Harrod-Eagles $2.13
3. Necrochip - Cynthia Harrod-Eagles $4.99
4. In the Presence of the Enemy - Elizabeth George $2.27
5. Equal Rites - Terry Pratchett $3.23
6. Nettle and Bone - T Kingfisher $2.13
7. A Bone of Contention - Susanna Gregory $3.20
8. To Kill or Cure - Susanna Gregory $3.20
9. The Killer of Pilgrims - Susanna Gregory $3.20
10. Shadow of Night - Deborah Harkness $3.20
11. Defending Elysium - Brandon Sanderson $1.61
12. Gai-Un - James Clavel (audio) $7.56
13. King Rat - James Clavel (audio) $7.56
14. Noble House - James Clavel (audio) $7.56
15. Farilane - Michael J Sullivan (audio) 6.48
16. Crime and Punishment - Fyodor Dostoyevsky (audio) $6.48
17. Killing Time - Jodi Taylor (audio) $6.48
18. House of Odysseus - Claire North (audio) $6.48
19. The Long Walk - Stephen King $2.15
20. A Grave Concern - Susanna Gregory $3.24
21. Silent Tower - Barbara Hambly $2.15
22. A Masterly Murder - Susanna Gregory $3.24
23. Hark - Ed McBain $2.15
24. Fat Ollie's Book - Ed McBain $2.15
25. The Devil's Disciples - Susana Gregory $2.15
26. Pyramids - Terry Pratchett $2.15
27. Rebellion - Simon Scarrow $2.15
28. Night Over Water - Ken Follett $2.15
29. The Two Towers - J R R Tolkien $2.15
30. The Return of the King - J R R Tolkien $2.15
31. Puzzle House - Duncan Ralston (audio) $2.15
32. The Tarnished Chalice - Susanna Gregory $2.92
33. Summer of Discontent - Susanna Gregory $2.92
34. The Bastard Prince - Katherine Kurtz $2.15
35. Deryni Checkmate - Katherine Kurtz $.01
36. The Coldest War - Ian Tragillis $3.20
37. Necessary Evil - Ian Tragillis $3.20
38. Forsaken Soul - Priscilla Royal $3.20
39. Valley of the Dry Bones - Priscilla Royal $3.20
40. Killing Season - Priscilla Royal $3.20
41. Sanctity of Hate - Priscilla Royal $3.20
42. Covenant with Hell - Priscilla Royal $3.20
43. Satan's Lullaby - Priscilla Royal $3.20
44. Land of Shadows - Priscilla Royal $3.20
45. The Proud Sinner - Priscilla Royal $3.20
46. Wild Justice - Priscilla Royal $3.20
47. A Wicked Deed - Susanna Gregory $2.15
48. Rocket To the Morgue - Anthony Boucher $1.06
49. Dead of Night - Simon Scarrow $2.15
50. Snuff - Terry Pratchett $2.15
51. I Shall Wear Midnight - Terry Pratchett $3.20
52. Camp X - David Stafford $1.06
53. A Toast to Murder - Elizabeth Spann Craig $2.15
54. Quilt City Murders - Bruce Leonard $0 credit
55. Perfect Shadow - Brent Weeks $1.76
56. Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi - Shannon Chakrobor
57. Complete Detective Vinnie Palmer - Roger Price $1.07
58. Witch King - Martha Wells $2.07
59. Bitter Seeds - Ian Tregillis $3.23
60. Tigana - Guy Gavriel Kay $2.15
61. Calico - Lee Goldberg $.01
62. Audible Member Sale (74+ titles) $249.02
The Law - Jim Butcher (audio) $3.91
Go the F* to Sleep - Adam Mansbach .29
Lord God Made Them All - James Herriot $8.91
Sector 64: Ambush - Dean Cole $5.42
Sector 64: First Contact - Dean Cole $3.06
Flowers for Vashnois - Lois McMaster Bujold $1.63
Murder and Mayhem - Jessica Fletcher/Donald Bain (audio) $1.63
63. The Olympian Affair - Jim Butcher (audio) $1.07
64. Drood - Dan Simmons $2.15
65. Quilt City: Panic in Paducah - Bruce Leonard $.01
66. An Order for Death - Susanna Gregory $.01
67. The Hand of Justice - Susanna Gregory $2.15
68. Inferno - Dan Brown $01
69. Curse of Chalion - Lois McMaster Bujold (audio) $1.06
70. Stardust - Neil Gaiman (audio) $3.23
71. Mistress of Ashmore Castle - Cynthia Harrod Eagles $1.07
72. The Secret Pilgrim - John LeCarre $2.15
73. Vein of Deceit - Susanna Gregory $.01
74. Deception on His Mind - Elizabeth George $3.69
75. Warriors 3 - various $2.15
76. Delphi Collected Max Brand $1.06
77. Resolute - Jack Campbell $2.15
78. Best American Scifi&Fantasy 2018 - Jemison $2.15
79. Ballad of Smallhope and Pennyroyal - Jodi Taylor (audio) $1.06
80. I, Richard - Elizabeth George $5.40
81. The New Space Opera - Gardner Dozois $2.15
82. Dangerous Women - Gardner Dozois $.01 credit
83. Warriorborn - Jim Butcher (ebook) $1.07
84. Geodesic Dreams - Gardner Dozois $.01
85. Drowning World - Alan Dean Foster $.01
86. The Brutal Telling - Louise Penney $3.20
87. Mystery in the Minster - Susannah Gregory $2.15
88. Whirlwind - James Clavell (audio) $7.56
89. What Came Before He Shot Her - Elizabeth George $.01 credit
90. This Body of Death - Elizabeth George $3.23
91. Unseen Academicals - Terry Pratchett $.01 credit
92. Killing Time - Jodi Taylor $.01 credit
93. Later - Stephen King $.01 credit
94. Death of a Scholar - Susana Gregory $3.20
95. Interesting Times - Terry Pratchett $2.20
96. Cruising for Murder - Stephanie Spann Craig $.01 credit
97. Mr X - Peter Straub $3.20
98. Murder at an English Seance - Jessica Ellicot (audio) $3.20
99. The Gathering Storm - Cynthia Harrod Eagles $1.06
100. Captain Lacey Recency Vol 4 Ashley Gardner $1.06
101. Throne World - B V Larson $1.60
102. A Fatal Grace - Louise Penney credit
103. The Lost Abbott - Susanna Gregory credit
104. Audible Member Sale (27 titles) $73.46
105. Ballad of Smallhope and Penny royal - Jodi Taylor $2.15
106. Eternity's End - Jeffrey Carver $2.15
107. John Rawlings vol 1 - 0 credits
108. John Rawlings vol 2 - 0 credits
109. Lights Camera Mayhem - Jodi Taylor $2.15
110. Cold Fire - Dean Koontz $2.15

1. The Bad Weather Friend - Dean Koontz (Amazon First)
2. Almost Surely Dead - Armina Akhtar (Amazon First)
3. Glass Dolls - D E White (Joffrey)
4. The Cold Call Killer - Emmy Ellis (Joffrey)
5. Seven Days to Die - Michelle Kidd (Joffrey)
6. Of Silence and Slow Time - Catherine Bruton (Joffrey)
7. To Run a Little Faster (Joffrey)
8. Folly - Stella Cameron (Joffrey)
9. Raven's Mark - Christine Newport (Joffrey)
10. Cast From The Sea - Gerald Baum (Joffrey)
11. Guilty Man - Helen Durant (Joffrey)
12. Squadron Scramble - Robert Jackson (Joffrey)
13. Deadly Trio - Emma Jameson (Joffrey)
14. Cast from the Sea - Gerald Baum (Joffrey)
15. The Monastery - Fred Majdalany (Joffrey)
16. Close to Her - Elizabeth Gunn (Joffrey)
17. Rule of Threes - Jeffrey Deaver (Amazon First)
18. Murder in the Abbey - Susan Kiernan-Lewis
19. Tied to Murder - Brian Battison (Joffrey)
20. Mars: A Traveler's Guide - Ruth Nestvold
21. Without a Trace - Malcolm Forsythe (Joffrey)
22. Divided Empire - Brian Kitchen (Joffrey)
23. Matterhorn - Christopher Reich (Amazon First)
24. Lovers at the Museum: A short story - Isabel Allende (Amazon First)
25. Mosquito Squadron - Robert Jackson (Joffrey)
26. Deadly Errand - Christine Green (Joffrey)
27. Winter Girls - Roger Stelljes (Joffrey)
28. Cut and Thirst - Margaret Atwood
29. The Framed Father - J R Mathis
30. Scale of the Dragon - Richard Fierce
31. Riven - A R Knight
32. Nothing to Fear - Blake Pierce
33. Third Wheel - Nick Spaulding (World Book day)
34. Dark Murder - Helen Durrant (Joffrey)
35. Missing Checkout Girl Mystery - Rachel Ward (Joffrey)
36. Disturb Not the Dream - Paula Trachtman (Joffrey)
37. Murder Flambe - Susan Kiernan-Lewis
38. Chocolate entered Cozy Mystery Omnibus - Cindy Bell
39. When You're Safe - Blake Pierce
40. The Custard Boys - John Rae (Joffrey)
41. Lake County - Lori Roy (Amazon First)
42. Tiger Chair - Max Brooks (Amazon First)
43. First Blitz - Neil Hanson (Joffrey)
44. Coffin Cove - Jackie Elliott (Joffrey)
45. A Conspiracy of Aunts - Sally Spencer
46. Pour the Dark Wine - Deryn Lake
47. A Clean Kill - Steven Konkoly
48. Falling Down - Guillermo Del Toro
49. Broken - Molly Black
50. The Collected Rinthcon 2323
51. No Place to Hide - Dan Latus
52. Earthrise books 1-3 - Daniel Arenson
53. Dark Betrayal - Brian Kitchen
54. Deadly Lies - Chris Collett
55. Deeper Than the Dead - Debra Webb
56. Not What She Seems - Yasmin Angoe
57. Centurion's Son - Adam Lofthouse
58. The Patient - E.V. Seymour
59. The Drowning God - James Kendley
60. Murder Among the Roses - Liz Fielding
61. Highroad to Hell - Michael Asher
62. Murder the Boys - Judith Cutler
63. Healing Hearts in the Little Church - Ella Cook
64. Fatal Intrusion - Jeffery Deaver
65. Natural Selection - Elen Hildebrand
66. Scarlett - Christopher Tubbs
67. Operation Lightning Bolt - Hilary Green
68. Absolution - Caro Ramsay
69. Blue Blooded - Emma Jameson
70. Greek Island Killer - Frances Lloyd
71. Rollover - James Raven
72. The Friend Group - Ty Hutchinson
73. Elias Netfwork - Simon Gervais
74. When We Were Friends - Jane Green
75. These Little Lies - Gretta Mulrooney
76. Complete Supermarket Mysteries - Rachel Ward
77. The Day She Died - Catriona McPherson

Short Stories: 7

01. 3 Extraction - Douglas Preston
02. 4 Midsommer Nights Dream - William Shakespear (audio)
03. 5 The Egg and other Stories - Andy Weir (audio)
04. 2 Go the F* To Sleep - Adam Mansbach (audio)
05. 5 The Law - Jim Butcher (audio)
06. 5 Natural Selection - Elen Hildebrand
07. 5 Christmas Pie - Jodi Taylor
08. 2 Detroit Christmas - Larry Coriea (audio)
09. 4 Flowers for Vashnois - Lois McMaster Bujold (audio)


01. 5 The Crystal Cave - Mary Stewart (ebook+audiobook)
Really got into this. Looking forward to next book.
02. 2 King City - Lee Goldberg (audio)
Couldn't warm up to plot
03. 3 History of Britain in 50 Events - Stephan Weaver (ebook)
Concise - surprisingly I knew most of these events.
04. 4 The Martian Chronicles - Ray Bradbury (audio)
Excellent narration by Mark Boyett. Enjoyed!
05. 3 The Flu - Jacqueline Druga (ebook + audio)
Good story but sortof fizzled about 80% through.
06. 4 Bride of the Rat God - Barbara Hambly (ebook)
Good story set in the 20s.
07. 3 Lorelei of the Red Mist - Leigh Brackett/Ray Bradbury (ebook)
Out of body experience.
08. 4 The Hook - Don Westlake (audio)
Good murder mystery with great twist at end.
09. 5 Doom and Bloom - Elizabeth Spann Craig
Very much enjoyed.
10. 5 Starship Vectors - Allan Kaster ed. (audio)
Excellent selection of stories.
11. 5 Orchestrated Death - Cynthia Harrod Eagles (ebook)
Excellent beginning.
12. 5 The Cell - (ebook+audiobook)
Great story, good pace
13. 4 A Wild Fright in Deadwood - Ann Charles (audio)
Good story.
14. 3 A Date With Murder - Jessica Fletcher, Donald Bain, Jon Landon (audio)
Good story but not outstanding.
15. 5 Live and Let Die - Ian Flemming (audio+ebook)
Excellent story!
16. 3 Sixth Column - Robert Heinlein (audio)
Good book but I got a bit confused towards the end.
17. 2 God Save the Mark - Donald Westlake (audio+ebook)
Disappointment. Forgettable plot. Excellent narrator.
18. 5 The Eagle's Conquest - Simon Scarrow (ebook)
Great story. Moves along well.
19. 4 Rule of Threes - Jeffrey Deaver (ebook)
A good story with a surprising twist.
20. 4 Festive in Death - J D Robb (ebook)
Good story.
21. 4 The Wizard and the Frog - Richard Fierce (ebook)
Fun fantasy; I enjoyed audio better.
** 1 Murder By Misrule - Anna Castle (ebook)
Abandoned at 35%.
22. 5 Songs of Distant Earth - Arthur C Clarke (ebook)
Enjoyed this one. Hard to put down.
23. 4 Death of a Suitor - Elizabeth Spann Craig (ebook)
Good story!
24. 3 Rocket To the Morgue - Anthony Boucher
Murder mystery involving scifi authors. Set in 1942. Good.
25. 5 Shogun - James Clavell (audio)
Wonderful book! Long, but very enjoyable. Fast moving.
26. 5 Hard Time - Jodi Taylor (audio)
Great story. Very much enjoyed!
27. 5 Saving Time - Jodi Taylor (audio)
Another great story!
28. 1 The Detachment - Barry Eisler
DNF, not into assassin stories.
29. 4 About Time - Jodie Taylor (audio)
Great story but plot was a bit of a stretch.
30. 4 Santa Grint - Jodi Taylor (audio+ebook)
Good story; a little strange
31. 3 X-files: Cold Cases - cast (audio)
I liked a couple of the stories.
32. 5 Thriller Killer - Lee Goldberg (ebook)
Very good thriller. Keeps you on your toes.
33. 5 All Creatures Great and Small - James Herriot (audio)
Excellent. Loved it!
34. 3 Whisper Her Name - Kate Wilhelm (audio/ebook)
Good story. Starts a bit slow.
35. 3 Country Plot - Cynthia Harris-Eagles (audio/ebook)
Good story. Romance was low key.
36. 4 Carpe Jugulum - Terry Pratchett (audio/ebook)
Strong story, not as much humor. Excellent narrator.
37. 3 Dead Men Can't Complain - Peter Clines (audio)
Good stories, several very excellent!
38. 5 White Silence - Jodi Taylor (ebook)
Great supernatural story!! Looking forward to book 2!
39. 4 See Them Die - Ed McBain (ebook/audiobook)
Great story. Slightly repetative.
40. 2 Jonathan Strange and Mr Norell - Susanna Clarke (audio/ebook)
Not my type of book but did pick up in the last 1/3.
41. 3 Killer in the Kitchen - Jessica Fletcher/Donald Bain (audio)
Good chef story.
42. 4 Ghost and Mrs Fletcher - Jessica Fletcher, Donald and Rene Bain (audio)
Good story! Really enjoyed how it played out.
43. 5 Shards of Honor - Lois McMaster Bujold (audio)
Still love this book!
44. 2 I'm Not Dead - Artie Cabrera (audio/ebook)
Zombies in all but name. Good parts but not enough.
45. 4 Killing Time - Jodi Taylor (audio)
Good story, some remains unexplained.
46. 4 When Worlds Collide - Phillip Wylie & Edwin Balmer (audio)
1930s scifi was excellent! Good suspense too.
47. 4 After Worlds Collide - Phillip Wylie & Edwin Balmer (audio)
Great finish to this story.
48. 3 Manuscript for Murder - Jessica Fletcher/Jon Land
A lot of long standing background changed. Story itself good.
49. 5 All Things Bright and Beautiful - James Herriot (audio)
Great stories!
50. 5 Paranoid - Lisa Jackson (ebook)
Excellent pace, good who dunnit.
51. 5 All Things Wise and Wonderful - James Herriot (audio)
Another great book of semi-memoirs of a vet.
52. 5 James Herriot's Cat Stories - James Herriot (audio)
Only a couple of stories not included in main 4 books. Enjoyable!
53. 5 Lord God Made Them All - James Herriot (audio)
Great end to series.
54. 3 The Clutter Corpse - Simon Brett (audio)
Good beginning. Story didn't grab me though.
55. 4 Dracula - Bram Stoker (Jason Damron narr.) (audio)
Vampires! I'm lukewarm on narrator.
56. 2 Eaters of the Dead - Michael Crichton (audio)
Didn't care for story. Narrator excellent.
57. 5 The Chevalier - Cynthia Harrod-Eagles (audio-ebook)
Another excellent story. James II.
58. 3 Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court - Mark Twain (audio)
Good story. Better read than listened.
59. 2 Magic Bites - Ilona Andrews
Plot was good but the violence was overwhelming.
60. 5 Sector 64: Ambush - Dean Cole (audio)
Loved this! Good story.
61. 4 A Myrtle Clover Christmas - Elizabeth Spann Craig (audio)
Good story!
62. 4 Murder and Mayhem - Jessica Fletcher/Donald Bain (audio)
Reread. Still good!

TBR as of 1/1/24
Audiobooks 1,349
Ebooks&magazines 1,950

Last edited by Tarana; 12-30-2024 at 10:55 PM.
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Old 12-04-2023, 11:18 AM   #10
CAFlanny ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.CAFlanny ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.CAFlanny ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.CAFlanny ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.CAFlanny ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.CAFlanny ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.CAFlanny ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.CAFlanny ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.CAFlanny ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.CAFlanny ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.CAFlanny ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.
CAFlanny's Avatar
Posts: 67
Karma: 2332848
Join Date: May 2021
Device: Kobo Libra Colour, Bigme B751C, Kindle Voyage
Goals for 2024:
  • Read 20,000 pages - COMPLETED
  • StoryGraph Mobileread Reading Challenge - COMPLETED
  • Reduce TBR

I start the year with a TBR of 240.

Pages Read: 24,749/20,000
Current TBR: 248

TBR: 22
Kindle Unlimited: 22
Kobo Plus: 15
Library: 27
Borrowed: 0
Freebie: 5

MR StoryGraph Challenge:
  • January: Completed
  • February: Completed
  • March: Completed
  • April: Completed
  • May: Completed
  • June: Completed
  • July: Completed
  • August: Completed
  • September: Completed
  • October: Completed
  • November: Completed
  • December: Completed

Last edited by CAFlanny; 12-29-2024 at 10:07 PM.
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Old 12-05-2023, 12:41 AM   #11
Dazrin ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Dazrin ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Dazrin ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Dazrin ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Dazrin ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Dazrin ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Dazrin ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Dazrin ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Dazrin ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Dazrin ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Dazrin ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.
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Thumbs up Goal: Read 12,000 pages in 2024, Completed on October 11th

I kept the 12,000 page goal that I had used the last couple years; it seems about right for my current needs. My secondary goal this year was to catch up with the Stormlight Archive by the beginning of December in anticipation of book 5, Wind and Truth. I finished book 3 plus the intervening novellas in early November, but I didn't end up starting book 4. That will be pushed into 2025.

My favorite books of 2024 are here: link

Page Goal:: Read 12,000 Pages in 2024
Status as of December 27: 15,391 pages read, 59 books/short stories completed (15,561 projected)

Here is my complete set of goals and achievements since I started tracking in 2011. As of 2020, my available reading time dropped about 60% due to a change in work routine. Taking that into account, my average reading speed hasn't really changed at all. Meaning, I would still average between 36,000 and 38,000 pages if I had as much reading time as I used to have. That makes me feel a little better about the current plateau I've been on the last 5 years.
Click image for larger version

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This year I thought I'd look at the publication dates of the books I read an a few different ways. The first is just the histogram, asking the question "what years have I read and how many have I read from them?"
Click image for larger version

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The second chart, asks "when did I read each of these books (and what format)?"
Click image for larger version

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ID:	212704 < Click to enlarge
The last chart is an attempt to see how diverse my reading is on a year-by-year basis. As you can see, there are some years where I read books from a very narrow range of years and others where I read a very broad range of years.
Click image for larger version

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  • 2024 Books Read: 59
  • 2024 Pages Read: 15,391
  • 2024 Audio Books complete (total duration): 29 (93h 20m)
  • 2024 Books Abandoned: 3
  • 2024 Books in Progress: 1
  • Total books since 2011: 1,142
  • Total pages since 2011: 337,660
  • Total words since 2011: 98,261,514
  • Total hours since 2011: 42 days 1 hrs 16 min listened
  • Audio books: 29 books/short stories, 93 hrs 20 min listened
  • Library Books: 23, 59 hrs 28 min listened
  • New Authors: 13
  • Authors Read: 47
  • Total Authors Read since 2011: 517
Publication Dates
  • New Years Read: 6 (1717, 1726, 1798, 1836, 1883, 2024)
  • Years Read: 36
  • Total Years Read since 2011: 149
  • Most Read Genre: Science Fiction (26)
  • Number of Genres: 29
  • Most Read Author: Brandon Sanderson (6)

Completed Books:

Novels/Novellas (>50 pages)
Short Stories (< 50 pages)

January: 9 book(s), 9 pages, 16,201 projected
  • Waystation City - A.T. Greenblatt - Read by LeVar Burton
  • The Most Dangerous Game - Richard Connell - Read by B.J. Harrison (Link)
  • System Collapse (Murderbot Diaries 7) - Martha Wells - Read by Kevin R. Free
  • Bears Discover Fire - Terry Bisson (Link)
  • The Captain of the Pole-Star - Arthur Conan Doyle - Read by B.J. Harrison
  • Winter's Gifts (Rivers of London 9.5) - Ben Aaronovitch - Read by Penelope Rawlins
  • Demon Daughter (Penric 12) - Lois McMaster Bujold
  • The Olympian Affair (Cinder Spires 2) - Jim Butcher
  • The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - F. Scott Fitzgerald - Read by B.J. Harrison
February: 7 book(s), 1,291 pages
Total: 16 books, 2,664 pages, 16,248 projected
  • The Rime of the Ancient Mariner - Samuel Taylor Coleridge - Read by B.J. Harrison
  • Defiant (Skyward 4) - Brandon Sanderson
  • To Build a Fire - Jack London - Read by B.J. Harrison (Link)
  • For We Are Many (Bobiverse 2) - Dennis E. Taylor
  • The Destroyer - Tara Isabella Burton - Read by LeVar Burton (Link)
  • Folk Hero Motifs in Tales Told by the Dead - K.T. Bryski - Read by LeVar Burton (Link)
  • The Better Part of Valor (Confederation 2) - Tanya Huff
March: 9 book(s), 1,242 pages
Total: 25 books, 3,906 pages, 15,708 projected
  • A Rare Book of Cunning Device (Rivers of London 6.1) - Ben Aaronovitch - Read by Kobna Holdbrook-Smith
  • All These Worlds (Bobiverse 3) - Dennis E. Taylor
  • Quarropts Can't Dance - Rodrigo Culagovski - Read by LeVar Burton
  • An Interview with Penric & Desdemona - Lois McMaster Bujold (Link)
  • Referent - Ray Bradbury - Read by B.J. Harrison
  • The Heart of Valor (Confederation 3) - Tanya Huff
  • Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves - Unknown - Read by B.J. Harrison
  • Valor's Trial (Confederation 4) - Tanya Huff
  • Contact Procedures - T.F. Meacker (Link)
April: 6 book(s), 990 pages
Total: 31 books, 4,896 pages, 14,809 projected
  • The Last Watch (The Divide 1) - J.S. Dewes - Read by Andrew Eiden (Narrator), Nicol Zanzarella
  • Lone Wolf (Orphan X 9) - Gregg Hurwitz
  • The Hidden Forests of Earth and Mars - Anna Zumbro - Read by LeVar Burton (Link)
    • Abandoned - The Black Company (Black Company 1) - Glen Cook
  • Leave it to Jeeves - P.G. Wodehouse - Read by B.J. Harrison (Link)
  • The Coffin Maker - AnaMaria Curtis - Read by LeVar Burton (Link)
  • A Voyage to Lilliput - Jonathan Swift - Read by B.J. Harrison
May: 5 book(s), 2,315 pages
Total: 36 books, 7,211 pages, 17,363 projected
  • The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair That Changed America - Erik Larson - Read by Scott Brick
  • Magician: Apprentice (Riftwar 1) - Raymond E. Feist
  • Magician: Master (Riftwar 2) - Raymond E. Feist
  • Gone Dark - Dorian Roland
    • Abandoned - Smallworld: A Science Fiction Adventure Comedy - Dominic Green
  • Relentless (Legend of Drizzt 36) - R.A. Salvatore
    • Abandoned - Lust Killer - Ann Rule - Read by Callie Beaulieu
June: 2 book(s), 469 pages
Total: 38 books, 7,680 pages, 15,444 projected
  • Starlight Enclave (Legend of Drizzt 37) - R.A. Salvatore
  • Red Alert (Dresden 17.5) - Jim Butcher
July: 1 book(s), 1,280 pages
Total: 39 books, 8,960 pages, 15,396 projected
  • The Way of Kings (Stormlight Archive 1) - Brandon Sanderson
August: 2 book(s), 1,600 pages
Total: 41 books, 10,560 pages, 15,840 projected
  • Edgedancer (Stormlight Archive 2.5) - Brandon Sanderson
  • Words of Radiance (Stormlight Archive 2) - Brandon Sanderson
September: 3 book(s), 1,332 pages
Total: 44 books, 11,892 pages, 15,885 projected
  • Rainbow Six (Jack Ryan 10) - Tom Clancy
  • The Anubis Gates (Anubis Gates 1) - Tim Powers
  • For a Breath I Tarry - Roger Zelazny
October: 5 book(s), 560 pages
Total: 49 books, 12,452 pages, 14,942 projected
  • Devolution - Max Brooks - Read by Judy Greer (Narrator), Full cast
  • Ligeia - Edgar Allan Poe - Read by B.J. Harrison (Link)
  • The Hobbit (Abridged, BBC Radio Program) (LOTR 0) - J.R.R. Tolkien - Read by Full Cast
  • The Rocket - Jackson Allen - Read by Jeremiah Jones
  • Carmilla - Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu - Read by B.J. Harrison
November: 6 book(s), 2,007 pages
Total: 55 books, 14,459 pages, 15,797 projected
  • The Eighth Detective - Alex Pavesi - Read by Emilia Fox
  • Dawnshard (Stormlight Archive 3.5) - Brandon Sanderson
  • A Christmas Carol - Charles Dickens - Read by Patrick Stewart
  • An Exchange of Fire and Flesh - Jack Black (Link)
  • Oathbringer (Stormlight Archive 3) - Brandon Sanderson
  • All Summer in a Day - Ray Bradbury (Link)
December: 4 book(s), 932 pages
Total: 59 books, 15,391 pages, 15,561 projected
  • Remnant Population - Elizabeth Moon
  • Valor's Choice (Confederation 1) - Tanya Huff
  • Penric and the Bandit (Penric 13) - Lois McMaster Bujold - Read by Grover Gardner
  • Randomize - Andy Weir - Read by Janina Gavankar
Books in progress:
  • Parable of the Sower (Earthseed 1) - Octavia E. Butler

My lists: 2011 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 2024 - 25

Attached Thumbnails
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Last edited by Dazrin; 12-31-2024 at 10:21 PM. Reason: Year-End Post
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Old 12-05-2023, 12:54 AM   #12
Paperbackstash ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Paperbackstash ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Paperbackstash ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Paperbackstash ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Paperbackstash ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Paperbackstash ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Paperbackstash ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Paperbackstash ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Paperbackstash ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Paperbackstash ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Paperbackstash ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.
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In again.

Primary goals - (Again) more Amazon Themed Short story collections
Select author goals
Finish re-read of Chronicles of Narnia in audio
Read and possible remove more physical shelves for Horror, Gothic, Category Romance, some chunkster romance, mysteries
5 Maritime setting, 5 space setting
Catch up on borrowed nonfiction and bio
Digital Library Borrow Catch-up log (it's ridiculous #)
Comic and graphic novel exploration
More progress on owned audiobooks already have or have to borrow

Last edited by Paperbackstash; 12-05-2023 at 01:50 PM.
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Old 12-05-2023, 02:04 AM   #13
library addict
Grand Sorcerer
library addict ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.library addict ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.library addict ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.library addict ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.library addict ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.library addict ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.library addict ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.library addict ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.library addict ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.library addict ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.library addict ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.
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I have a mix of reading goals for 2024, but mainly to put another "big" dent in my TBR. They include:
  • Read complete series by new-to-me author already in TBR mounatin.
  • Pick two autobuy authors to finish backlist including all psedonyms (books already in TBR).
  • Pick 10 “Must Read” books for the year from my huge digital TBR mountain (not including any new releases)

January 2024
Read 35 books.

February 2024
Read 38 books.
Finished the Tried-and-True Challenge Round One.

March 2024
Read 52 books.

April 2024
Read 44 books.
Finished the Tried-and-True Challenge Round Two, Round Three, and Round Four.

May 2024
Read 39 books.
Finished the Tried-and-True Challenge Round Five.

June 2024
Read 33 books.
Finished the Tried-and-True Challenge Round Six.

July 2024
Read 17 books.

August 2024
Read 11 books.
Finished the 24 in 24 Phonics Challenge.

September 2024
Read 23 books.
Finished the Tried-and-True Challenge Round Seven.

October 2024
Read 35 books.
Finished the Nutshell Challenge; the Tried-and-True Challenge Round Eight; and The Wrap Up Challenge.

November 2024
Read 18 books.
Finished the Trusty Tropes Challenge.

December 2024
Read 22 books.
Finished the Tried-and-True Challenge Round Nine and the Alphabet Challenge.

Last edited by library addict; 12-30-2024 at 07:37 PM. Reason: update tally
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Old 12-05-2023, 12:26 PM   #14
HLS ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.HLS ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.HLS ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.HLS ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.HLS ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.HLS ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.HLS ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.HLS ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.HLS ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.HLS ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.HLS ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.
Posts: 2,122
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Join Date: May 2017
Device: Sage, Scribe, Boox Note 2 Plus, iPad Pros and Samsungs S6,S7,S8
I do not know why i bother since it seems no one is participating

1) Being Henry(246pg) -Henry Winkler

2) The Dark Forest(513pg)( Three Bodied Problem)

3) Needful Things(817pg)- S. King

4) Hurricane Wars-(477 pg) DNF I could not get into it. stopped around page 106

5) Cold Storage-(304 pg) David K.

6) Tom Lake (278 pg)

7) A Day of Fallen Night. 865 pgs

8) The Atlas Six(408 pgs)

9) Starter Villain (272 pgs) DNF around page 135

10) The Atlas Paradox (pgs. 399)

11) Red Rabbit(447 pages)

12) The Atlas Complex(477 pgs)

13) Crescent City 1 (804 pages)

14) A Fate Inked in Blood DNF but read the first 211 pages

15) The Passage 787 pg

16) The Burning Girls (352 pg)

17) The Atlas Complex (480)

18) Cresent Series book 2 what ever the name is around 820pg

19) The Salt Grows Heavy 81 pg

20) Mother Daughter Murder Might

21) The Serpent and the Wings of Night

22 god killer. dnf at 100 pages. not a bad book i am just burned out on fantasy books and cant seem to follow story

22) The Running Man by Stephen King

23) magic hour

24 ) sons of darkness DNF

25) House of flame and shadow

26) masters of death

27 pineapple street

28)city of mirrors

29) face of fear

30) masters of death

31) sanctuary of shadow

32) Intercepts

33) the way of kings

34) Words of Radiance

35) The Four Winds

36) Home is Where the Bodies Are

37) oathbringer

38) lost mans lane

39) nigh of the mannequins

40) the hunter DNF for it was a bore

41) incidents around the house

42) Camino ghosts DNF for it was a bore

44 night of the maniquens

44 rythem of war

45 book of night

Last edited by HLS; 12-17-2024 at 07:40 PM.
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Old 12-09-2023, 07:13 PM   #15
Indio777 ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Indio777 ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Indio777 ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Indio777 ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Indio777 ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Indio777 ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Indio777 ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Indio777 ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Indio777 ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Indio777 ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Indio777 ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.
Posts: 210
Karma: 1503568
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Washington, DC
Device: Mobile Phone, Kindle (rarely), but mostly still read paper
Usual goal of reading a lot. Started to investigate Central/Eastern literature. Will continue that. Also continuing investigation of Central/Eastern European history, etc. Balkans and/or Central Asia might be next. Trying to limit "fun" reading (i.e. sci-fi, people like Stephen King, Robert Galbraith, etc.) to when I am on vacation. Did pretty well with this last year.

Konstantin Paustovsky - The Story of a Life (Books 1-3) (trans. Douglas Smith)
A. Wess Mitchell - The Grand Strategy of the Habsburg Empire
Antanas Škėma - White Shroud (trans. Karla Gruodis)
Dalia Grinkevičiūtė - Shadows on the Tundra (trans. Delija Valiukenas)
George Packer - The Unwinding
Giedra Radvilavičiūtė - Those Whom I Would Like to Meet Again (trans. Elizabeth Novickas)
Alexander Watson - Ring of Steel: Germany and Austria-Hungary in World War I
Simon Shuster - The Showman: Inside the invasion that shook the world and made a leader
of Volodymyr Zelensky
Alexander Watson - The Fortress: The Siege of Przemyśl and the Making of Europe's Bloodlands
Jurgis Kunčinas - Tūla (trans. Elizabeth Novickas)
Bohumil Hrabal - All My Cats (trans. Paul Wilson)
Derek Sayer - The Coast of Bohemia: A Czech History
Bohumil Hrabal - Mr. Kafka and Other Tales From the Time of the Cult (trans. Paul Wilson)
Bohumil Hrabal - Too Loud a Solitude (trans. Michael Henry Heim)
Bohumil Hrabal - Closely Watched Trains (trans. Edith Pargeter)
Jiří Gruša - The Questionnaire (trans. Peter Kussi)
Jáchym Topol - Angel Station (trans. Alex Zucker)
Patrik Ouřednik - Case Closed (trans. Alex Zucker)
Patrik Ouřednik - The Opportune Moment, 1855 (trans. Alex Zucker)
Peter Demetz - Prague in Black and Gold: the History of a City
Derek Sayer - Prague: Crossroads of Europe
Jaroslav Pánek, Oldřich Tůma, et alii. - A History of the Czech Lands (Second Edition)
Kevin McDermott - Communist Czechoslovakia, 1945-89: a Political and Social History
Mary Heimann - Czechoslovakia: the State That Failed
Franz Kafka - The Trial (trans. Mike Mitchell)
Angelo Maria Ripellino - Magic Prague (trans. David Newton Marinelli; edit. Michael Henry Heim)
Jaroslav Hašek - The Good Soldier Švejk (trans. Cecil Parrott)
Franz Kafka - The Castle (trans. Anthea Bell)
Stephen King - Just After Sunset (ebook)
Stephen King - Night Shift (ebook)
Alastair Reynolds - Revenger (Revenger Universe 01)
Alastair Reynolds - Shadow Captain (Revenger Universe 02)
Alastair Reynolds - Bone Silence (Revenger Universe 03)
Stephen King - Nightmares and Dreamscapes (ebook)
Studs Terkel - "The Good War"
Jeffrey Barlough - Hooting Grange (Western Lights 11)
Alan Garner - Treacle Walker
D.J. Taylor - The Windsor Faction
Joanne McNeil - Wrong Way
The Handyman Method - Nick Cutter & Andrew F. Sullivan
Daniel O'Malley - Blitz (Checquy 3)
Christopher Miller - The War Came to Us: Life & Death in Ukraine
Yaroslav Trofimov - Our Enemies Will Vanish: the Russian Invasion & Ukraine's War of Independence
Andrey Kurkov - Diary of an Invasion
Rowan Phoenix - Bunnyes at War: an Illustrated Essay of Fur & Fury in the Rabbit Realms
Tim Judah - In Wartime: Stories from Ukraine
Kathryn Hughes - Catland: Feline Enchantment and the Making of the Modern World (UK edition)
Simon Reynolds - Futuromania: Electronic Dreams. Desiring Machines & Tomorrow's Music Today
Kevin Fedarko - A Walk in the Park: a True Story of a Spectacular Misadventure in the Grand Canyon
Martin Sixsmith - Russia: a 1,000-year Chronicle of the Wild East
Orlando Figes - The Story of Russia
Adolphe de Custine - Letters from Russia (NYRB; 1843 translation, ed. & rev. Anka Muhlstein)
Laurence Sterne - The Life & Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman (Oxford Classics ed.)
Matthew Green - Shadowlands - A Journey Through Lost Britain
Philipp Blom - The Vertigo Years: Europe, 1900-1914
Philipp Blom - Fracture: Life & Culture in the West, 1918-1938
Orlando Figes - A People's Tragedy: The Russian Revolution 1891-1924
Illia Ponomarenko - I Will Show You How It Was: The Story of Wartime Kyiv
Serhiy Zhadan - Sky Above Kharkiv: Dispatches From the Ukrainian Front
Geoffrey Parker - Emperor: A New Life of Charles V
Geoffrey Parker - Imprudent King: A New Life of Philip II
Sarah Perry - The Essex Serpent
Barbara Stollberg-Rilinger - Maria Theresa: the Habsburg Empress in Her Time
Tim Blanning - Frederick the Great, King of Prussia
Miklós Molnár - A Concise History of Hungary
Lászlo Krasznahorkai - The Melancholy of Resistance (trans. George Szirtes)
Bob Dent - Budapest: a Cultural History
Pál Engel - The Realm of Saint Stephen: a History of Medieval Hungary
Bryan Cartledge - The Will to Survive: a History of Hungary
Norman Stone - Hungary: a Short History
Brian McLean & Kester Eddy - Culture Smart: Hungary (2018 ed.)
John Lukacs - Budapest 1900: a Historical Portrait of a City & Its Culture
Keith Hitchens - A Concise History of Romania
Lucian Boia - Romania
Debbie Stowe - Culture Smart: Romania (2017 ed.)
Lászlo Krasznahorkai - Satantango (trans. George Szirtes)
Bruce O'Neill - Underground: Dreams & Degradations in Bucharest
Lucian Boia - History & Myth in Romanian Consciousness
Paul Kenyon - Children of the Night: The Strange and Epic Story of Modern Romania (ebook)
Bram Stoker - Dracula
Tom Gallagher - Modern Romania: the End of Communism, the Failure of Democratic Reform & the Theft
of a Nation
Tom Gallagher - Romania & the European Union: How the Weak Vanquished the Strong
Mircea Cărtărescu - Solenoid
Stephen King - You like It Darker (ebook)
Alastair Reynolds - Aurora Rising (The Prefect Dreyfus Emergencies 01) (ebook)
Timothy Ware - The Orthodox Church: an Introduction to Eastern Christianity
Miklós Bánffy - The Transylvanian Trilogy Volume I: They were Counted (trans. Patrick Thursfield &
Katalin Bánffy-Jelen)
Miklós Bánffy - The Transylvanian Trilogy Volume II: They were Found Wanting; They were Divided
(trans. Patrick Thursfield & Katalin Bánffy-Jelen)
Eve Tibbs - A Basic Guide to Orthodoxy
Frank Trentmann - Out of the Darkness: The Germans 1942-2022
Harald Jänner - Life in the Fallout of the Third Reich, 1945-1955
Katja Hoyer - Beyond the Wall: a History of East Germany
Lászlo Krasznahorkai - Herscht 07769: Florian Herscht's Bach Novel (trans. Ottille Mulzet)
John Baggley - Door of Perception: Icons and Their Spiritual Significance
Matthew the Poor - Guidelines for Prayer
Alastair Reynolds - Elysium Fire (The Prefect Dreyfus Emergencies 02) (ebook)
Alastair Reynolds - Machine Vendatta (The Prefect Dreyfus Emergencies 03) (ebook)
Alastair Reynolds - Eversion (ebook)
Elias Canetti - Auto-da-Fé (trans C.V. Wedgwood)

2023 list

2025 list

Last edited by Indio777; 01-25-2025 at 03:51 PM. Reason: list update
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