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Old 05-14-2012, 11:31 PM   #1
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Column width in general and at Amazon in particular

It's my understanding that the reason newspapers print narrow columns (on paper) is to allow readers to read quickly. Since the reader doesn't have to swing his eyes across a wide column, he don't lose track of the row on the way back. And some readers don't even swing their eyes, but can capture the gist by just scanning straight down the column.

So why is it that so many websites make just one wide, wide, wide column?, of all sites--a site oriented first and foremost toward avid readers, is the worst culprit. I never use my browser in full screen mode, so when I read any of their book summaries, I have to either scroll back and forth or make the browser uncomfortably wide.

Surely a lot of others must be irritated by this too.
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Old 05-14-2012, 11:57 PM   #2
charlesatan ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.charlesatan ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.charlesatan ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.charlesatan ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.charlesatan ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.charlesatan ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.charlesatan ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.charlesatan ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.charlesatan ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.charlesatan ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.charlesatan ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.
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Because HTML is reflowable, and we honestly don't know what your screen resolution/window/device is. One column, we're sure that we know the readers will be seeing the text (even if it might be cut). Two columns, if the device/browser window is small, the user might not see it.

It's more certain that readers will read it from a vertical orientation (top to bottom), as opposed to a combination of vertical and horizontal (left to right).
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Old 05-15-2012, 12:15 AM   #3
KenJackson goes to infinity... and beyond!KenJackson goes to infinity... and beyond!KenJackson goes to infinity... and beyond!KenJackson goes to infinity... and beyond!KenJackson goes to infinity... and beyond!KenJackson goes to infinity... and beyond!KenJackson goes to infinity... and beyond!KenJackson goes to infinity... and beyond!KenJackson goes to infinity... and beyond!KenJackson goes to infinity... and beyond!KenJackson goes to infinity... and beyond!
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Originally Posted by charlesatan View Post
Because HTML is reflowable, and we honestly don't know what your screen resolution/window/device is.
Grief. I thought everyone had surely noticed this and maybe I was stating the obvious. But apparently not. I'm glad I posted.

To illustrate, look at the current number 1 best seller. Look at the top line of the review, "More than anything, THE WALK..."

The smallest that I can shrink it to is 30 words. That's about triple the average line word-count of the hardback pbook I'm currently reading. I haven't analyzed the page, but they apparently set a minimum width.

It's the minimum width that's the problem. Although two columns would be nicer.
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Old 05-15-2012, 12:44 AM   #4
Jazzy_Jeffaz is fluent in JavaScript as well as Klingon.Jazzy_Jeffaz is fluent in JavaScript as well as Klingon.Jazzy_Jeffaz is fluent in JavaScript as well as Klingon.Jazzy_Jeffaz is fluent in JavaScript as well as Klingon.Jazzy_Jeffaz is fluent in JavaScript as well as Klingon.Jazzy_Jeffaz is fluent in JavaScript as well as Klingon.Jazzy_Jeffaz is fluent in JavaScript as well as Klingon.Jazzy_Jeffaz is fluent in JavaScript as well as Klingon.Jazzy_Jeffaz is fluent in JavaScript as well as Klingon.Jazzy_Jeffaz is fluent in JavaScript as well as Klingon.Jazzy_Jeffaz is fluent in JavaScript as well as Klingon.
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Not sure what is going on for your. I just checked your example with my Android phone, tablet and Linux computer. Everything reflows fine for me.
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Old 05-15-2012, 06:47 AM   #5
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Many sites generate different code for mobile devices. That's interesting to know though, since I don't have one to check it with.
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Old 05-15-2012, 09:17 AM   #6
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Amazon recently redesigned its site to make it more "tablet friendly."

It is in vogue right now to use a flexible format that scales to different window sizes. In theory, if you do it right, you can have one site for computer, tablet, phone. So that's a lot less work than maintaining different sites. But I do see that when I tried to make the window smaller, the columns did not resize properly (this was on Firefox on Mac). Also, it's possible to make a column that flexes in width and still give it a reasonable maximum width.

I agree with you that the reading columns are far too wide for a computer screen. This morning my daughter was reading an Amazon review out loud (about Sea Monkeys!) and she had a difficult time finding her place on the next line. Amazon does extensive A/B testing so I'm surprised they are doing such a poor job on this.

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