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Old 11-21-2010, 06:32 AM   #1
Edge User
Pocket and Full-sized: eDGe to eDGe Comparison

I would be interested to know if anyone else in this Forum has both devices. I have two full-size eDGe devices and just received my Pocket eDGe today. Some initial thoughts, comparing the 2 devices.

--The Pocket eDGe AC adapter, rated at 1 amp, is (finally) reasonably sized compared to the 2.5amp brick with the full-sized eDGe. The power plugs are the same for both devices. I have used a 1amp charger with my full-size devices with no ill-toward effects.
--The power switch is a sliding switch, much better!! I still turn on the full-size eDGe inadvertently sometimes in my briefcase. This will not happen with the Pocket eDGe.
--For me, a single USB port is more than adequate on the Pocket eDGe.
--Not surprisingly the software is the same (well, Pocket eDGe is Ver 1.9). A few slight things I noticed such as during initialization, having set the reader side on the right, the reader screen flips a few times. It ends up OK.
--I really like the .pdf file icons being the same as on a PC/Mac, that is, a thumbnail of the first page, which is the book cover.
--The Entourage password policy change (requiring 8 characters) since I registered my first eDGe made registration a hassle. Yes, the new policy is mentioned in the Support pages, but going there when I've just gotten new hardware is not high on my list of priorities.
--The size of the device (Pocket eDGe) is superb, but I dont have any pockets big enough. The name is somewhat of a misnomer. The weight of the Pocket eDGe is great and much easier to hold than the full-sized device
--All that being said, reading pdf's on the full-sized eDGe is still easier with the bigger screen. Both devices have their place.
--Writing a journal page on the reader side with the Pocket eDGe just isnt as easy as the full-sized. Alot less screen real-estate means much less information per written page.

These are my initial thoughts. I'd like to hear from others who can compare the 2 devices based on first-hand experience.

Last edited by alefor; 11-21-2010 at 08:48 AM.
Old 11-21-2010, 08:58 AM   #2
Edge User
Thanks for the review, alefor. I hope to have my own PE soon and will post a comparison, too.
Old 11-22-2010, 04:48 AM   #3
Edge User
Thanks, alefor. I was really wondering about the experience of writing in the journal side, and whether it would feel a little cramped. Not that I don't value the experiences of the new PE users, but I've really been waiting for the perspective of those with the original device. It just helps to have someone focusing on the differences between the two devices. I look forward to hearing more as you use it more!
Old 11-22-2010, 08:38 AM   #4
Edge User
Originally Posted by sarah11918 View Post
Thanks, alefor. I was really wondering about the experience of writing in the journal side, and whether it would feel a little cramped. Not that I don't value the experiences of the new PE users, but I've really been waiting for the perspective of those with the original device. It just helps to have someone focusing on the differences between the two devices. I look forward to hearing more as you use it more!
Just my bitty limited experience of the PE, alefor covered all the points well. I can't compare, but I certainly believe what I hear about the differences from my PE experience. The journal is cramped and it is hard to write a proper schedule or list for the calendar. In fact, there is about a half inch of missing real estate from the journal side where the stylus registers slightly toward the middle. IOW, if I line it right at the edge of the screen, then the line is formed about a half inch in. This isn't much of a problem if you are spacing characters far enough apart, because eventually, as you move toward the middle, the e-ink does line up properly with the stylus. But it does take some of that already limited space away.

As a note, though, I downloaded McGuffey Readers from Gutenberg so my daughters have extra reading material. My youngest has convergence issues and wears glasses. She did well and it was good for her to not have as many words cluttering the screen. In fact, I think this is probably one of the greatest tools I've ever seen for teaching kids to read. The smaller size is easier for smaller hands to hold. What would be awesome is some kind of interface/app or whatever that takes a book and connects the page turning with illustrations (pictoral and even video) on the tablet side, so that when you teach "See Jane run." you can click on a button and a picture or video of Jane running will pop up on the right. (Ok... so I'm a bit of an idealist.) But my PE is tempting me to actually buy one for each of my girls too. My son would need a regular EE, since he is in high school and would need the larger journal for writing more.

EnTourage was brilliant to come up with the eDGe. It seems so versatile!

ETA: I do find a drawback of only 1 USB port. Need is a strong word for it, but considering I plan on getting a keyboard to use with it, that will take up my single port and it would be nice to have a spare port. That's a slight difference from alefor's review.

Last edited by Paintbrush; 11-22-2010 at 09:02 AM. Reason: short term memory failure malfunctioned temporarily
Old 11-22-2010, 08:55 AM   #5
Edge User
Originally Posted by Paintbrush View Post
In fact, there is about a half inch of missing real estate from the journal side where the stylus registers slightly toward the middle. IOW, if I line it right at the edge of the screen, then the line is formed about a half inch in.
I think some people have mentioned this in the past. On my (full-sized) eDGe, I can draw a line right up against the edge in some areas, and it's 1/8" away from the edge in other areas. This might have something to do with the layer on the ereader screen that detects the pen. You can also try a recalibration:
Old 11-22-2010, 09:09 AM   #6
Edge User
Originally Posted by borisb View Post
I think some people have mentioned this in the past. On my (full-sized) eDGe, I can draw a line right up against the edge in some areas, and it's 1/8" away from the edge in other areas. This might have something to do with the layer on the ereader screen that detects the pen. You can also try a recalibration:
I clicked on the link and my PE locked up. Still waiting for it to unlock... typing from my laptop.
Old 11-22-2010, 09:29 AM   #7
Edge User
If the Home and Menu buttons do nothing, you may need to reset (reboot) your eDGe (see
Old 11-22-2010, 09:45 AM   #8
Edge User
Originally Posted by borisb View Post
If the Home and Menu buttons do nothing, you may need to reset (reboot) your eDGe (see
k. rebooted. recalibrated.

It seemed to help some. My half-inch variance is now more like what you said, 1/8". It evens out when I reach about the point of the vertical line on the journal/notepad underneath where it says "Untitled". I could not get a full time slot written in there before, but I can now. It's adequate for me, though, since I don't like clutter on my pages. It allows me to limit myself and it's more visually appealing.

But for copious note taking, I can see where it could get cumbersome to have more pages per notes than more notes per page. I'll see next semester when I actually take classes. The thing is, most of my school is done virtually (accounting), so I often get online slideshows and what not, so it may not be accurate assessment from me either way.
Old 11-22-2010, 10:11 AM   #9
Edge User
Originally Posted by Paintbrush View Post
ETA: I do find a drawback of only 1 USB port. Need is a strong word for it, but considering I plan on getting a keyboard to use with it, that will take up my single port and it would be nice to have a spare port. That's a slight difference from alefor's review.
Thanks for the feedback, all.

Regarding the USB port issue, I would suggest getting one of those little 4-port USB-powered USB hubs, usually less than $10. Admittedly, I have not tried one on the full-size or the Pocket eDGe, but there's no reason it shouldnt work (I know the full-size eDGe USB ports are powered because I charge my phone with them sometimes), and would allow 4 connections at once. That would solve the issue with the keyboard.

The problem with the journal for me, is that even with the pen on "fine", I could never write words that fit in a line on the ruled paper. Perhaps a liability of my profession. My handwriting is pathetic. Given the smaller screen (about 1/2) on the Pocket eDGe, I can fit many fewer words per line or per page. For me, its more useful for large letters as if one were writing a post-it note of 3 lines to put on the refrigerator door, rather than a page full of notes taken in physics class.

Hope this perspective helps.
Old 11-22-2010, 10:31 AM   #10
Edge User
Originally Posted by alefor View Post
Thanks for the feedback, all.

Regarding the USB port issue, I would suggest getting one of those little 4-port USB-powered USB hubs, usually less than $10. Admittedly, I have not tried one on the full-size or the Pocket eDGe, but there's no reason it shouldnt work (I know the full-size eDGe USB ports are powered because I charge my phone with them sometimes), and would allow 4 connections at once. That would solve the issue with the keyboard.
Thanks for the suggestion. I'm going for it first chance I get. I'll let you all know how it works for me.

The problem with the journal for me, is that even with the pen on "fine", I could never write words that fit in a line on the ruled paper. Perhaps a liability of my profession. My handwriting is pathetic. Given the smaller screen (about 1/2) on the Pocket eDGe, I can fit many fewer words per line or per page. For me, its more useful for large letters as if one were writing a post-it note of 3 lines to put on the refrigerator door, rather than a page full of notes taken in physics class.

Hope this perspective helps.
You must be a doctor!

I find my penmanship is more legible with a medium point and there is a curve to learning how to write legibly on it. But I've always been able to fine tune into smaller spaces. Perhaps the difference between the PE and the EE journals is like college-ruled vs. wide-ruled paper? Or is it more like notebook vs. elementary writing practice sheets?
Old 11-22-2010, 10:38 AM   #11
Edge User

To me, its like a notebook vs. elementary writing practice sheets. But maybe thats just me. The journal on the Pocket eDGe is fine, works well, just go thru more sheets than on the full-sized version. For me, a lot more... proportionally more than the difference in area. Given that I'm not cutting down trees to do so, it's not a deal-breaker, but I admittedly like to write smaller and finer than I can on the Pocket eDGe.

Ya....good guess!!!! And I look forward to hearing about the hub. It should be no problem at all.
Old 11-22-2010, 10:39 AM   #12
Edge User
Originally Posted by Paintbrush View Post
I'll see next semester when I actually take classes.
Glad to hear the calibration helped. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't, but it's always the first recommendation.

For classes, if I haven't said this before, consider getting the larger eDGe as that model was specifically designed for the classroom setting. I plan to use my Pocket eDGe for more casual use on the go, for quick reminder notes for example, rather than "desk" use.
Old 11-22-2010, 10:40 AM   #13
Edge User
A full sized Wacom penabled pen makes writing small and legibly significantly easier. However, you have to figure out how not to lose the pen and to remember to bring it with you
Old 11-22-2010, 10:54 AM   #14
Edge User
Originally Posted by borisb View Post
Glad to hear the calibration helped. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't, but it's always the first recommendation.

For classes, if I haven't said this before, consider getting the larger eDGe as that model was specifically designed for the classroom setting. I plan to use my Pocket eDGe for more casual use on the go, for quick reminder notes for example, rather than "desk" use.
If I get a full-sized edge, it'll go to my son right now. I imagine it would be easier for class notes for me, but he would need it more. I already went through my school doing it the old fashioned way, so am well-versed there. He's borderline ADHD and could stand to have less papers to shift around. After that, I imagine we will see which ones work better for my daughters and more than likely they will get their turn. Then my husband is going to get the next toy. So, I have a long line in front of me before I get another piece of electronics. lol.

I do think I'll eventually want a full-sized edge. It seems to do everything I already do (except OneNote... which I absolutely adore and wish EnTourage would work that one in).

I am studying to be an accountant, so I'll probably need something that handles accounting software in addition to my eDGe, but so far, it's really great.

I am also kinda attatched to the portability. It fits right in my purse.
Old 11-22-2010, 04:01 PM   #15
Edge User
Originally Posted by alefor View Post
I know the full-size eDGe USB ports are powered because I charge my phone with them sometimes
Yes, but they're not as fully powered as some other devices. There's not enough power for my external USB hard drive nor even my SD card reader (just looks like a regular USB flash drive). So, I think it's a great suggestion, but you may very well have to test the combination of hub/devices.

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