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Old 12-21-2009, 11:13 PM   #1
Gummby began at the beginning.
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Device: Sony PRS-600, GEB1150, Treo 680
Need Help on GEB1150

I just bought a used GEB1150 off of eBay. I'm hoping to give it to my daughter in a couple of weeks for her birthday.

It has no SmartMedia Card, so it is still the old firmware, but I have downloaded the new USB driver.

I've tried using impserv, REB1200 Librarian, and Linreb, but I have been unsuccessful in getting anything from my computer to the GEB. Any help would be appreciated.
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Old 12-22-2009, 02:44 PM   #2
250 Coupe
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Without a card, it will have 8mb of built in memory which is enough for several books.

Can you tell us what firmware revision it is?
Tap the lower left stack of books icon.
Tap the upper left icon.
Tap "Info", is there a user name and user ID?
Tap "more", note the number after "Viewer"

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Old 12-22-2009, 07:52 PM   #3
Gummby began at the beginning.
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Originally Posted by 250 Coupe View Post
Without a card, it will have 8mb of built in memory which is enough for several books.

Can you tell us what firmware revision it is?
Tap the lower left stack of books icon.
Tap the upper left icon.
Tap "Info", is there a user name and user ID?
Tap "more", note the number after "Viewer"

It is 3.1
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Old 12-23-2009, 08:21 AM   #4
250 Coupe
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I was thinking of the 1200/2150. The 1150 should still work with that firmware.

Let me get back to you, I may be able to ship you a card with the current firmware.

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Old 12-23-2009, 02:46 PM   #5
Gummby began at the beginning.
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Originally Posted by 250 Coupe View Post
The 1150 should still work with that firmware.
That's exactly what I was thinking. I'm assuming either user error on my part, or some issue with the ports being locked down by Windows, my router, or anti-virus software. I just don't know how to go about trouble-shooting it.
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Old 12-23-2009, 08:47 PM   #6
250 Coupe
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OK, the cat is outside and not climbing into my lap every three seconds and the kid is making a tent with every chair in the house so maybe I can think clearly. Or maybe not.

I can't get impserve to work either but it used to work fine. You need to set the http proxy (on the reader, phone settings page) to the IP of your computer and the port to 9090 but in my case, it still won't connect.

Is this the librarian software you are using?

To connect to your local bookshelf, the driver must be running, ie. the little Eiffel tower in the notification bar. Then start the librarian program and finally turn on the ebook and connect it. After connecting the ebook, you should see radio waves around the tower indicating that the ebook is connected. Also, do not check either proxy button on the reader to connect this way.

I just now learned that the reader will only look at the "new" bookshelf in the librarian program. I was viewing the "read" shelf I had created and since it only has books for my 1200, I got a message saying that there were no books available for the 1150.

Are you getting any error messages or any indication that anything is trying to connect but failing. There are some messages at the bottom of the screen in the librarian program that might help point us in the right direction.

I don't know if firmware 3.1 is still looking for the gemstar servers but you could try connecting via the internal modem to see if it will let you register the ebook. Registration is free and will get you an online bookshelf but I'm thinking you need a newer revision.

Something I just noticed on the Breeno site is that there may be two versions of the USB driver. One for gemstar firmware and one for the ETI firmware.

How about you PM me with your mailing address and I'll send you a card with the current firmware and a handful of books on it.
is the only source for new cards I've found and if you are lucky, you'll get one box of ten cards like I did for your $45.

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