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Sat August 24 2013

September Book Club Vote

05:19 PM by WT Sharpe in Reading Recommendations | Book Clubs

September 2013 MobileRead Book Club Vote

Help us choose a book as the September 2013 eBook for the MobileRead Book Club. The poll will be open for 5 days. There will be no runoff vote unless the voting results a tie, in which case there will be a 3 day run-off poll. This is a visible poll: others can see how you voted. It is multiple-choice: you may cast a vote for each book that appeals to you.

We will start the discussion thread for this book on September 20th. Select from the following Official Choices with three nominations each:

A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway
Amazon US / Barnes & Noble / Kobo

In 1929, Italy banned Ernest Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms for its vivid description of the Italian Army's disgraceful retreat following the Battle of Caporetto during World War I.

Complete Works of Sappho (Delphi Ancient Classics) by Sappho of Lesbos (Author), Peter Russell (Translator)
Amazon UK / Amazon US / Apple Store / Delphi Classics

Sappho was an acclaimed Greek poet who lived around 600 B.C. During her lifetime, her works about love and longing were considered masterpieces. Their content, though, had a definite woman-to-woman element that was later found objectionable by the Church. Christians began destroying her works in the 5th century A.D., and her poetry was officially banned by Pope Gregory VII in 1073. The destruction was so thorough that only one complete poem survived for many centuries until a cache of papyri, discovered in the 1800s, that had been used to wrap mummies and stuff sacred animals was found to include her writings.

Fairy Tales by Hans Christian Andersen
Patricia Clark Memorial Library: lrf

In 1835 Tsarist Russia, under Nicholas I banned the sale of Andersen's Fairy Tales lest the violent nature disturb impressionable children. The ban remained in place until 1849. The stories were again banned in Soviet Union beginning in the 1930s because they glorified princes and princesses.

The Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie
Amazon UK / Amazon US / Barnes & Noble / Kobo / Sony (Also available on Overdrive.)

Though it is not as immediately topical as it was a couple of decades ago it is still banned in every Islamic country with the exception of Turkey, apparently. That and there are not many books where people have died for being involved in publication. In September 2012, Rushdie expressed doubt that The Satanic Verses would be published today because of a climate of "fear and nervousness."

Lady Chatterly's Lover by D.H. Lawrence
ePub and Kindle Links at bottom of page

First published in a private edition in Italy in 1928, it wasn't openly published in the UK until 1960, leading to the famous obsenity trial where the chief prosecuting barrister, Mervyn Griffith-Jones, asked the jury if it were the kind of book "you would wish your wife or servants to read".

Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston
Amazon UK / Amazon US / Barnes & Noble / Kobo / Sony (Also available on Overdrive.)


From Wikipedia:

Set in central and southern Florida in the early 20th century, the novel was initially poorly received for its rejection of racial uplift literary prescriptions. Today, it has come to be regarded as a seminal work in both African-American literature and women's literature. Time included the novel in its 2005 list of the 100 best English-language novels published since 1923.

It has been banned for frank sexual content as well as it's depiction of life for a black woman in America at the time published (1937).

No Orchids for Miss Blandish by James Hadley Chase
Amazon UK / Amazon US / Barnes & Noble / Kobo

This novel is now widely regarded as one of the top thrillers of the last century. When it was originally published it pushed the social boundaries of the time through its relentless exploration of crime and sexual exploitation. Unlike most crime novels of that era, the characters are rich, deeply realized portraits of those who lived on the fringes of society during the Great Depression -- namely the gangsters, their women, and the men who hunted them. The novel broke sales records when published and has gone onto to sell over four million copies worldwide. Historically important, such literary greats as George Orwell and Graham Greene instantly recognized its merits. In a lengthy essay that securely placed NO ORCHIDS in an honored position in crime fiction, George Orwell wrote that, "In a book like NO ORCHIDS one is not, as in the old-style crime story, simply escaping from dull reality into an imaginary world of action. One's escape is essentially into cruelty and sexual perversion...a brilliant piece of writing, with hardly a wasted word or a jarring note anywhere."

Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes
Amazon UK / Amazon US / B&N (US) / Google Play (AUS)

Challenged/Banned Info:
Flowers for Algernon

Banned in Emporium, PA, due to sexually explicit passages that parents feared would awaken their children’s “natural impulses.” 1977

Challenged in Oberlin, OH, due to sexually explicit passages. 1984

Banned in Glen Rose, AR, due to language and sexually explicit passages. Objectors compared Flowers for Algernon to “books in plastic covers you see at newsstands.” 1981

Challenged in Glenrock, WY for sexually explicit passages and language. Objector compared the novel to Playboy and Hustler among other, um, photo-centric publications. 1984

Challenged in Plant City, FL, (and Arizona, Virginia, and Georgia) for sexually explicit passages, adult themes, and profanity. 1976, 1981, 1996, 1997

Banned from Aledo (Texas) Middle School, subsequently re-shelved at the school library, but not reinstated into the curriculum. (1999)
Frequently challenged due to objections to “sexually explicit” content.

Ranks no. 47 on ALA’s 100 Most Frequently Challenged Books of 1990-2000.

Full link at:[/i]

The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck

No links provided.

It won the Pulitzer and is 3rd on the ALA's list of banned and challenged classics.

Fade by Robert Cormier
Amazon US / Barnes & Noble / Google / Kobo

In the summer of 1938, the young Paul Moreaux who lives in a town outside of Boston called Monument, discovers he can "fade". "Fading" is the term used for being invisible and becoming invisible to the world. His family has had this ability generation after generation. It is passed down from uncle to nephew. First bewildered, then thrilled with the possibilities of invisibility, Paul experiments with his "gift". This ability shows him things that he should not witness. His power soon overloads him, shows him shocking secrets, pushes him over the edge, and drives him toward some chilling and horrible acts from which there is no forgiveness, no forgetting, and no turning back. His depressing downfall impacts the reader. Paul discovers how cruel, evil, and disgusting the world can be.

Paul sees so much by his gift. The ability to fade becomes a nightmare because he learns so much that he did not want to see or hear.

Because of the novel's content that includes scenes of murder and incest, it has been the frequent target of censors and appears on the American Library Association list of the 100 Most Frequently Challenged Books of 1990-2000 at number sixty-five (Wikipedia)

[ 32 replies - poll! ]

MobileRead Week in Review: 08/17 - 08/24

06:00 AM by Alexander Turcic in Miscellaneous | Week in Review

Feast your eyes on some of the discussions from this week at MobileRead...

E-Book General - News

E-Book General - General Discussions

E-Book General - Deals, Freebies, and Resources (No Self-Promotion)

E-Book General - Reading Recommendations

Miscellaneous - Lounge

Fri August 23 2013

Refurbished Nook Glow Light $59.99 today (8/23)

01:35 PM by Keslynn in E-Book General | Deals and Resources (No...

The post title pretty much says it all: refurbished Nook Glow Light for $59.99 today only. I have purchased from Tanga before and have no complaints.


[ 16 replies ]

Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer to retire

10:58 AM by HarryT in E-Book General | News

A bit of a bombshell announced today, as Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer, who's been the visible "face" of Microsoft since the retirement of Bill Gates, announced that he is to retire within the next 12 months.

As BBC News reports the story:

Microsoft chief executive Steve Ballmer is to retire from the technology giant within the next 12 months.

Shares in Microsoft, criticised for its slow response to the booming market for mobile devices, leapt 9% on the news.

Mr Ballmer, who last month unveiled a restructuring to address the criticism, said in a statement: "There is never a perfect time for this type of transition, but now is the right time.

"We need a CEO who will be here longer term for this new direction."

The world's biggest software company has created a special committee to find a replacement. This committee includes Microsoft founder Bill Gates.

Mr Ballmer, 57, succeeded Mr Gates in 2000. The two men met in 1973 while studying at Harvard University, and Mr Ballmer joined the company in 1980.

Full story at:

Sounds as if the stock market at least thinks that this will be good for Microsoft, especially in the area of mobile devices.

[ 55 replies ]

Did a writer get bullied on Goodreads? (Salon Article)

07:31 AM by taming in E-Book General | General Discussions

Salon reports on the experience of a new author who got bad reviews and allegedly nasty comments on Goodreads about her book before it was released.

From the article:

Howard, who describes herself as a woman who was “bullied throughout her entire high school career,” says that “I have NEVER expected this journey to be all sunshine and rainbows, I knew some people would hate my book but I could have handled THOSE reviews. What I cannot handle and what I didn’t expect is being targeted PRIOR TO RELEASE by a group of bullies who have wished horrible things, including rape and death, on me” and that “I will not be a part of a site where it is acceptable to wish rape, sodomy, abuse and death on someone.” Though it’s only her word on this, given the ease with which rape and death threats are tossed around at women online, it’s certainly not difficult to imagine.

[ 108 replies ]

Bogus takedown notice sent to the wrong person; Harvard Prof. Lessig fights back

05:52 AM by Alexander Turcic in E-Book General | General Discussions

Yes, rightsholders are entitled to protect their content from being pirated, but it's a sad fact that many of them are quite trigger-happy when it comes to wiping their content off the face of the Internet. This time it happened to Larry Lessig, Roy L. Furman Professor of Law and Leadership at Harvard Law School and co-founder of Creative Commons, who has allegedly violated copyright because he used a song by the French band Phoenix in one of his lectures that was subsequently posted on YouTube. Rather than removing the lecture clip, Prof. Lessig is now fighting back by suing Liberation Music. He enlisted EFF to help him take the record company to court:

Earlier this year, Liberation Music, which claims to own the license to the Phoenix song, began the process to block the video through YouTube's copyright infringement system. After the company submitted a DMCA takedown notice, Lessig filed a counter-notice that asserted the clips were fair use. After Liberation Music threatened to sue Lessig, he retracted the notice. But Lessig did not concede this issue. Instead, he enlisted EFF's help to take Liberation Music to court.

"There's a long and sorry history of content owners abusing copyright to take down fair uses, but this one is particularly shocking," said EFF Intellectual Property Director Corynne McSherry. "Based on nothing more than a few clips illustrating Internet creativity, Liberation Music took down an entire lecture by one of the leading experts in the world on copyright and fair use. This kind of abuse has to stop."

Below are two YouTube clips where Lessig talks about copyright.

Q&A with Lawrence Lessig on copyright in the digital age

Larry Lessig: Laws that choke creativity

Related: US Gov seeks to strike a copyright balance, wants your input, Rapidshare loses court battle against German booksellers

[via Boing Boing]

Image: Kristina Alexanderson/Flickr

[ 35 replies ]

Twistbook dual-screen E Ink reader concept

04:55 AM by Alexander Turcic in E-Book General | News

Now, you're not going to see this in stores any time soon. But if you've always liked the idea of mimicking the act of reading a book, take a look at the Twistbook (see attached images). Fabrice Dubuy has created this concept design of a dual-face E Ink reader that allows the user to simulate the feel of flipping through the pages of a book.

Related: So, did companies give up on two page devices?

[via Trendhunter]

[ 21 replies ]

calibre reaches version 1.0, after seven years in the making

03:16 AM by Alexander Turcic in E-Book General | News

Lo and behold, today marks the day when calibre has finally reached the all-important 1.0 status. We've to go far back in time - somewhere in late October 2006 to be precise - when MobileReader and calibre brainchild kovidgoyal introduced the libprs500 tool. libprs500 was the predecessor of calibre, and it served as an unofficial solution for accessing the Sony PRS-500 (Sony's first e-reader, long before Amazon introduced the Kindle) from non-Windows hosts. It was then sometime around mid-2008 when libprs500 was renamed to calibre in participation of supporting non-Sony readers as well.

Congrats to everyone who's been involved in the development of calibre, and of course, first and foremost congrats to Kovid! Now that we've reached 1.0 - when can we expect version 2.0?

So what's new in 1.0?

New Features

  • A new 'cover grid' view of the books in your calibre library
  • A new, faster database backend
  • RTF Input: Add option to ignore WMF images iinstead of replacing them with a placeholder
  • Content server: Make virtual libraries available as searches from the start page. They work just like saved searches, clicking on a virtual library will show you all the books in that virtual library

Bug Fixes

  • Remove extra, useless 'language' entry in metadata download configuration dialog
  • Kobo driver: Display device collections even if the driver is configured to not manage shelves on the device
  • Fix typo in calibre.desktop file on linux
  • Edit metadata dialog: Disable OK button while results are being downloaded
  • In OS X 10.8 Apple stopped redirecting stdout/stderr to for applications launched by launch services. Re-enable the redirection, useful for debugging
  • Fix virtual library tabs not being updated when using VL button

New and improved news sources

  • News24 and Nuus24 by Nicki de Wet
  • Consumerist
  • jeuxvideo
  • Metro UK
  • El Tribuno
  • High Country News
  • Daily Express
  • Providence Journal
  • mediapart

The above list only lists changes from the last 0.9 version. For a complete list of changes between 0.9 and 1.0, see this page.

Want to know more about calibre? Head over to the Calibre forums.

[ 80 replies ]

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