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Old 03-09-2004, 07:10 AM   #1
Alexander Turcic
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iSilo + iSiloX V4.05 Beta out - Bug Report here

** Please post your problems with the new iSilo / iSiloX beta here. If possible, Also mention your PDA device and your system information (accessible in iSilo via Tools->System Information) . **

iSilo V4.05b1:

Adds the following new features:

All platforms:
  • Added hierarchical multiple-category support:
    • Each document can belong to any number of categories simultaneously.
    • Sub-categories can be created up to ten levels deep, allowing for hierarchical categories.
    • Category names can be up to 29 characters long.
    • Support for up to approximately 5,000 categories.
    • Support for a combined size for category names of up to approximately 50,000 characters.
    • Support for default categories specified using a category path with forward slashes as hierarchical category component separators.
  • Added support for automatically categorizing a document into its specified, possibly hierarchic, default category the first time the document is opened.

iSilo™ for Palm OS®:
  • Completely reworked the document list view.
  • In the document list view menu:
    • Added the Edit Favorite Folders command to the Tools menu for accessing the dialog for renaming and deleting favorite folder aliases.
    • Removed the Open File command from Tools menu, as the functionality for opening a file from any folder is now available through the Device & Storage Card view of the document list.
    • Moved the Delete All command to the new List menu.
    • Moved the Refresh List command to the new List, renaming it as just Refresh.
    • Removed the Synchronize List command from the Tools menu as it is no longer needed in the new document list view operation model.
  • In the Document List Options dialog:
    • Removed the "Sort by", "Refresh", and "Show size" options, which no longer apply as such in the new document list view operation model.
    • Added the "Fields" option for specifying which columns to show in the document list view.
    • Added "Recent list" option to specify how many files to list in the Recently Opened view.
    • Added the Settings option to specify the maximum size for the document settings database.
  • Added support for the following five document list views:
    • Recently Opened: Lists documents opened recently in order from most recently opened at the top to least recently opened at the bottom.
    • Updated: Lists documents previously opened that have been updated.
    • Categorized: Lists categories and categorized documents.
    • Favorite Folders: Provides view of files in aliased folders unified across multiple memory cards.
    • Device & Storage Cards</I>: Lists all documents in iSilo™ and Palm Doc format installed in the internal storage memory of the device and all files of any type in all folders on all mounted memory cards.
  • To support the five new views, made the following changes to the document list view interface:
    • Added a folder up button for going up one folder.
    • Added a volume/folder popup list for selecting another volume or higher-level folder.
    • Added a sort popup list for selecting the sort order.
    • Added a tab bar for selecting the current view.
  • Support for document settings for documents located anywhere (e.g., removed limitation of not being able to save settings/local bookmarks for documents opened via Open File menu command).
  • Removed Mode popup from document list.
  • Added file and folder context menus for items in the document list:
    • Context menu accessed via tap on icon, one second stylus hold on name, or Right button on four-way navigator.
    • Commands in file context menu: Open, Categories (for categorizing a file, and for creating, renaming, and deleting categories), Delete, Rename, Beam, Information, Copy
    • Commands in folder context menu: Enter Folder, Favorite Folder Alias
  • In the read view menu:
    • Removed the Details command from the Edit menu.
    • Added the Categories command to the Edit menu for categorizing the document currently being viewed, and for creating, renaming, and deleting categories.
    • Added the Delete command to the Edit menu for deleting the document currently being viewed.
  • Added ability for iSilo™ to take advantage of the expanded screen of the Sony CLIÉ TH-55.

iSilo™ for Pocket PC:
  • Completely reworked the document list view.
  • In the document list view menu:
    • Removed the Choose Folder command from List menu, as the functionality for opening a file from any folder is now available through the Device & Storage Card view of the document list.
    • Added the Exit command to the List menu to terminate the program.
    • Added the Edit Favorite Folders command to the Tools menu for accessing the dialog for renaming and deleting favorite folder aliases.
  • In the document list Options dialog:
    • On the List tab, added option to enable/disable automatic categorization.
    • On the Settings tab, added "Recent file list" option to specify how many files to list in the Recently Opened view.
  • Added support for the following five document list views:
    • Recently Opened: Lists documents opened recently in order from most recently opened at the top to least recently opened at the bottom.
    • Updated: Lists documents previously opened that have been updated.
    • Categorized: Lists categories and categorized documents.
    • Favorite Folders: Provides view of files in aliased folders unified across multiple memory cards.
    • Device & Storage Cards</I>: Lists files and folders anywhere in internal storage and on mounted storage cards.
  • To support the five new views, made the following changes to the document list view interface:
    • Added a folder up button for going up one folder.
    • Added a volume/folder popup list for selecting another volume or higher-level folder.
    • In the menu bar, added icon buttons for selecting the current view.
  • In the context menu for files:
    • Removed the Create Copy, Select All, and Rename/Move commands.
    • Added the Open, Categories (for categorizing the file, and for creating, renaming, and deleting categories), Rename, and Information commands.
    • Added file and folder context menus for items in the document list:
  • For folders in the document list, added support for a context menu with the Enter Folder and Favorite Folder Alias commands.
  • In the read view, added the Categories command to the Edit menu for categorizing the document currently being viewed, and for creating, renaming, and deleting categories.
  • In the read view, updated tool bar icon colors to shades of blue.
  • In the iSilo™ device-side ActiveSync® service provider, added support for installation of documents to user-specified paths.

iSilo™ for Windows®:
  • In the File menu, added the Open Categorized command to open a categorized document.
  • In the Edit menu, while viewing a document, added the Categories command for invoking the Categories dialog for categorizing the current document, and for creating, renaming, and deleting categories.
iSilo™ for Windows® CE Handheld PC:
  • In the File menu, added the Open Categorized command to open a categorized document.
  • In the Edit menu, while viewing a document, added the Categories command for invoking the Categories dialog for categorizing the current document, and for creating, renaming, and deleting categories.
iSilo™ for Windows Mobile™ Smartphone:
  • Initial revision.
Addresses the following issues:

iSilo™ for Palm OS®:
  • On the Treo 600, the up and down keys do not change the autoscroll speed.
  • On Sony CLIÉ devices with Palm OS® 4 and high resolution displays, drawing may be clipped incorrectly.
  • When displaying text using the monospace bold font, some characters may appear garbled.
  • When using Font Silo with at least one Font Silo font installed, viewing a document in iSilo™ 1.x format may give a blank screen.
  • On a Tungsten T3 with the screen expanded, opening a file using the Open File or Document Information dialogs may cause a fatal alert.
iSilo™ for Pocket PC:
  • After powering off with a document from the memory card open, and then powering back on, the document becomes unreadable.
iSiloX V4.05b1:

Adds the following new features:

All platforms:
  • Added mapping of Unicode 0xFF0D long hyphen to JIS 01 3D.
  • For HTTP requests, added sending of the "Referer" header line. Some sites check the Referer header line to prevent deep-linking, thus causing conversion of content at such sites to not convert correctly.
  • Added automatic redirection to the target page of a meta refresh element in an HTML page when the refresh delay is zero. (i.e., <meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0;URL=">)
iSiloX for Windows®:
  • The iSilo™ Install conduit gets support for installation of documents to user-specified paths.
  • The iSilo™ ActiveSync® service provider gets support for installation of documents to user-specified paths.
  • In the HotSync® Users dialog used for adding HotSync® destinations, added new Destination option Path for user-specified paths.
  • In the ActiveSync® Devices dialog used for adding ActiveSync® destinations, added new Destination option Path for user-specified paths.
  • On the Destination properties page, added Path item to right-click context menu for changing the HotSync® and ActiveSync® destinations to Path, including destination path modification.
iSiloX for Mac OS:
  • For Mac OS 9.1 or later or Mac OS X version 10.1 or later with Palm™ Desktop 4.0 or later added iSilo™ Install conduit to support automatic installation of converted documents to external memory card during HotSync®.
  • In the HotSync® Users dialog used for adding HotSync® destinations, added new Destination options External memory card and Path. The Path option is for user-specified paths.
  • On the Destination properties page, added control-click context menu for User Name list for changing the destination to any of the available destination options of Handheld device memory, External memory card, and Path, including destination path modification.
  • For installation on Mac OS X, help files now go to the User Domain instead of the Local Domain, thus no longer requiring administrator privileges to install the help files.
Addresses the following issues:

All platforms:
  • Lines longer than 128 characters in source files may become truncated.
  • Conversion of grayscale JPEG images may result in a garbled image.
  • List elements may have extraneous spaces following them causing insertion of blank lines in display.
  • In HTML source files, if the opening bracket of a tag begins on a two kilobyte boundary following a line break consisting of a CR and a LF, it may be incorrectly skipped during parsing, resulting in the following characters being interpreted as content.
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Old 03-09-2004, 07:46 PM   #2
MR prodigal son
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Ok, I've encountered a problem with the PPC version (running on an ipaq 1930, see sig).

I've reconfigured the hardware buttons to my favourite config, but if I switch away from isilo to another app, or a reminder pops up, then I switch back, the hardware buttons no longer do _anything_ until I exit iSilo and restart it.

That's it for now...

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Old 03-09-2004, 08:31 PM   #3
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The new beta looks like yet another advance, but I've encountered a problem already. I've generally been using Launcher X to go directly into iSilo files - that way I can group files from different applications together that have something in common - eg their subject matter. With the new version, instead of going straight into the document, the document list comes up.

I suppose this is just as likely to need a modification to Launcher X than to iSilo? Which could be a problem in view of Bozidar Benc's recent troubles.
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Old 03-10-2004, 01:28 AM   #4
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Some files lost their categories in the upgrade, and some documents wound up with no categories at all, which freaked me out for a bit, as it took a minute to locate them. It would be nice to be able to categorize more than one file at a time. I like the new interface, though it took a minute to get used to.

Also I am unsure why the Launcher folder on my expansion card was included in the default "Favorite Folder" list? Don't guess that qualifies as a bug.
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Old 03-10-2004, 06:42 PM   #5
Alexander Turcic
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Originally Posted by BasilC
I suppose this is just as likely to need a modification to Launcher X than to iSilo? Which could be a problem in view of Bozidar Benc's recent troubles.
Car-accident, right? Hope he is doing better by now. I agree with you, I think most launchers will need to have a modification to work with the new category system in place.
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Old 03-10-2004, 08:05 PM   #6
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Another unwelcome change that I've noticed is that when you start up iSilo it brings up the file list instead of the screen that you were in when you left it. Hopefully, this is just a bug in the beta.
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Old 03-10-2004, 08:34 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by BasilC
Another unwelcome change that I've noticed is that when you start up iSilo it brings up the file list instead of the screen that you were in when you left it.
Ah, you're right, I hadn't even noticed that yet. I hope that gets fixed.
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Old 03-11-2004, 12:10 AM   #8
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This might be related to a bug already posted...

When you are finished reading a document and push the "X" button to return to the list it always takes you back to the top. Very Frustrating!

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Old 03-11-2004, 02:33 AM   #9
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Whoops! Retracted. Couldn't make the error repeat.

Last edited by ignatz; 03-11-2004 at 02:39 AM.
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Old 03-13-2004, 10:15 PM   #10
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It seems I cannot make a font register as the default in the beta. I was playing with fonts before the switch, but now I can't seem to change back on a global basis. I can change back per document, but that's a pain. Can someone tell me how to step back to the old version? I don't want to mess up my file list, is there anything that I should worry about??
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Old 03-14-2004, 11:58 PM   #11
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I got a reply to my last post over at the iSilo forums (which, by the way, seems like the place to be if you want to get any feedback on these types of problems). Thought I would quote their response here in case anyone else has gotten stuck where I am.
Assuming you did not say yes to the question about deleting your old settings database when you started the beta version for the first time. You should be able to go back to the old version by simply reinstalling it. Do *not* delete the beta, otherwise your old settings database will also be deleted. Just install the previous version over the beta.
Also, they have released a couple of modified versions of the initial beta with some bug fixes. You can pick up the latest version at the beta section of
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Old 03-26-2004, 08:15 PM   #12
Colin Dunstan
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iSilo/X V4.05 Beta 2 is now out.

Basically lots of bug fixes for Beta 1!
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Old 03-28-2004, 08:33 PM   #13
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I've just loaded beta 2 for the PPC on my 1930, and the button issue still hasn't been addressed.

I have my buttons configured to page up/down/left/right, as well as toggling full screen, going back and top/bottom of document. These work fine when I open a document, but if iSilo loses "focus" (ie I open/access another program) then come back to it, none of the buttons work. I can get them back by exiting the document then opening it again, or by going forward or backwards a page.

I'll cross post this on the isilo support forum.

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Old 04-07-2004, 08:50 AM   #14
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you might want to give beta 3 a try... it just arrived
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Old 04-07-2004, 08:24 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by TadW

you might want to give beta 3 a try... it just arrived
I downloaded and tried beta 3... problem fixed! Good stuff! I'd gone back to v4.01 while waiting for the bug fix, the loss of hardware buttons irritated me _that_ much!

Keep up the good work, guys!

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