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Old 06-03-2020, 05:30 AM   #1
Horus68 understands the mechanisms of the catecholamine pathways.Horus68 understands the mechanisms of the catecholamine pathways.Horus68 understands the mechanisms of the catecholamine pathways.Horus68 understands the mechanisms of the catecholamine pathways.Horus68 understands the mechanisms of the catecholamine pathways.Horus68 understands the mechanisms of the catecholamine pathways.Horus68 understands the mechanisms of the catecholamine pathways.Horus68 understands the mechanisms of the catecholamine pathways.Horus68 understands the mechanisms of the catecholamine pathways.Horus68 understands the mechanisms of the catecholamine pathways.Horus68 understands the mechanisms of the catecholamine pathways.
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On the file metadata_db_prefs_backup.json

Os the file "metadata_db_prefs_backup.json".
Is it really needed in the root folder of your library?
I do have some libraries with that file and others without it, i don't know why I can see it is updated sometimes, maybe when I change some preferences.

I've read an old post on library restore saying that:
"If there is no metadata_db_prefs_backup.json file then custom column definitions might be wrong and none of the library-specific preferences will be restored."

And also this note "the file metadata_db_prefs_backup.json contains all the plugboards, custom columns, saved searches, virtual libraries, etc. and is backed up when calibre quits-- basically, anything that IS stored per-library."

So is it required and why isn't it on all libraries I have?
I don't need to have it deleted, just super-curious!

Note: My goal is to share my empty library with all my library-specific preferences (custom columns and so on) so some fellows of mine can start a new empty library with some settings already done.

I was able to create a new empty library from my master library (with feature: Create library / Copy structure) and got an empty master without the file "metadata_db_prefs_backup.json"
I created a copy from that folder and created a library from it and the library settings are there.
It was done in a 32 bit windows machine, didn't test it on a 64 bit machine!

Last edited by Horus68; 06-03-2020 at 05:33 AM.
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Old 06-03-2020, 05:34 AM   #2
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kovidgoyal ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.kovidgoyal ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.kovidgoyal ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.kovidgoyal ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.kovidgoyal ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.kovidgoyal ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.kovidgoyal ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.kovidgoyal ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.kovidgoyal ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.kovidgoyal ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.kovidgoyal ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.
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IIRC that file is written every time you quit calibre with that library open.
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Old 06-03-2020, 06:10 AM   #3
Horus68 understands the mechanisms of the catecholamine pathways.Horus68 understands the mechanisms of the catecholamine pathways.Horus68 understands the mechanisms of the catecholamine pathways.Horus68 understands the mechanisms of the catecholamine pathways.Horus68 understands the mechanisms of the catecholamine pathways.Horus68 understands the mechanisms of the catecholamine pathways.Horus68 understands the mechanisms of the catecholamine pathways.Horus68 understands the mechanisms of the catecholamine pathways.Horus68 understands the mechanisms of the catecholamine pathways.Horus68 understands the mechanisms of the catecholamine pathways.Horus68 understands the mechanisms of the catecholamine pathways.
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Originally Posted by kovidgoyal View Post
IIRC that file is written every time you quit calibre with that library open.
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