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Old 06-19-2010, 04:23 PM   #1
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Xournal port for R2.0

I started a new thread to post updates of Xournal for Firmware R2.0. See here for the previous posts.

See the \Programs\_xournal\ReadMe.txt for installation/usage/issues.

NOTE: The location for the config settings has changed in version 0.5 from internal flash to the SD-card. Click on Programs->Install->copyXournalConfig.desktop to copy the old config settings to the new location.

QUICK-HELP: Unzip the zip file ( to your SD-card (Mac users be carefull, there are programs that (re)move the content of existing folders. The files of the zip files should be added to the folders, or overwrite existing files). If used for the first time (or whenever the firmware is updated) run : Programs->Install->installXournalExtensions.desktop.

Patches (Xournal-dr-0.8a/b/c/d) need to be unzipped after installing the full-release. They only overwrite some file(s).

This version can be used for both DR1000 and DR800 (although I only tested it on my DR1000).

- Check if file exists in Save and add to database if needed
- Do not generate an empty first page for Import-Only
- Give a different name to imported annotated files to prevent overwrite 
- Use a bigger dialog to select new pdf file when file has been moved
- Report corrupt auto-save file
- change colors of the pens
- Only draw inside 'printable' area
- Allow comma in directories
- Patch to create smaller scrollbars
- Add option to only import/show pages that have annotation
- Added some experimental icons to the toolbar (only works with Mackpatch)
- Make sure config folder exists
- Add label-functionality
- Update screen-refresh behaviour
- Add command line options to indicate 'Import Annotations' and 'Import only Annotations'
  This will be used by future version of MackxPatch (P9 and higher).
- fix problem with text-items that did not work anymore.
- fix problem with rotation handling.
- fix problem with 'recogniser'-updates.
- The last page is now saved when a file is closed.
- Using sysSetBgBusy/sysResetBgBusy to prevent sleep mode (idle) of the device. This improves
  handling of big documents.
- Some minor bug fixes from the original distribution are taken over.
- Key processing changed: 
  - focus is restored to the 'canvas' more at more occasions
  - holding middle on one side (L/R) and taping on up/down on the other side jumps to first/last page
- Screen update mechanism changed, using the new display_control-functions. The screen is now much less
  often updated leading to a better writting experience.
- Disable multidoc, now clicking on xournal-shortcut again will bring running xournal-instance to front.
- Properly closing metadata.db file after importing scribbles
- Add .xoj file with tag:xournal and .pdg with tag:book
- fast updates in xournal-statusbar lead to no updates at all, now using timer
- Further improvements to handling large files
- Experimental menu option to use non anti-aliased canvas, to speed up screen refreshes
  Note that the new settings is only activated after a restart of xournal!
- Moved config settings from internal flash to SD-card (/Programs/_config)
  Use: Programs->Install->copyXournalConfig.desktop to copy your old settings to the new location
- Detect Encrypt-tag and handle document by rendering each page.
- Make rendered pages 1024 pixels wide
- Use ipc_menu_busy_show to avoid suspend of DR
- Improved handling of non PDF 1.4 files. (Each page is rendered, this takes long time!)
- Improved handling of large files, feedback in statusbar, seems to stall, pressing menu helps ...
- Added initial version of notes import
- Using memory-mapped-files for pdf to improve handling of large files (not yet to my satisfaction)
- Improvement to showing a Xournal-tab in the taskbar (DR1000).
- Exported and Saved files are added to global.db and thus shown after closing Xournal.
- Version number is now up-to-date
- W.r.t. the previous version that was released for the R2.0 beta, importing of annotations has been fixed.
Please post your remarks and suggestions.

PS: I also added the source code ( in case anyone want to add their own improvements. See Bitbucket for the latest code.
PS2: I added patch-files with a new version of the xournal executable. They solve several problems discussed in the messages below. First install 0.8 (if not yet done) then copy 0.8d over it.
Attached Files
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Last edited by Mackx; 11-28-2012 at 02:45 PM. Reason: version 0.8d
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Old 06-20-2010, 06:50 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by Mackx View Post
I started a new thread to post updates of Xournal for Firmware R2.0.
It works ok on my DR800 v2 RC2.
I've marked my version as obsolete and point to this thread.

A suggestion: could you do "fit to width" at program start, please? I always do this because of the DR800 screen size.
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Old 06-20-2010, 01:19 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Iņigo View Post
It works ok on my DR800 v2 RC2.
I've marked my version as obsolete and point to this thread.

A suggestion: could you do "fit to width" at program start, please? I always do this because of the DR800 screen size.
Hi Iņigo,

Thanks, I also updated the wiki.
Maybe I can make it an option, so users can decide what the default is, for DR1000 you would probably want a different zoom. Currently it is possible to store a default zoom, but that is only a percentage and will probably only work for one size of documents. (Note I have not tried this, only looked into the code... this might be a usable workaround?)
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Old 07-03-2010, 05:31 PM   #4
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Update 0.3 with Notes import capability

I created a new version of Xournal with Notes-import functionality. See the new menu entry File->import Notes. I am not sure if the scaling is OK on a DR800, I only have a DR1000. I also made some changes for importing annotations for large pdf files, but there are still problems (I hope I did not create regression in the exsisting functionality).

Please let me know what you think of it.

The update is available in the FIRST POST OF THIS THREAD.
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Old 07-05-2010, 01:20 AM   #5
jbbebg began at the beginning.
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Originally Posted by Mackx View Post
I created a new version of Xournal with Notes-import functionality. See the new menu entry File->import Notes. I am not sure if the scaling is OK on a DR800, I only have a DR1000. I also made some changes for importing annotations for large pdf files, but there are still problems (I hope I did not create regression in the exsisting functionality).

Please let me know what you think of it.

The update is available in the FIRST POST OF THIS THREAD.
Thank you Mackx!

Import note is fine, I haven't found any bugs.
Regarding to Merge annotation, empty file might be created. The number of pages are the same as source file, but nothing was realy created. It would be great to solve also this feature.

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Old 07-05-2010, 05:43 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by jbbebg View Post
Regarding to Merge annotation, empty file might be created. The number of pages are the same as source file, but nothing was realy created. It would be great to solve also this feature.
Yes, there is an issue with PDF files greater then version 1.4, I am looking into this, I have some example files that I am using at this moment. (You can find the version by dropping the PDF-file into a normal text-editor (e.g NotePad) and look at the first characters, they are something like "%PDF-1.4").
What is the version number of the file that gives the problems?
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Old 07-10-2010, 01:28 PM   #7
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Version 0.4

I updated the first message with a new version of Xournal with:
- Improved handling of non PDF 1.4 files.
When the pdf-file can not be parsed, each page is rendered. (This can take a long time!)
The resolution of the rendered pages, might be too low, I still have to look how to get it at a fixed resolution.
- Improved handling of large file,
Feedback in statusbar
With very big files the DR seems to stall, pressing menu helps ... but not always and then the DR freezes and you need a reset.
So make sure that the files you annotate are not too big <30MB (guess)
I did not get any feedback on the Notes-import feature from the previous release, is anyone using it?
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Old 07-10-2010, 05:16 PM   #8
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Yes, I have used it. Comes in handy.

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Old 07-11-2010, 09:21 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by Mackx View Post
I updated the first message with a new version of Xournal with:
- Improved handling of non PDF 1.4 files.
When the pdf-file can not be parsed, each page is rendered. (This can take a long time!)
The resolution of the rendered pages, might be too low, I still have to look how to get it at a fixed resolution.
- Improved handling of large file,
Feedback in statusbar
With very big files the DR seems to stall, pressing menu helps ... but not always and then the DR freezes and you need a reset.
So make sure that the files you annotate are not too big <30MB (guess)
I did not get any feedback on the Notes-import feature from the previous release, is anyone using it?

Dear Mackx, dear all,

I have been upgrading/downgrading firmware for several times. Each update of the system or Xournal challenges me to try. Unfortuantely 1.71 is still the best stable version, specially for the Xournal point of view:
- 1.71 supports larger file than 2.0 with adequate latest Xournal 9
- faster running, faster opening the file, faster inserting new page, faster screen refreshing

0.4 Xournal looks more stable than previous one. After some time while system looks to freeze it helps to press the menu button or tab to folder tab and tab back. That will refresh the screen and see if the activity in xournal is done.
Export to pdf with the status bar looks fine, but some files are still not exported well.
Import notes works fine.

I just wish that new Xournal with the firmware 2.0 be at least comparable to Xournal 9 and firmaware 1.71.
That, together with recent files help me to decide to keep using 1.71.

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Old 07-24-2010, 11:10 AM   #10
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Hi jbbebg,

Thanks for the feeback (sorry for my late response).
I also noticed that xournal behaves differently in R1.7.1 and in R2.0. I am not sure what the problem is, file access seems to be slower too.
Since the xournal code did not change that much between the last R1.7.1 release and the releases for R2.0 I do not understand the difference in performance.
The xournal versions for R2.0 should be able to handle more files then the version for R1.7.1. But still the best thing is to use only pdf version 1.4 (compatible to Acrobat 5.0)

The Recent Files patch for R2.0 is still next in my planning (after a small improvement to the FBReader-port).
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Old 07-24-2010, 11:20 AM   #11
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I updated the first message with a new update for Xournal with:
- Further improvements to handling large files
Feedback should be better, and I tried to keep it out of suspend, but I did not succeed completely. When the DR gets stuck, press the menu-button and it will start reacting again (mostly after a few seconds).
- Experimental menu option to use non anti-aliased canvas, to speed up screen refreshes
Note that the new settings is only activated after a restart of xournal!
Exporting to pdf should not be touched by this. (Anti-aliasing is done by pdf-viewer.)
The speed improvement for .xoj-files is very big (specially loading a document), so if you are using xournal a lot for taking notes consider disabling anti-aliasing with the new menu option)
- Moved config settings from internal flash to SD-card (/Programs/_config)
Use: Programs->Install->copyXournalConfig.desktop to copy your old settings to the new location
This allows eaier access to to saved config-files
- Detect Encrypt-tag and handle document by rendering each page.
When modification is not allowed, then adding annotations to such a document would produce empty pages. Now the pages are rendered with the annotations and then saved as a new pdf-file. This will give quality loss!
Please keep giving your feedback.
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Old 08-14-2010, 10:27 AM   #12
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I get an error saying "cant start child process" when I try to install Xournal 0.5 on v2 RC3. My directory structure is of the form
/media/IREX DR800/Programs/_install/
instead of
I am guessing this the problem. How do I get around it? Thanks in advance.
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Old 08-14-2010, 02:03 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by pmthokku View Post
I get an error saying "cant start child process" when I try to install Xournal 0.5 on v2 RC3. My directory structure is of the form
/media/IREX DR800/Programs/_install/
instead of
I am guessing this the problem. How do I get around it? Thanks in advance.
Hi pmthokku,

You should unzip the zip onto the SD-card (inside your DR800). After you disconnect you should go to Home->SD Card->Programs->Install (I assume you have Folder Based Navigation enabled in Home->Settings->Advanced Settings), where you will find an icon called: Install Xournal Extensions.
When you click on it, it will execute the script on the DR (this will reset your DR and might give some strange artifacts on the screen, but within a minute or so the DR should be restarted again).
From the information you give it seems that you try to execute the script on your (linux) PC.

Hope this helps.
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Old 08-14-2010, 02:47 PM   #14
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Thank you! fixed it. So now we start xournal from the programs folder each time? Is it possible to multitask with it? If I choose to go back to the home page , how do I get back to xournal? In this situation, if i try choosing xournal.desktop from programs, it says "xournal.desktop" cannot be opened. Am I supposed to get a xournal icon on the home screen? I dont have one.
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Old 08-14-2010, 06:47 PM   #15
catharsis began at the beginning.
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try the DR800+ package if you want multitasking. get it from here:
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