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Old 04-01-2010, 06:33 PM   #1
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Xournal for new BETA firmware

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I created a Xournal version that runs on the new Firmware R2.0BETA. Since the SDK is not yet released, I could not poperly check if all system-calls that I do are still supported. Notice that I have tested this version only very limited, I only checked that xournal files can be started, did not try any 'advanced' features.

One change that I made was that xournal now 'installs' on the SD-card. There still is an Install-icon, this should be used to bind the .xoj extension to xournal. This will also make sure that you can see the .xoj files in the SD-card view. I am not sure why the files do not show-up in the Book-view.
I noticed some problems with installing the binding for .xoj files, so it might be safe to do a shutdown after the binding has been made (the binding-script also does a reset, but for some reason this seems not enough. After I installed the bindings for FBReader, the xournal bindings where gone, not sure why, but shutdown-reinstall-shutdown solved it.)

Please let me hear if you find any problems.

20101102: For the latest version see this thread.
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Last edited by Mackx; 01-24-2011 at 02:17 PM. Reason: refer to latest version
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Old 04-02-2010, 04:42 PM   #2
jbbebg began at the beginning.
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Hi Mackx,

It is nice to see XOURNAL again in new version. This is the remaining hope to add the notation to the PDFs and merge it with the PDF.

The first bugs which I have found are:
- export to PDF doesn't export the text, (scribles are ok)
- at starting up there is a white screen for a long time, although the program is ready
- import anotate, merge anotate doesn't work
- file printed to pdf is not seen in the folder, it has to be indexed first, so restarting the reader enables this
- tab is sometimes with different name as the opened file, tab sometimes doesn't exist

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Old 04-02-2010, 06:27 PM   #3
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Hi jbbebg,

I also noticed most of the problems you list, I guess that I have to wait until the SDK for R2.0 is released and rebuild (and debug) the program. So unfortunately, no solutions in short notice
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Old 05-07-2010, 09:15 AM   #4
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hoesterholt began at the beginning.
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Hello Mackx,

First of all: Thanks for porting xournal to the dr1000s. It's a better application than the one delivered with the dr1000s.

However, some small bugs with the 2.0Beta version (

- When annotating PDF, 'next page' won't render PDF. I have to choose 'next page', 'next page', 'previous page' to get it rendered. Can this be fixed?
- The keys of the dr1000s don't work (no page-down, page-up).
- The pages of xournal aren't very clearly bound. When I choose to write on continuous displayed pages, I cannot see where a page ends and where the next starts.
- I think the user interface could be better taylored towards the dr1000s, e.g. with the buttonbar at the bottom and with a minimum set of buttons.

What would you think?
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Old 05-07-2010, 10:41 AM   #5
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Thanks for the feedback. Xournal uses a hack to force a refresh of the screen, the behaviour of the firmware has changed on this aspect, so I will have to wait for the source-code of the new firmware to be published before I can find a new way to force a refresh.
I will put the other issues on my todo list, but my time to spend on improving xournal is limited, so I can not promise how fast things will get changed.
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Old 06-14-2010, 06:57 AM   #6
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Hello Mackx,

I mainly use the DR1000 for reading and annotating scientific pdfs and I am very dissappointed, that the FW2.0 does not support merging the scribbles anymore, because this is one of the main features of the device.

Can you tell me, if Xournal is able to merge my old scibbles to pdfs, so that i can see them in my acrobat reader?
And if so, how do i use it for the dr1000? I am a bit confused, if xournal runs on the device or seperately on the PC, where i can merge the files with their scribbles database.

Thank you very much for your help. You seem to be the last hope for me, i dont want to loose the scribbles i made.

Best wishes
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Old 06-14-2010, 07:19 AM   #7
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Hi Daniel,

Originally Posted by DanDR1000 View Post
Can you tell me, if Xournal is able to merge my old scibbles to pdfs, so that i can see them in my acrobat reader?
I am currently making some modification the the source code so the scribbles can be read again (with the new 2.0-rc2 firmware). Although importing and saving as pdf worked last weekend in the emulator environment, I need at least coming weekend to check some issues on the real device and prepare an (preview-)installation package.
So to answer your question: Yes, Xournal will be able to merge your scribbles. (I only tested with scribbles I made with the 2.0-rc2 firmware, since I did not have to change any 'calculation'-code I assume it also works for scribbles made with other 2.0 versions and even with 1.7.1-scribbles.)
In a later stage I also want to be able to import Notes-files into xournal, which can then also be exported as PDF.

Originally Posted by DanDR1000 View Post
And if so, how do i use it for the dr1000? I am a bit confused, if xournal runs on the device or seperately on the PC, where i can merge the files with their scribbles database.
Xournal is an application that runs on the DR, the merged file is written as a pdf on the SD-card and can be copied to the PC.

I know that other people are also creating some tools to merge the scribbles from a PC, but I am not sure what their status is.
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Old 06-14-2010, 07:27 AM   #8
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Hi Mackx,

thank you very much for the quick reply, this is very good news! I will try your new xournal-Version for FW2.0, when you release it and let you know, if there are some issues.

Bye for now and thanks again!
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Old 06-15-2010, 06:03 PM   #9
manacap began at the beginning.
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This works great on the DR800SG. Thanks for the hard work!
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Old 06-16-2010, 05:02 PM   #10
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New Preview Xournal for R2.0

I created a first preview, that only fixes the import of annotations, there are still a lot of other issues to tackle. I only tested this on some limited number of (small) files.
See the \Programs\_xournal\ReadMe.txt for installation/usage/issues.

Xournal uses some of the libraries from the Base-package that Iñigo published, for convenience I included them in this package.

Please let me know any issues that you find (if they are not yet in the known issues list).

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Old 06-17-2010, 06:40 AM   #11
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Hej Marcel,

just tried the new version. For small files it worked fine. I followed the steps:
1 - open the PDF
2 - Import the Annotations of the same PDF
3 - export to PDF

Is this way its supposed to be? For I tried the same with a dissertation-file (4MB) and 404 pages, but it takes forever to import the annotations, which are indeed a lot for this document. It took too long, so I restarted the dr.

Is there another way to merge the scribbles in one step, without loading everything?

Thank you for your effort!
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Old 06-17-2010, 07:06 AM   #12
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Yes, there is a problem with big files, due to the way that xournal handles pdf files. Can you try the MergeAnnotations, this has been added for very big files?
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Old 06-17-2010, 03:01 PM   #13
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Dear Marcel,

you are a genius. Where should I send the money to?! It works and it is fast! It doesnt refresh, but, when I use the menu button, the save-as-dialogue appears and it works fine! I dont need any other function, but when I find a bug, I send it here!

Best wishes! Why dont you work for Irex!?
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Old 06-18-2010, 05:22 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by DanDR1000 View Post
Why dont you work for Irex!?
Porting Xournal and patching it as it is now, was only possible because of the solid foundation that the iRex developers put into the DR firmware and the support the developers give in this forum.
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Old 06-19-2010, 12:49 PM   #15
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Quirk with R2.0rc2

I just discovered that when a new file is created by Xournal, it won't be visible until the files are reindexed. Is there any way to force a reindexing without resetting?
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