07-16-2016, 01:49 PM | #61 |
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Import of meta-data with no attached files?
Why is ZMI restricting the import to records with attached files? I started with Zotoro many years ago. But with Calibre I have just a short history. Therefore I have many entries in Zotero for citation purposes, but the UI of Calibre is much nicer and more powerful. I started to use Calibre as a database not only for e-books but for organizing and managing my physical books as well.
So why not import meta-data from Zotero (at least) for "book"-items with no attached files to Calibre as well? |
07-16-2016, 02:44 PM | #62 | |
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@petzi: Please clarify by answering the following questions for me: [1] Are you saying that you have Zotero metadata that should be with existing Calibre books, but there is nothing in Zotero that points at all to the Calibre books? And vice-versa? [2] If the answer to [1] is "yes" and "yes", then how would ZMI know where to find the Zotero metadata for a Calibre book that does not exist in Zotero as a file attachment? By you manually relating them to each other? [3] If I gave you a "magic wand" that allows you to instantly copy Zotero metadata from any single item in Zotero to any single book in Calibre by simply selecting the Calibre book and then selecting the Zotero item, would that work? [4] If the answer to [3] is "no", what would you propose instead? [5] If the answer to [3] is "yes", is it practical to do that 1-by-1? If not, how can it be automated (but see [2], above)? [6] Another alternative: If I created an "empty book" in Calibre (i.e., pure metadata with no physical formats at all) for each CSV item that had no file attachments, would that be useful? Could you add some Calibre metadata to relate them to the non-empty Calibre books that you already have? [7] If the answer to [6] is "yes, that works for me", then what Zotero item types should be used to create Calibre "empty books"? A list of the standard item types is shown below for your reference. Spoiler:
[8] Same as for [7], but instead of item types, should some other Zotero column be used? Or in combination with other columns? How would ZMI know what to ignore? It currently ignores all file attachments that have an extension of .html, .htm, etc. Should it not ignore those just for your scenario? Should it import those too? Other ZMI users have said they do not want those files imported into Calibre since they are not "books". Should I make it a user option to import or ignore them? [9] Could you attach a CSV file exported from Zotero that has a very large assortment of the types of items that you were describing in your question? I need to see it for myself. DaltonST |
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07-17-2016, 07:35 AM | #63 |
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I am not sure if I can answer all your questions satisfactory. Maybe the best would be a more detailed explanation what I was asking for and then come back to your questions:
In Zotero I have many records without files attached. Most of the time these records are of Zotero type "book" or "bookSection". So these two types are the most important types for me out of the list you suggested. That would a nice start to begin with. What I want is to import the Zotero metadata for these records into Calibre as it is done with the records which do have files attached. The records of all different Zotero types are downloaded into the export .csv file but only those which have a .pdf (or other file type?) attached are incorporated into the import procedure. Would I have metadata even for empty books in my Calibre database I can work with them in Calibre after they are imported from Zotero (add more metadata, organize them according to my Calibre system or exchange data with Goodreads). Hopefully it is now better understandable was I want. Now to your questions: [1] and [2]: No, this was not was I meant. (As fas as I understood the questions…) [3],[4],[5]: Again this is not what I asked for. This could be helpful later on, when the Calibre database is already populated and some changes were made (either in Zotero or in Calibre). [6]: YES! [7]: As I said: For me the most important types would be "book" and "bookSection". Maybe it would make sense also for "conferencePaper", "journalArticle", "magazineArticle", "newspaperArticle", "report" and especially "thesis". As far as I am concerned: I think I do not want a duplicate of the Zotero database in Calibre. I just want Calibre my primary source for management of books (and parts of books) and Zotero for my citations. (But see my correction later on, when I inspected some concrete examples of the exported .csv file.) But I haven't thought through the possibility to have all Zotero types included into Calibre. This would open up the management for all types of reference material in Calibre. I am lacking experience with Calibre if this would be a good idea and if Calibre is suited for this task. Clear enough it would add some new use cases to Calibre for which it was originally not build for. [8]: This boils down to the thoughts above: Should Calibre be used for the managements of material besides books? (But it turned out in a detailed inspection that some of my .html files link to webpages where the articles could be downloaded. See my final paragraph.) I will add the same .csv-file we have already used for finding my import problem. But I have generated this file new from scratch today. BTW: I noticed that ZMI is taking all my files from the CSV Import Directory but does not archive them after processing in the CSV Archive Directory. ***** Some exemplary notes to the attached file:
So after a more detailed inspection it turned out that "Yes, it would make sense to import all detailed information into Calibre". Maybe the best way would be to give the user a selection what Zotero types metadata should be imported into Calibre? |
07-17-2016, 07:57 AM | #64 |
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Excellent. Just what I needed for now. Thanks.
07-18-2016, 09:22 AM | #65 |
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Version 1.0.28 - 2016-07-18 Major enhancements
Version 1.0.28 - 2016-07-18 Major enhancements.
DaltonST p.s. If you have issues, and post a comment here to express it, please also attach the associated Zotero CSV export file AND a .zip file containing the Zotero collection's entire "data directory". That is the one with the zotero.sqlite database, and the "storage" directory that contains your file attachments. I need your "real" data to use with Zotero and Calibre in order to be able to reproduce and resolve your issues. Thanks. |
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07-18-2016, 08:06 PM | #66 |
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I wanted to give you some karma but got the answer: "You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to DaltonST again." As I have no automatic tags from Zotero (I turned this feature off to have full control on my tags) I wanted to copy all my imported ZManual Tags to the Calibre Standards Tags. But the format #zotero_manual_tags:tags did not work as this feature is only for custom columns. So I had to create a custom column as you suggested in the tool tip. Just a minor think: It would be nice if ZMI could remember place and size of the ZMI window. |
07-18-2016, 08:47 PM | #67 |
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It does, or did, but I just turned that off yesterday until I finished adding new widgets and moving them around. I will turn that back on soon.
07-19-2016, 01:28 PM | #68 |
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Version 1.0.30 New: User options to copy Zotero tags to Tags
Version 1.0.30 - 2016-07-19 New: User options to copy Zotero automatic and/or manual tags to Calibre Tags.
DaltonST p.s. As of version 1.0.27, there were ~250 users of ZMI. As of version 1.0.28, ZMI automatically converts 'legacy' pre-1.0.28 ZMI-created books in Calibre to add the new Identifier 'zkey_file' to those preexisting books. That automatic conversion is performed silently for the current Calibre library whenever you start ZMI. For those ~250 users of ZMI version 1.0.27, if you used more than one (1) Calibre library with ZMI, please be sure to execute ZMI in those libraries in the near future, and not just the last library that you have been using with ZMI. I have set the automatic legacy conversion process to self-terminate after 2016-08-15 in order to save the ~1 second or so that it takes per library whether it needs it or not. Each library with which you have used ZMI must be automatically converted by then by executing a more recent version of ZMI within that library. Thanks. |
07-20-2016, 11:45 AM | #69 |
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Version 1.0.32
Version 1.0.32 - 2016-07-20 Enhancement to the handling of complex .html files having many associated images and javascript files that need to be zipped together prior to adding to Calibre.
The entire directory containing the ".html" file and all of its pieces will be zipped and then imported directly as a .zip file by Calibre. Click "V" for "View" in Calibre to view any book, including a .zip format. Version 1.0.33 - 2016-07-20 Changed temporary file creation for "empty books" to avoid failures. DaltonST Last edited by DaltonST; 07-20-2016 at 02:30 PM. Reason: Version 1.0.33 |
07-28-2016, 04:09 AM | #70 |
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No import of file attachments
For the CVS files it does not import file attachemnts:
"Key","Item Type","Publication Year","Author","Title","Publication Title","ISBN","ISSN","DOI","Url","Abstract Note","Date","Date Added","Date Modified","Access Date","Pages","Num Pages","Issue","Volume","Number Of Volumes","Journal Abbreviation","Short Title","Series","Series Number","Series Text","Series Title","Publisher","Place","Language","Rights","Ty pe","Archive","Archive Location","Library Catalog","Call Number","Extra","Notes","File Attachments","Link Attachments","Manual Tags","Automatic Tags","Editor","Series Editor","Translator","Contributor","Attorney Agent","Book Author","Cast Member","Commenter","Composer","Cosponsor","Counse l","Interviewer","Producer","Recipient","Review ed Author","Scriptwriter","Words By","Guest","Number","Edition","Running Time","Scale","Medium","Artwork Size","Filing Date","Application Number","Assignee","Issuing Authority","Country","Meeting Name","Conference Name","Court","References","Reporter","Legal Status","Priority Numbers","Programming Language","Version","System","Code","Code Number","Section","Session","Committee","History", "Legislative Body" "JB24V5QK","journalArticle","2000","Pfeifer, Phillip E.; Carraway, Robert L.","Modeling customer relationships as Markov chains","Journal of interactive marketing","","","","http://search.proquest.com/openview/c9190516daad6e079e538d40546fd4f9/1?pq-origsite=gscholar","","2000","2016-05-13 13:14:15","2016-05-13 13:14:15","2016-05-13 13:14:15","43","","2","14","","","","","","","","" ,"","","","","","","Google Scholar","","","","D:\zoterolib\storage\KTJDJ2K6\0 B1o_Kp1njJF0d2theVVwSDI4QlU.pdf","","","","","","" ,"","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""," ","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","", "","","","","","","","","","" "JPEUSBKS","journalArticle","2004","Ching, Wai-Ki; Ng, Michael K.; So, Meko","Customer migration, campaign budgeting, revenue estimation: the elasticity of Markov Decision Process on customer lifetime value","Advanced Modeling and Optimization","","","","http://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/22997.pdf","","2004","2016-05-13 13:14:26","2016-05-13 13:14:26","2016-05-13 13:14:26","65–80","","2","6","","","Customer migration, campaign budgeting, revenue estimation","","","","","","","","","","","","Goog le Scholar","","","","D:\zoterolib\storage\SC7TT3GI\0 B1o_Kp1njJF0WEgtbGhYX05Bd20teVdVdnFOYmVnX250ZXNR.p df","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""," ","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","", "","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""," ","" |
07-28-2016, 06:56 AM | #71 |
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You need to provide more information that shows exactly what you were doing and what your options were.
Attach the original .csv file zipped. Also include in that same zip pictures of the first 2 ZMI tabs immediately after you tried to import the .csv. Also please clarify what it did and did not do. Exactly. Have you imported other .csv files? Ever? What OS? What version of ZMI? What version of Calibre? |
08-12-2016, 07:37 AM | #72 |
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Version 1.0.34 Implemented the new Calibre 2.64 Custom Column 'comments' plain text
Version 1.0.34 - 2016-08-12 Implemented the new features of Calibre 2.64 Custom Columns datatype of 'comments'. Zotero Custom Columns have been changed to always be 'long-text' with the heading on the 'side' of the book detail pane.
Calibre version 2.64 is now the minimum version of Calibre that may be used with ZMI. You must upgrade Calibre to 2.64 prior to upgrading ZMI to release 1.0.34. DaltonST |
08-12-2016, 11:58 AM | #73 | ||
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Thank you very much for making this extension.
This is the ZFileAttachments for one of the entries as copied out of Calibre: Quote:
Last edited by ZoteroCalbrNote; 08-12-2016 at 12:08 PM. |
08-12-2016, 12:08 PM | #74 |
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I think it is because "sanders_2003_from_transactional_to_transcendental . pdf" has a space between the dot and the pdf. That is why you see in debug the "list_failed_adds".
Try renaming it in Zotero, and then reexporting the CSV. Also, the Zotero CSV file must be untouched by human hands at the risk of corrupting it. It must be the originally exported CSV file still in UTF8 format. Excel corrupts UTF8 formatted CSV files. Do not use Excel. Fix Zotero, not the CSV. Having said that, LibreOffice Calc saves CSV files properly in UTF8 if you specify the "filter" option when you save. I used Calc a lot to create test data for ZMI. However, I still think it would be far preferable to fix Zotero using one of its plug-ins, such as Zotfile, to change all ". pdf" extensions to ".pdf". Hope this helps. DaltonST |
08-12-2016, 12:43 PM | #75 | ||
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Renamed 10 test files using ZotFile > Exported CSV using UTF-8 encoding > Create fresh Calibre library > Select these options 1 and 2 > Generate custom columns > select this CSV file > Result 1 and 2 There was also a similar "Cursor Closed" error but the text was overwritten on my clipboard. I repeated the above steps starting with creation of a new library, and the same error occurred: Quote:
Last edited by ZoteroCalbrNote; 08-12-2016 at 12:55 PM. |
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ris, zotero |
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