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Old 09-10-2024, 05:51 PM   #31
trence will become famous soon enoughtrence will become famous soon enoughtrence will become famous soon enoughtrence will become famous soon enoughtrence will become famous soon enoughtrence will become famous soon enough
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I swapped back to the first version, and no issues. The on both of them are identical
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Old 09-10-2024, 08:41 PM   #32
lumping-sugar66 doesn't feed trollslumping-sugar66 doesn't feed trollslumping-sugar66 doesn't feed trollslumping-sugar66 doesn't feed trollslumping-sugar66 doesn't feed trollslumping-sugar66 doesn't feed trollslumping-sugar66 doesn't feed trollslumping-sugar66 doesn't feed trollslumping-sugar66 doesn't feed trollslumping-sugar66 doesn't feed trollslumping-sugar66 doesn't feed trolls
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Ahh, it looks like the modifications for Libra devices are not applied. You may have overwritten them when you were upgrading to the new version. Can you refer to @enji’s comment above?

You need`rtk_hciattach` instead of `hciattach on Libra devices. Sounds like you have your previous Script as a back up, you can refer to that for the right commands.

Bluetoothctl is not responding because Bluetooth is not properly up yet.
Uhid.ko is not found because it’s not being run from the right directory.
Both of these points will be non-issues once you have the fixed in there.

Let me know how it goes!
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Old 09-10-2024, 09:42 PM   #33
trence will become famous soon enoughtrence will become famous soon enoughtrence will become famous soon enoughtrence will become famous soon enoughtrence will become famous soon enoughtrence will become famous soon enough
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I'm sorry for the confusing word salad above. What I meant to say is the is line for line the same in both the working version (v1) and this newest one that gives the error (v3). This includes the change for the Libra 2.

cd "$(dirname "$0")"

insmod /drivers/mx6sll-ntx/wifi/sdio_bt_pwr.ko
insmod ./uhid/uhid.ko
/sbin/rtk_hciattach -s 115200 ttymxc1 rtk_h5
dbus-send --system --dest=org.bluez --print-reply / org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager.GetManagedObjec ts
hciconfig hci0 up
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Old 09-10-2024, 11:00 PM   #34
lumping-sugar66 doesn't feed trollslumping-sugar66 doesn't feed trollslumping-sugar66 doesn't feed trollslumping-sugar66 doesn't feed trollslumping-sugar66 doesn't feed trollslumping-sugar66 doesn't feed trollslumping-sugar66 doesn't feed trollslumping-sugar66 doesn't feed trollslumping-sugar66 doesn't feed trollslumping-sugar66 doesn't feed trollslumping-sugar66 doesn't feed trolls
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Ok, I’m not sure what’s happening at this point, and the code is lacking in log generation to help. Are you ensuring you turn on WiFi manually? The new version is expecting you to turn WiFi on by yourself. Although I have implemented a basic method of checking whether it’s on or not, maybe there are differences in between devices.

Can you execute “iwconfig” on the terminal emulator when WiFi is off and show me the result? If you run iwconfig on the emulator and wifi is turned off, the message should not include the text ESSID. If it does, then the way I detect WiFi is incorrect.

If this doesn’t yield any results, I’ll provide a version of the code that produces an excess amount of logs so that we can see more clearly.
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Old 09-10-2024, 11:47 PM   #35
trence will become famous soon enoughtrence will become famous soon enoughtrence will become famous soon enoughtrence will become famous soon enoughtrence will become famous soon enoughtrence will become famous soon enough
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The message it gives is:

lo no wireless extensions
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Old 09-14-2024, 08:03 PM   #36
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Hi, this looks really cool !

I'm trying to get it to work on my Clara BW. I got the 'No result from the Bluetooth script' error so I tried running it manually, via SSH.

Output of running
# pwd
# ash ./
insmod: can't insert '/drivers/mx6sll-ntx/wifi/sdio_bt_pwr.ko': No such file or directory
insmod: can't insert './uhid/uhid.ko': invalid module format
Realtek Bluetooth ERROR: Can't open serial port, 2, No such file or directory
Realtek Bluetooth ERROR: Can't initialize device 2, No such file or directory
Error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)
Can't open HCI socket.: Address family not supported by protocol
When I check /drivers/ there's only the following:
# pwd && ls
wlan_drv_gen4m.ko   wmt_cdev_bt.ko      wmt_chrdev_wifi.ko  wmt_drv.ko
(there's no other directories or subdirectories)

I don't know if these are equivalent, but I tried the following:
# insmod /drivers/mt8113t-ntx/mt66xx/wmt_cdev_bt.ko
insmod: can't insert '/drivers/mt8113t-ntx/mt66xx/wmt_cdev_bt.ko': File exists
and the same output for all other files listed here.
Anyways, if you could point me in the right direction (or tell me there's no easy solution) that would be greatly appreciated.. Thank you!
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Old 10-30-2024, 02:33 PM   #37
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Hi There,

New to mobileread and koreader, I am using kobo clara bw, and I've met the same issue that evtest says the event is just a ScanCode.

And `bluetoothctl devices` hangs, so I try this `rtk_hciattach` directly and it tells
[root@kobo bluetooth.koplugin]# ash
insmod: can't insert '/drivers/mx6sll-ntx/wifi/sdio_bt_pwr.ko': No such file or directory
insmod: can't insert './uhid/uhid.ko': invalid module format
Realtek Bluetooth ERROR: Can't open serial port, 2, No such file or directory
Realtek Bluetooth ERROR: Can't initialize device 2, No such file or directory
Error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)
Can't open HCI socket.: Address family not supported by protocol

I also tried to watch dmesg output when kobo native bluetooth turned on and connected.
[ 40.837592] .(0)[998:main_thread][wlan][998]nicEventLayer0ExtMagicNIC INFO) Amsdu update event ucWlanIdx[1] ucLen[3] ucMaxMpduCount[3]
[ 42.065342] .(0)[1072:hci_thread][MTK-BT] BT_open: major 192 minor 0 (pid 1072)
[ 42.065363] .(0)[1072:hci_thread][HIF-SDIO][I]mtk_wcn_wmt_func_ctrl:wmt-exp: OPID(3) type(0) start
[ 42.065499] .(0)[1072:hci_thread][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: STP is waiting state for ACT, i=1, state = 3
[ 42.101634] .(0)[1072:hci_thread][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: +Total waits for ACT takes 36128 usec
[ 42.113669] .(0)[987:mtk_wmtd][WMT-CORE][I]opfunc_utc_time_sync:Send WMT_UTC_SYNC_CMD command OK!
[ 42.113689] .(0)[987:mtk_wmtd][WMT-CORE][I]wmt_core_dump_func_state:[AF FUNC ON]status(b:2 f:0 g:0 w:2 lpbk:2 coredump:0 wmt:2 ant:0 sd1:0 sd2:0 stp:0)
[ 42.113765] .(0)[1072:hci_thread][HIF-SDIO][I]mtk_wcn_wmt_func_ctrl:OPID(3) type(0) ok
[ 42.113775] .(0)[1072:hci_thread][MTK-BT] BT_open: WMT turn on BT OK!
[ 42.113780] .(0)[1072:hci_thread][MTK-BT] BT_open: Now it's in MTK Bluetooth Mode
[ 42.113784] .(0)[1072:hci_thread][MTK-BT] BT_open: STP is ready!
[ 42.113790] .(0)[1072:hci_thread][BTFWLOG]bt_state_notify: g_bt_on 0, on_off 255
[ 42.727150] .(0)[102:kworker/0:2]bd71827-power bd_work_callback():soc(c=43,v=43,clamp_soc=42),vba t(stat=(32,2),v=3756800,vmin=3750200),vsys(v=37470 00,vmin=3738400),curr=-146188(avg=-113022),cc=47084698,dcap=1658,fcap=1657
[ 44.924665] .(0)[102:kworker/0:2]input: COIDEA KM as /devices/virtual/misc/uhid/0005:07D7:0000.0001/input/input3
[ 44.931675] .(0)[102:kworker/0:2]hid-generic 0005:07D7:0000.0001: input,hidraw0: BLUETOOTH HID v1.11 Mouse [COIDEA KM] on

0. kobo clara bw, use this plugin commit 071cb56
1. bluetoothctl devices - hang
2. /dev/input/event3 - check
3. evtest /dev/input/event3, receive EventType(Misc=4), Scan Code=4
4. main.lua, kobo clara bw section, hasKeys = yes - check
5. main.lua, event_map, add BTLeft, BTRight - check
6. open /dev/input/event3 right behind fake - check
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Old 11-11-2024, 03:55 PM   #38
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Unfortunately I am getting the 'Error: No result from Bluetooth script' message also

Output from SSH below:

[root@kobo bluetooth.koplugin]# sh
Realtek Bluetooth :Realtek Bluetooth init uart with init speed:115200, type:HCI UART H5
Realtek Bluetooth :Realtek hciattach version 3.1.8905594.20200610-155147

Realtek Bluetooth :Use epoll
Realtek Bluetooth WARN: OP_H5_SYNC Transmission timeout
Realtek Bluetooth :[SYNC] Get SYNC Resp Pkt
Realtek Bluetooth :[CONFIG] Get SYNC pkt
Realtek Bluetooth :[CONFIG] Get CONFG pkt
Realtek Bluetooth :[CONFIG] Get CONFG resp pkt
Realtek Bluetooth :dic is 1, cfg field 0x14
Realtek Bluetooth :H5 init finished

Realtek Bluetooth :Realtek H5 IC
Realtek Bluetooth :Receive cmd complete event of command: 1001
Realtek Bluetooth :HCI Version 0x08
Realtek Bluetooth :HCI Revision 0x000d
Realtek Bluetooth :LMP Subversion 0x8723
Realtek Bluetooth :Receive cmd complete event of command: fc6d
Realtek Bluetooth :Read ROM version 02
Realtek Bluetooth :LMP Subversion 0x8723
Realtek Bluetooth :EVersion 2
Realtek Bluetooth :IC: RTL8723DS
Realtek Bluetooth :Firmware/config: rtl8723d_fw, rtl8723d_config
Realtek Bluetooth :Couldnt open extra config /opt/rtk_btconfig.txt, No such file or directory
Realtek Bluetooth :Couldnt access customer BT MAC file /opt/bdaddr
Realtek Bluetooth :Origin cfg len 33
Realtek Bluetooth :55 ab 23 87 1b 00 0c 00 10 02 80 92 04 50 c5 ea
Realtek Bluetooth :19 e1 1b fd af 5b 01 a4 0b d9 00 01 0f e4 00 01
Realtek Bluetooth :08
Realtek Bluetooth :Config baudrate: 04928002
Realtek Bluetooth :uart flow ctrl: 0
Realtek Bluetooth :Vendor baud from Config file: 04928002
Realtek Bluetooth :New cfg len 33
Realtek Bluetooth :55 ab 23 87 1b 00 0c 00 10 02 80 92 04 50 c5 ea
Realtek Bluetooth :19 e1 1b fd af 5b 01 a4 0b d9 00 01 0f e4 00 01
Realtek Bluetooth :08
Realtek Bluetooth :Load FW /lib/firmware/rtlbt/rtl8723d_fw OK, size 54980
Realtek Bluetooth :rtb_get_fw_project_id: opcode 0, len 1, data 9
Realtek Bluetooth :FW version 0xaaa82df5, Patch num 3
Realtek Bluetooth :Chip id 0x0001
Realtek Bluetooth :Chip id 0x0002
Realtek Bluetooth :Chip id 0x0003
Realtek Bluetooth :Patch length 0x8cfc
Realtek Bluetooth :Start offset 0x00004980
Realtek Bluetooth :Svn version:    24645
Realtek Bluetooth :Coexistence: BTCOEX_20210106-3b3b

Realtek Bluetooth :FW  exists, Config file  exists
Realtek Bluetooth :Total len 36125 for fwc
Realtek Bluetooth :baudrate in change speed command: 0x02 0x80 0x92 0x04
Realtek Bluetooth :Receive cmd complete event of command: fc17
Realtek Bluetooth :Received cc of vendor change baud
Realtek Bluetooth :Final speed 1500000
Realtek Bluetooth :end_idx: 143, lp_len: 89, additional pkts: 4

Realtek Bluetooth :Start downloading...
Realtek Bluetooth :Send additional packet 17
Realtek Bluetooth :Send additional packet 18
Realtek Bluetooth :Send additional packet 19
Realtek Bluetooth :Last packet 148
Realtek Bluetooth :Send last pkt
Realtek Bluetooth :Disable host hw flow control
Realtek Bluetooth :h5_hci_reset: Issue hci reset cmd
Realtek Bluetooth :Receive cmd complete event of command: 0c03
Realtek Bluetooth :Received cc of hci reset cmd
Realtek Bluetooth :Init Process finished
Realtek Bluetooth :Realtek Bluetooth post process
Realtek Bluetooth :Device setup complete
method return sender=:1.7 -> dest=:1.6 reply_serial=2
   array [
      dict entry(
         object path "/org/bluez"
         array [
            dict entry(
               string "org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable"
               array [
            dict entry(
               string "org.bluez.AgentManager1"
               array [
            dict entry(
               string "org.bluez.ProfileManager1"
               array [
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Old 11-12-2024, 05:43 AM   #39
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Sorry I would edit my post but I can't see the option.

I managed to get it working, with a few hacks. The major problems were:
1. The path the the plugin folder is set on an absolute basis - my folder directory was different (i.e. '/mnt/onboard/.adds/koreader/...') so I changed it as such. That meant at least the script would begin to run
2. For whatever reason, the script doesn't return the right variables and so the plugin thinks that Bluetooth isn't on (although it is). So I turned off the checks and just forced it to try to connect to my device (which works)
3. For good measure, I also added a call to at the start of

Anyway thanks very much for your hard work - so happy it's working now, even if it's being held together with sticky tape!
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Old 11-27-2024, 08:52 PM   #40
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Noob question:
I Picked up an 8BitDo Micro (Today) and paired it to my Kobo Libra Colour.
The instructions I followed were:
- Enable Developer Mode.
- Turn on "Force WiFi On" (Not sure why I need this)
- Go to Bluetooth and Pair The 8BitDo Micro

Page Turn works as expected.

If I forget/delete the 8BitDo , turn off the"Force Wifi On". and Reboot the KLC

I can simple go to setting/Bluetooth, Repair the controller, and page turn works as expected. While not being on any WiFi network. (Granted I have not tested if I get disconnected after a few minutes)

Do I need this Plugin if I am not using KoReader. can this plugin still help me with battery savings? (You mention turning bluetooth from the regular menu (Nickel), doesn't really work that well, is there a command that can be use with NickelMenu to send to the device the proper Kill command for Bluetooth (If needed))

Thank you for any info.
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Old 12-03-2024, 10:40 PM   #41
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I'm on a Kobo Libra Color and seeing pretty much the same symptoms as Lonenso above.

I'm guessing koreader just plain doesn't support the MTK (MediaTek) bluetooth hardware in the device yet.
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Old 12-10-2024, 03:18 PM   #42
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I also get this "no result from script error".

Could you explain more about you no. 1 about changing the folder?

Originally Posted by lkws1 View Post
Sorry I would edit my post but I can't see the option.

I managed to get it working, with a few hacks. The major problems were:
1. The path the the plugin folder is set on an absolute basis - my folder directory was different (i.e. '/mnt/onboard/.adds/koreader/...') so I changed it as such. That meant at least the script would begin to run
2. For whatever reason, the script doesn't return the right variables and so the plugin thinks that Bluetooth isn't on (although it is). So I turned off the checks and just forced it to try to connect to my device (which works)
3. For good measure, I also added a call to at the start of

Anyway thanks very much for your hard work - so happy it's working now, even if it's being held together with sticky tape!
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Old 12-14-2024, 03:34 AM   #43
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Yes very interested by a tutorial also
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Old 12-20-2024, 03:32 PM   #44
lumping-sugar66 doesn't feed trollslumping-sugar66 doesn't feed trollslumping-sugar66 doesn't feed trollslumping-sugar66 doesn't feed trollslumping-sugar66 doesn't feed trollslumping-sugar66 doesn't feed trollslumping-sugar66 doesn't feed trollslumping-sugar66 doesn't feed trollslumping-sugar66 doesn't feed trollslumping-sugar66 doesn't feed trollslumping-sugar66 doesn't feed trolls
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Hello all. Wow, it's been a while since I got back to MR, and I'm excited to see all the interest. I'll try to answer all the questions as much as I can.

Originally Posted by lkws1 View Post
I managed to get it working, with a few hacks. The major problems were:
1. The path the the plugin folder is set on an absolute basis - my folder directory was different (i.e. '/mnt/onboard/.adds/koreader/...') so I changed it as such. That meant at least the script would begin to run
2. For whatever reason, the script doesn't return the right variables and so the plugin thinks that Bluetooth isn't on (although it is). So I turned off the checks and just forced it to try to connect to my device (which works)
Thanks for the investigation. the absolute installation path is indeed a design limitation right now that I haven't fixed yet. A dynamic reading of the current koreader installation would be a great addition.
Currently the application is expecting the koreader installation to be in "/mnt/onboard/.koreader". The full path to the plugin as a result becomes: "/mnt/onboard/.koreader/plugins/bluetooth.koplugin/". If you have a different installation path, make sure to change the executeScript function in main.lua to execute in the right path. (At the time of writing, it's line #179 in main.lua)

The isn't intended to return anything but the output message is parsed in the koreader plugin code. It may be good to see what your device is messasing when it turns on bluetooth. The plugin is expecting the word "complete" to appear in the message. Anything else is considered a failure. Happy to change this to something more proper.

Originally Posted by Lonenso View Post
And `bluetoothctl devices` hangs, so I try this `rtk_hciattach` directly and it tells
[root@kobo bluetooth.koplugin]# ash
insmod: can't insert '/drivers/mx6sll-ntx/wifi/sdio_bt_pwr.ko': No such file or directory
insmod: can't insert './uhid/uhid.ko': invalid module format
Unfortunately, the wifi drivers and patches are sometimes different between different devices. We have certainly seen this with the Libra users.. (see above as another user figured out the modifications needed to make this compatible with Libra 2, maybe they're the same with your device, too?) The BW and Color devices seem to have changed many things, and I only have a Clara 2E and can't really see what options are available to BW users. If you can check the folders in these locations, maybe there are other kernel patches etc. that were made available.

Originally Posted by Jadehawk View Post
Do I need this Plugin if I am not using KoReader. can this plugin still help me with battery savings? (You mention turning bluetooth from the regular menu (Nickel), doesn't really work that well, is there a command that can be use with NickelMenu to send to the device the proper Kill command for Bluetooth (If needed))
If you're not using this plugin, you may still benefit from running in some manner from Kobo still. Nickel doesn't properly turn off properly I found, and this easily drains battery. You can test if your workflow ensures bluetooth is turned off properly by giving it 8-10 hours. You won't see any noticeable battery drain on a kobo device (koreader or nickel, doesn't matter) in 8-10 hours. If bluetooth is not turned off properly, I found a Clara 2E sees around %3 drain per hour, so it'll be very hard to mistake.
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Old 01-20-2025, 03:32 PM   #45
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The github instructions say to "copy this folder to koreader/plugins", but the download from github is a .zip file with the contents being a folder called bluetooth.koplugin-main.

Should that folder be renamed to just bluetooth.koplugin? Or does it matter?
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