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View Poll Results: What do you use your eDGe for?
Personal 76 72.38%
Educational Institution 41 39.05%
Business 40 38.10%
Other 13 12.38%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 105. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 04-15-2010, 07:52 PM   #16
Edge User
Personal use - but that is limited by the number of apps available
Old 04-27-2010, 06:21 PM   #17
Edge User
I use my eDGe mostly for personal use (reading, surfing, emailing), but another increasing use is for business during meetings. I can take notes, look up stuff on the web and doodle--all at the same time.
Old 04-27-2010, 10:12 PM   #18
Edge User
Originally Posted by cheyennedonna View Post
Most ebook textbooks are heavily drm protected, requiring special software to open or available through web pages only. The two I have this semester are in spdf format and no printing to file. To add to that aggravation you don't really own the book, it disappears in, usually, 180 days. I took a giant leap in faith with the Edge and the promised textbooks.
The problem is Textbooks
Most ebook textbooks are heavily drm protected, requiring special software to open or available through web pages only. The two I have this semester are in spdf format and no printing to file. To add to that aggravation you don't really own the book, it disappears in, usually, 180 days. I took a giant leap in faith with the Edge and the promised textbooks.
I am not a student, but I really feel for them in these days of drm's: in the “old days you could buy a book and do what you want with it. Granted, you had to carry it around, but, you could: make your notes; share with others, including your notes, if you wanted.
Old 04-27-2010, 10:59 PM   #19
Edge User
I answered with this: personal first, educational institution, second. The question is, I don't think the poll is set up properly.

I'm an old gal from the advertising/marketing world, and the way this poll has been presented is too constricting. I will speak for myself here.

I answered.... Personal, first.... Education Institution, second.

The reason I answered that way is because I am not a registered student of any educational institution. I am a retired person who has an obsession with learning. I work on my own, but I work in the typical manner of any serious student. I make notes, want to have links to resources.... but I would like to have access to those across the board (meaning: to my desktop and originating files). I am really hoping Entourage is paying attention here.

Please let me know whether you are in accordance with this, or not, because the developers have to know, or nothing will happen.

In the "old" days I could share all of that information, if I chose to. These days, with DRM's, I am so hunkered down, it's ridiculous. So, I really have to wonder whether the "digital book generation" is a good thing or not?
Old 05-01-2010, 12:33 AM   #20
Edge User
Voted for personal!
Old 05-12-2010, 10:10 AM   #21
Edge User
I work as a post-doc in an academic institution, so mainly use it for reading and annotating PDFs. The PDFs that I work with are usually journal articles, but I also use it to proof-read and annotate my own writing. Its a really good format for reading over an article that I am working on, scribble notes and corrections, then separately on a computer, I'll make the changes that I scribbled down (possibly using a PDF exported from the eDGe). I also make extensive use of the journal application, and when reading a paper I like to regularly switch to the journal to take notes. I would like to be able to copy and paste from articles to the journal however.

While I do think there is a need to improve many of the applications on the edge (especially the library), and integrate them better with each other, I have also found that the eDGe has significantly increased my productivity.
Old 05-13-2010, 12:29 PM   #22
Edge User
It is becoming both tool and toy for me.
It is my primary e-reader (previously a Sony guy) for pleasure and study
Now that I have Touchdown working it is now all I take into meetings as I can take my notes and respond to any emails.
Also I have calendar access thanks to Touchdown. I don't use it for reminders, but for looking at conflicts for scheduling.
It is now my primary Facebook device. I no longer use my ASUS netbook in the evenings, etc to check up on friends.
I am also using it for my magazine (PDF) subscriptions.
I am searching to see which browser I like best and then I will do more GP browsing.
Old 05-13-2010, 12:40 PM   #23
Edge User
The convergence you describe, DavidC, I believe is exactly the design goal of the eDGe
Old 05-13-2010, 03:10 PM   #24
Edge User
Tool-toy for me, too! I use it in meetings every day: to take notes, web search for topics being discussed in a meeting, email team members assignments while we're still in the meeting, then email everyone my notes once we're done. And already a voracious reader, my habit has picked up even more since my eDGe was delivered. I've discovered a few other ebook sites thanks to this forum, and I'm well on my way to eating through my discretionary income in ebookstores!

Bonus usage? Making iPad owners jealous. I took out my eDGe during a meeting, surfed to a website we were designing, then took notes on the e-ink side as I solicited feedback from the client. Then I emailed the client my suggestions for the next redesign phase while we were still in the meeting. Sadly, I suspect this backfired. I think the client left the meeting more impressed with the eDGe than our website plans. I might have picked up a couple of cool points though.

I think there's a commercial for the eDGe in that scenario.
Old 05-13-2010, 03:22 PM   #25
Edge User
NiaTrue, I love it! When I am demo'ing my eDGe after the usual questions almost always they ask "So, it's like an iPad, right?" and I say well...except with all this added functionality

I think I am a walking commercial, but have always been that way when I find technology that works. I am past the honeymoon stage and definitely see improvements needed, but I bought my eDGe over an iPad and am convinced I made THE RIGHT CHOICE!

I was one waiting for a worthwhile UMPC in a tablet form for years. I bought a Sony reader and fell in love (although it's not as readable as my eDGe screen) having a portion of my desires met as far as taking notes, and easy readability on e-Ink but my eDGe has met and surpassed almost all my desires for a device to have. If they keep updating, I definitely see this as a long lasting line!
Old 05-13-2010, 06:44 PM   #26
Edge User
Originally Posted by DavidC View Post
I think I am a walking commercial, but have always been that way when I find technology that works. I am past the honeymoon stage and definitely see improvements needed, but I bought my eDGe over an iPad and am convinced I made THE RIGHT CHOICE!
Ditto. Someone asked me the other day if I wa sorry I hadn't waited for the iPad. I chuckled. "Ummm...not. Even. Close. You kidding?" Then I went on to list all the thigns I love about it that the iPad can't do. I have qualms to be sure (for starters, no access to the app store is bugging the **** out of me), but I've been able to find APKs for everything I want elsewhere. Would also like tethering. But overall, I'm very pleased.
Old 05-20-2010, 10:59 AM   #27
Edge User
This came up in another thread, but I thought I'd add it here: I use my eDGe to juice my BlackBerry when its battery is running low. I also transfer files between the two without connecting to USB or computer. I just plug my BlackBerry directly into the eDGe USB port.
Old 06-01-2010, 01:42 PM   #28
Edge User
Purely Personal use, but I would have loved to have had something like this in College. I would have used it all the time.
Old 06-01-2010, 02:23 PM   #29
Edge User
I hoped to use it for bussiness (internet trading\web development) and internet surfing, but as theree's no nesessary software awailable (and no SDK or source code released, and no international support), the only way to use eDGe right now -- is to read PDF, or use it as RDC terminal. Hope it will be fixed soon.
Old 06-23-2010, 04:40 PM   #30
Eddy R
Edge User
Review/update 'Things to do' journal. One page-daily. Items erased or moved to 'Things done'.
Review/update 'Things Done'..always last page in 'Things to do' journal.
Review/update 'Things to buy' journal. One page. Items erased or moved to 'Daily Notes'.
Review/update 'Daily Notes' journal. Titled and filed by Yr/Mon. The catch-all for things that happen thru out the day.
Review/update assorted 'Project' journals, which contain drawings, schematics, Bills of material, contacts, etc., etc., etc..
Review/update Online calendar.
Review/update Online contacts.
Read and respond to Email...with attachments.
Put music in Usb0. Connect 's9' to phone and eDGe.

-At project sites, review/update appropriate Journal (i.e. people/supplies on hand/missing, progress, etc. Make/re-make drawing and diagrams. Take pictures/video at will. Record 'significant' conversation. ...Listen to Music, podcasts or audio book when waiting for someone/something.
-On the road, ...Listen to Music, podcasts or audio book. Stop at Starbucks to read/send Email. Browse internet, check Google Voice.
-A phone call? Anywhere/anytime...make a note in eDGe. ...while you're conversing.
-Going home? Review 'Things to Buy' ...or else.

-At home. Backup to USB/PC. Check Forum.

Well that's my story and I'm stuck with it. Not a student or a teacher. For years PDF's meant 'instruction/operations' manuals only. For books, i.e. Gutenberg text, etc-, I converted them with text to speech software, in 15min segments and put them on player, PC, Zune etc. So while my needs differ from the eDGe community, may I say, AS IS, I LOVE MY eDGe!!

The following has nothing to do with how I use the eDGe and so its optional/uninteresting. It is the reason for my signature.

Retired... but active. Things happen--away from the desk top. Went thru 2 tablet note books. Size, weight, and limited keyboard use made them more of a problem than a productive tool.

Then the 'Courier' rumors appeared. I lusted for months, checkbook ready. And then 'Phttt,.' ...despair.

Yes, The net had posts/reviews on a 'startup competitor' using....what was it called..oh yea...Android. Similar form factor. enTourage's site made it sound so wonderful. Pre-order now..yea, right.

Don't Know why I opened the forum. Gave up reading forums/user comments years ago because they are used mostly by fanatics and weenies to push their brands. 0ver the next weeks I made time to read the entire contents. . The questions, answers, enTourage's support of forum impressed me so much that I was hooked.

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