03-26-2024, 10:20 PM | #16 |
Posts: 223
Karma: 146236
Join Date: Oct 2022
Device: Kobo Clara HD
FBPDF - A PDF/EPUB VIEWER FOR ELINKS Fbpdf is a mupdf-based pdf viewer from the same author as fbpad. $ source ~/koxtoolchain/refs/x-compile.sh kobo env bare (Prepare build system as was done in Post #4 above.) mupdf $ wget https://mupdf.com/downloads/archive/...-source.tar.gz $ tar zxvf mupdf-1.24.0-source.tar.gz $ cd mupdf-1.24.0-source/ $ make shared-clean $ make CC=arm-kobo-linux-gnueabihf-gcc CXX=arm-kobo-linux-gnueabihf-g++ OBJCOPY=arm-kobo-linux-gnueabihf-objcopy LINK=arm-kobo-linux-gnueabihf-gcc LD=arm-kobo-linux-gnueabihf-ld AR=arm-kobo-linux-gnueabihf-ar RANLIB=arm-kobo-linux-gnueabihf-ranlib XCFLAGS=" -fPIC -DTOFU_CJK -DTOFU_NOTO " HAVE_X11=no HAVE_GLUT=no shared-release $ ls -l build/shared-release/libmupdf.so.24.0 -rwxr-xr-x 1 6514576 build/shared-release/libmupdf.so.24.0 $ file build/shared-release/mutool build/shared-release/mutool: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, EABI5 version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/ld-linux-armhf.so.3, for GNU/Linux 2.6.33, stripped $ cd .. *The next section was already done in Post #4 above: ************************************************** ** NiLuJe/FBInk https://github.com/NiLuJe/FBInk/releases $ wget https://github.com/NiLuJe/FBInk/rele...v1.25.0.tar.xz $ tar xJf FBInk-v1.25.0.tar.xz $ cd FBInk-v1.25.0/ $ make static stripped $ cd .. ddvk / fbpad-eink forked from kisonecat/fbpad-eink https://github.com/ddvk/fbpad-eink $ wget https://github.com/ddvk/fbpad-eink/a...ads/master.zip $ unzip fbpad-eink-master.zip $ cd .. ************************************************** ** aligrudi/fbpdf https://github.com/aligrudi/fbpdf $ wget https://github.com/aligrudi/fbpdf/ar...ads/master.zip $ mv master.zip fbpdf-master.zip $ unzip fbpdf-master.zip $ cd fbpdf-master/ $ cp -r ../mupdf-1.24.0-source/include . $ mkdir lib $ cp -r ../mupdf-1.24.0-source/build/shared-release/libmupdf* lib/ $ mkdir FBInk $ cp -r ../FBInk-v1.25.0/Release FBInk/ $ cp ../FBInk-v1.25.0/fbink.h FBInk/ $ cp ../fbpad-eink-master/draw.c . $ cp ../fbpad-eink-master/draw.h . $ nano -l draw.h Code:
... 19 void fbpdf_refresh(int fd, int invalid_top, int invalid_left, int invalid_right, int invalid_bottom); Code:
... 160 161 void fbpdf_refresh(int fd, int invalid_top, int invalid_left, int invalid_right, int invalid_bottom) { 162 fbink_refresh( fb_fd(), 163 invalid_top, 164 invalid_left, 165 invalid_right - invalid_left, 166 invalid_bottom - invalid_top, 167 cfg() ); 168 } *** UPDATE *** Modified space,b,r,s, and R defs. ************** $ nano -l fbpdf.c Code:
... 27 #define FBDEV "/dev/fb0" ... 43 static int percentDisplay; /* percent of display used */ 44 static int startDisplay; /* start percent of display used */ 45 static int firstRow; /* first row of display used */ 46 static int numRows; /* number of rows of display used */ ... 74 memcpy(fb_mem(i - srow + firstRow), rbuf, scols * bpp); 75 } 76 free(rbuf); 77 fbpdf_refresh(fb_fd(), firstRow, 0, scols, firstRow + srows); 78 } ... 255 switch (c) { /* commands that require redrawing */ 256 case ' ': 257 if (srow < -(int)(srows / 11)) { 258 srow += (int)(9 * srows / 10); 259 } else { 260 if (!loadpage(num + getcount(1))) 261 srow = prow; 262 } 263 break; 264 case 'b': 265 srow -= (int)(srows / 2); 266 if (srow < -prows / 2) { 267 srow = -prows / 2; 268 if (!loadpage(num - getcount(1))) 269 srow = -(int)(srows / 2); 270 } 271 break; 272 case CTRLKEY('b'): 273 case CTRLKEY('f'): 274 case 'J': 275 if (!loadpage(num + getcount(1))) 276 srow = prow; 277 break; 278 case 'K': 279 if (!loadpage(num - getcount(1))) 280 srow = prow; 281 break; 282 case 'r': 283 setmark('\''); 284 if (!loadpage(num - count)) 285 srow = prow; 286 break; 287 case 's': 288 setmark('\''); 289 if (!loadpage(num + count)) 290 srow = prow; 291 break; 292 case 'g': 293 case 'G': ... 319 case 'R': 320 rotate = getcount(0); 321 if (!loadpage(num)) 322 srow = prow; 323 break; ... 352 /* case ' ': */ ... 418 if (fb_init(FBDEV)) 419 return 1; 420 srows = fb_rows(); 421 scols = fb_cols(); 422 423 if (getenv("FBPDF_START") != NULL) { 424 printf("FBPDF_START = %s\n", getenv("FBPDF_START")); 425 startDisplay = atoi(getenv("FBPDF_START")); 426 if (startDisplay < 1 || startDisplay > 99) { 427 startDisplay = 0; 428 } 429 } else { 430 startDisplay = 0; 431 } 432 firstRow = srows * startDisplay / 100; 433 434 if (getenv("FBPDF_PERCENT") != NULL) { 435 printf("FBPDF_PERCENT = %s\n", getenv("FBPDF_PERCENT")); 436 percentDisplay = atoi(getenv("FBPDF_PERCENT")); 437 if (percentDisplay < 1 || percentDisplay > 99) { 438 percentDisplay = 100; 439 } 440 } else { 441 percentDisplay = 100; 442 } 443 if ((startDisplay + percentDisplay) > 100) { 444 percentDisplay = 100 - startDisplay; 445 } 446 numRows = srows * percentDisplay / 100; 447 448 if ((firstRow + numRows) > srows) { 449 numRows = numRows - 1; 450 } 451 srows = numRows; ... $ nano -l Makefile Code:
... 2 CC = arm-kobo-linux-gnueabihf-gcc ... 14 $(CC) -o $@ $^ $(LDFLAGS) -lmupdf -lmupdf-pkcs7 -lmupdf-threads -lm FBInk/Release/libfbink.a ... $ make fbpdf $ file fbpdf fbpdf: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, EABI5 version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/ld-linux-armhf.so.3, for GNU/Linux 2.6.33, with debug_info, not stripped $ ls -l fbpdf -rwxr-xr-x 1 23832 fbpdf $ cd .. $ cp fbpdf-master/lib/libmupdf.so.24.0 . $ ls -l libmupdf.so.24.0 -rwxr-xr-x 1 6514576 libmupdf.so.24.0 I compressed the libmupdf.so.24.0 file: $ xz -z libmupdf.so.24.0 $ ls -l libmupdf.so.24.0.xz -rwxr-xr-x 1 3353772 libmupdf.so.24.0.xz I split up the libmupdf.so.24.0.xz file, so that it meets mobileread.com 1MB upload limit: * UPDATE - I guess upload limits were increased, or did I imagine the whole thing? Hmmm... Anyway, just unzip the one file now $ split -d -b 1000000 libmupdf.so.24.0.xz mx $ ls -l mx* -rw-r--r-- 1 1000000 mx00 -rw-r--r-- 1 1000000 mx01 -rw-r--r-- 1 1000000 mx02 -rw-r--r-- 1 353772 mx03 I added .zip extension to the split files to meet mobileread.com naming convention - didn't actually zip them) : $ mv mx00 mx00.zip $ mv mx01 mx01.zip $ mv mx02 mx02.zip $ mv mx03 mx03.zip $ ls -l mx* -rw-r--r-- 1 1000000 mx00.zip -rw-r--r-- 1 1000000 mx01.zip -rw-r--r-- 1 1000000 mx02.zip -rw-r--r-- 1 353772 mx03.zip Now to recreate the original libmupdf.so.24.0 file, you just have to reverse the process. Copy the mx*.zip files to the Kobo's /mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/libs/ folder. On your kobo, reassemble the libmupdf.so.24.0.xz compressed file: # cd /mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/libs/ # cat mx*.zip > libmupdf.so.24.0.xz # xz -d libmupdf.so.24.0.xz # ls -l libmupdf.so.24.0 -rwxr-xr-x 1 6514576 libmupdf.so.24.0 With libmupdf.so.24.0 installed in /mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/libs/ folder: Copy the fbpdf binary to the Kobo's /mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/scripts/ folder. Copy sample files fbpdf.pdf and sfm.epub, and self.png to the /mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/ folder. # . /korenv.sh # FBPDF_PERCENT=58 fbpdf -z 20 fbpdf.pdf # FBPDF_START=29 FBPDF_PERCENT=29 fbpdf -z 20 sfm.epub # FBPDF_PERCENT=58 fbpdf -z 5 self.png space to PageDown b to PageUp j,k to scroll each page q to quit Now you can set up fbpdf as the pdf handler for elinks: Edit /mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/.elinks/elinks.conf Code:
... set mime.extension.pdf="application/pdf" set mime.handler.pdf_viewer.unix.ask = 1 set mime.handler.pdf_viewer.unix-xwin.ask = 0 set mime.handler.pdf_viewer.unix.block = 1 set mime.handler.pdf_viewer.unix-xwin.block = 0 set mime.handler.pdf_viewer.unix.program = "/mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/scripts/fbpdf %" set mime.handler.pdf_viewer.unix-xwin.program = "/mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/scripts/fbpdf %" set mime.type.application.pdf = "pdf_viewer" ... # FBPDF_PERCENT=58 elinks (Hit . <RET> to browse the current folder) Navigate to a pdf file and it will open with fbpdf. e.g. 25z to zoom 2.5x h,l to scroll left,right Similarly edit /mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/.elinks/elinks.conf to set fbpdf as an epub handler: Code:
... set mime.extension.epub="application/epub" set mime.handler.epub_viewer.unix.ask = 1 set mime.handler.epub_viewer.unix-xwin.ask = 0 set mime.handler.epub_viewer.unix.block = 1 set mime.handler.epub_viewer.unix-xwin.block = 0 set mime.handler.epub_viewer.unix.program = "/mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/scripts/fbpdf %" set mime.handler.epub_viewer.unix-xwin.program = "/mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/scripts/fbpdf %" set mime.type.application.epub = "epub_viewer" ... Code:
# set mime.handler.image_viewer.unix.program = "/mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/scripts/fbink -G -y 30 -g file=% ;sleep 2" # set mime.handler.image_viewer.unix-xwin.program = "/mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/scripts/fbink -G -y 30 -g file=% ;sleep 2" set mime.handler.image_viewer.unix.program = "/mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/scripts/fbpdf %" set mime.handler.image_viewer.unix-xwin.program = "/mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/scripts/fbpdf %" *** UPDATE *** Modified space,b,r,s, and R defs. ************** space now scrolls down, then next page when reaches bottom b now scrolls up, then previous page when reaches top r for rotate has been reassigned to R ESC followed by integer to reset 'count'. Then: g to goto page 'count' s to skim forward 'count' pages r to skim backward 'count' pages i to get info q to quit Included mutool and muraster utility binaries. *** ******* UPDATE2 ***** Width and css support. *********************** UPDATE2a : support ignore doc css when user css provided $ nano -l mupdf.c Code:
... 7 #define MIN_(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)) 8 9 static float layout_w = FZ_DEFAULT_LAYOUT_W; 10 static float layout_h = FZ_DEFAULT_LAYOUT_H; 11 static float layout_em = FZ_DEFAULT_LAYOUT_EM; 12 static char *layout_css = NULL; 13 static int layout_use_doc_css = 1; 14 15 struct doc { ... 64 } 65 if (getenv("FBPDF_CSS") != NULL) { 66 printf("FBPDF_CSS = %s\n", getenv("FBPDF_CSS")); 67 layout_css = getenv("FBPDF_CSS"); 68 if (getenv("FBPDF_DOCCSS") != NULL) { 69 printf("FBPDF_DOCCSS = %s\n", getenv("FBPDF_DOCCSS")); 70 layout_use_doc_css = fz_atoi(getenv("FBPDF_DOCCSS")); 71 if (layout_use_doc_css != 0) 72 layout_use_doc_css = 1; 73 } 74 fz_buffer *buf = fz_read_file(doc->ctx, layout_css); 75 fz_set_user_css(doc->ctx, fz_string_from_buffer(doc->ctx, buf)); 76 fz_drop_buffer(doc->ctx, buf); 77 fz_set_use_document_css(doc->ctx, layout_use_doc_css); 78 } 79 if (getenv("FBPDF_WIDTH") != NULL) { 80 printf("FBPDF_WIDTH = %s\n", getenv("FBPDF_WIDTH")); 81 layout_w = fz_atof(getenv("FBPDF_WIDTH")); 82 if (layout_w < 50 || layout_w > 5000) { 83 layout_w = FZ_DEFAULT_LAYOUT_W; 84 } 85 } else { 86 layout_w = FZ_DEFAULT_LAYOUT_W; 87 } 88 fz_layout_document(doc->ctx, doc->pdf, layout_w, layout_h, layout_em); 89 return doc; 90 } ... $ make fbpdf Recopy the fbpdf binary to the Kobo's /mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/scripts/ folder. Copy Style.css and sfm.epub to the /mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/ folder. # . /korenv.sh # fbpdf -z 25 sfm.epub # FBPDF_WIDTH=420 fbpdf -z 25 sfm.epub # FBPDF_WIDTH=210 fbpdf -z 50 sfm.epub # fbpdf -z 25 sfm.epub # FBPDF_CSS=Style.css fbpdf -z 25 sfm.epub # FBPDF_CSS=Style.css FBPDF_DOCCSS=0 fbpdf -z 25 sfm.epub * SECURITY NOTE RE XZ * On desktop: $ xz -V xz (XZ Utils) 5.2.4 liblzma 5.2.4 On Kobo: # xz -v BusyBox v1.31.1.kobo (2020-04-22 11:41:43 EDT) multi-call binary. *** Last edited by elinkser; 05-09-2024 at 08:48 AM. Reason: space,b,r,s+mutool+width/css+doccss+single zip file |
03-27-2024, 05:00 PM | #17 |
Posts: 223
Karma: 146236
Join Date: Oct 2022
Device: Kobo Clara HD
SFM - A DUAL PANE FILE MANAGER FOR FBPAD $ source ~/koxtoolchain/refs/x-compile.sh kobo env bare (Prepare build system as was done in Post #4 above.) afify/sfm https://github.com/afify/sfm $ wget https://github.com/afify/sfm/archive...gs/v0.4.tar.gz $ mv v0.4.tar.gz sfm-v0.4.tar.gz $ tar zxvf sfm-v0.4.tar.gz $ cd sfm-0.4/ $ nano -l config.mk Code:
... 14 CC = arm-kobo-linux-gnueabihf-gcc ... $ file sfm sfm: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, EABI5 version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/ld-linux-armhf.so.3, for GNU/Linux 2.6.33, stripped Copy the sfm binary to the /mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/scripts/ folder on your Kobo. # . /korenv.sh # sfm j/k to go down,up h/l to traverse directories or open file :q <RET> to quit viewing a file (vi is default viewer) space to switch panes b to open shell (CTRL-d to return to sfm) . to toggle hidden files CTRL-u to go up 3 CTRL-d to go down 3 q to quit sfm *** We can customize the keydefs to make them more consistent with our other apps. At the same time we can add fbpdf and elinks as default handlers: * Update: added PageUp/PageDown key support, removed redundant ,/. $ nano -l config.def.h Code:
... 50 /* software */ 51 static const char *mpv[] = { "mpv", "--fullscreen" }; 52 static const char *elinks[] = { "elinks" }; 53 static const char *fbpdf[] = { "fbpdf" }; ... 58 /* extensions*/ 59 static const char *images[] = { "bmp", "jpg", "jpeg", "png", "gif", "xpm" }; 60 static const char *pdf[] = { "epub", "pdf" }; 61 static const char *arts[] = { "xcf" }; 62 static const char *html[] = { "htm", "html" }; ... 69 static Rule rules[] = { 70 {videos, LEN(videos), mpv, LEN(mpv) }, 71 {images, LEN(images), fbpdf, LEN(fbpdf) }, 72 {pdf, LEN(pdf), fbpdf, LEN(fbpdf) }, 73 {documents, LEN(documents), libreoffice, LEN(libreoffice) }, 74 {arts, LEN(arts), gimp, LEN(gimp) }, 75 {html, LEN(html), elinks, LEN(elinks) }, ... 85 { {.ch = 'b'}, mv_ver, {.i = +8} }, 86 { {.key = TB_KEY_PGUP}, mv_ver, {.i = +8} }, 87 { {.key = TB_KEY_SPACE}, mv_ver, {.i = -8} }, 88 { {.key = TB_KEY_PGDN}, mv_ver, {.i = -8} }, 89 { {.ch = 'l'}, mvfwd, {.i = 0} }, 90 { {.key = TB_KEY_ARROW_RIGHT}, mvfwd, {.i = 0} }, 91 { {.key = TB_KEY_ENTER}, mvfwd, {.i = 0} }, 92 { {.ch = 'h'}, mvbk, {.i = 0} }, 93 { {.key = TB_KEY_ARROW_LEFT}, mvbk, {.i = 0} }, 94 { {.key = TB_KEY_BACKSPACE}, mvbk, {.i = 0} }, 95 { {.key = TB_KEY_BACKSPACE2}, mvbk, {.i = 0} }, ... 110 { {.ch = 'B'}, opnsh, {0} }, 111 { {.key = TB_KEY_TAB}, switch_pane, {0} }, 112 { {.key = TB_KEY_CTRL_R}, refresh, {0} }, 113 { {.ch = '\\'}, bkmrk, {.v = root} }, 114 { {.ch = 'H'}, toggle_df, {0} }, ... $ make Copy the new sfm binary to the /mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/scripts/ folder on your Kobo. # FBPDF_PERCENT=58 sfm Our new keydefs are: j/k to go down,up (* DON'T PRESS ARROW_DOWN OR YOU WILL ENTER SHELL, CTRL-D TO EXIT) (* DON'T PRESS ARROW_LEFT OR YOU WILL BE PROMPTED TO RENAME, RET TO KEEP NAME) h/l to traverse directories or open file BS/RET to traverse directories or open file :q <RET> to quit viewing a file (vi is default viewer) TAB to switch panes B to open shell (CTRL-d to return to sfm) H to toggle hidden files b/PageUp to go up 8 space/PageDown to go down 8 q to quit sfm Now, entering l/RET on a pdf/epub/image file now invokes fbpdf, while on an html file invokes elinks. *** The vi editor is the default viewer, but we can override this with an environment variable SFM_VIEWER. * Update: at the same time we can try to correct the errant left and down arrow behavior: $ nano -l sfm.c Code:
... 1861 editor[0] = getenv("SFM_VIEWER"); ... 2000 2001 if (tb_select_input_mode(TB_INPUT_ALT) != TB_INPUT_ALT) 2002 if (tb_select_input_mode(TB_INPUT_ESC) != TB_INPUT_ESC) 2003 die("input error"); 2004 ... # SFM_VIEWER=less sfm Now, entering l/RET on a text file invokes the less pager instead of the vi editor, so you can use space/b for pagedown/pageup, and just q for quit. We can create scripts to call sfm with the viewer we want: * Update: Set TERM to linux instead of xterm to correct errant arrow key behavior. Unfortunately, same problem occurs if you press keys too quickly! But at least works if you go slow. # vi /usr/bin/sfmless Code:
export TERM=linux SFM_VIEWER=less /mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/scripts/sfm Code:
export TERM=linux SFM_VIEWER=vi /mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/scripts/sfm Code:
export TERM=linux SFM_VIEWER=nano /mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/scripts/sfm # chmod 755 /usr/bin/sfmvi # chmod 755 /usr/bin/sfmnano # sfmless (can quit with q) # sfmvi (can quit with ESC then :q!) # sfmnano (haha, doesn't work unless you installed nano as in Post #3, and even then you would have to first run . /korenv.sh to set the PATH) *** Our (revised) sfm keydefs: obsoleted, see update 2 *** UPDATE ELINKS.CONF KEY BINDINGS *** Update /mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/.elinks/elinks.conf to harmonize elinks with new apps fbpdf and sfm: REMOVE: bind "main" "," = "history-move-back" bind "main" "." = "history-move-forward" bind "main" "#" = "toggle-numbered-links" ADD: bind "main" "H" = "history-manager" bind "main" "h" = "history-move-back" bind "main" "l" = "history-move-forward" bind "main" "j" = "move-cursor-down" bind "main" "k" = "move-cursor-up" RESULT: Use H instead of h for history Use h/l instead of ,/. for move forward/back in history Use j/k for for move cursor down/up Use the default . to toggle displaying numbered links on page, so you can go directly to the link by entering the number. *************************************** *** ALSO UPDATE /KORENV.SH *** Update /korenv.sh to better work with new apps fbpdf and sfm: REMOVE: export TERM=xterm ADD: export TERM=linux export FBPDF_PERCENT=58 *************************************** *** * UPDATE 2 - A KLUDGE/FIX FOR ERRANT DIRECTION KEYS: A possible kludge/fix is to redefine key sequences to NOT be confused with the escape code sequences we are sending for the direction keys. ANSI escape code sequences for direction keys: <esc>[A - Up <esc>[B - Down <esc>[D - Left <esc>[C - Right Errant sfm direction key responses: ARROW_DOWN - SHELL ARROW_LEFT - RENAME Our latest(after 1st update) sfm keydefs: A undefined B spawn a shell in the current directory D duplicate file | directory recursively C undefined So we can try redefining these keys: A up B down D left C right , duplicate file | directory recursively S spawn a shell in the current directory . toggle dotfiles $ nano -l config.def.h Code:
... 81 { {.ch = 'j'}, mv_ver, {.i = -1} }, 82 { {.ch = 'B'}, mv_ver, {.i = -1} }, 83 { {.key = TB_KEY_ARROW_DOWN}, mv_ver, {.i = -1} }, 84 { {.ch = 'k'}, mv_ver, {.i = +1} }, 85 { {.ch = 'A'}, mv_ver, {.i = +1} }, 86 { {.key = TB_KEY_ARROW_UP}, mv_ver, {.i = +1} }, ... 91 { {.ch = 'l'}, mvfwd, {.i = 0} }, 92 { {.ch = 'C'}, mvfwd, {.i = 0} }, 93 { {.key = TB_KEY_ARROW_RIGHT}, mvfwd, {.i = 0} }, 94 { {.key = TB_KEY_ENTER}, mvfwd, {.i = 0} }, 95 { {.ch = 'h'}, mvbk, {.i = 0} }, 96 { {.ch = 'D'}, mvbk, {.i = 0} }, 97 { {.key = TB_KEY_ARROW_LEFT}, mvbk, {.i = 0} }, 98 { {.key = TB_KEY_BACKSPACE}, mvbk, {.i = 0} }, 99 { {.key = TB_KEY_BACKSPACE2}, mvbk, {.i = 0} }, ... 105 { {.ch = ','}, dupl, {0} }, ... 114 { {.ch = 'S'}, opnsh, {0} }, ... 118 { {.ch = '.'}, toggle_df, {0} }, ... $ rm config.h $ make Copy the new sfm binary to the /mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/scripts/ folder on your Kobo. # sfm Direction keys now working, but colors in elinks a little off. Change to export TERM=screen and all good. So... # vi /usr/bin/sfmless Code:
export TERM=screen SFM_VIEWER=less /mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/scripts/sfm Code:
export TERM=screen SFM_VIEWER=vi /mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/scripts/sfm Code:
export TERM=screen SFM_VIEWER=nano /mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/scripts/sfm Code:
#!/bin/sh export PATH=/mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/scripts:/mnt/onboard/.adds/koreader/plugins/terminal.koplugin/:/mnt/onboard/.adds/koreader/scripts:$PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/libs:/mnt/onboard/.adds/koreader/libs:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH export TERM=screen export FBPDF_PERCENT=58 export HOME=/mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/ cd $HOME alias ls='ls --color=never' * UPDATE 3 - PUT HIGHLIGHTED FILE'S BASENAME ON STATUS BAR: Helps identify currently selected file when running sfm in KOReader terminal. $ nano -l sfm.c Code:
... 284 static void 285 print_info(Pane *pane, char *dirsize) 286 { 287 char *sz, *ur, *gr, *dt, *prm, *nm; 288 289 dt = ecalloc(MAX_DTF, sizeof(char)); 290 nm = basename(CURSOR(pane).name); ... 309 print_status(cstatus, "%02d/%02d %s %s:%s %s %s %s", pane->hdir, 310 pane->dirc, prm, ur, gr, dt, sz, nm); ... Copy the new sfm binary to the /mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/scripts/ folder on your Kobo. Run sfm in KOReader terminal: # . /korenv.sh # sfm *** Our (final?) sfm keydefs: Normal Mode q quit h/left/BS back j/down down k/up up l/right/RET open dir | file g top G bottom b/PgUp scroll up SPACE/PgDn scroll down n create new file if not exists N create new directory if not exists d delete file | directory recursively , duplicate file | directory recursively y yank p paste P move S spawn a shell in the current directory c start change cw rename co change owner and group (chown) cm change mode (chmod) cf change flags (chflags | chattr) cc exit change cq exit change . toggle dotfiles v start visual mode / start filter ENTER find filter ESC exit filter TAB switch pane ctrl+r refresh panes Visual Mode j select down k select up d delete selection v exit visual mode q exit visual mode ESC exit visual mode | change *** * Edit : actually just leave default input mode - comment out the crap I put there (it interfered with ESC key use.) $ nano -l sfm.c Code:
... 2000 /* 2001 if (tb_select_input_mode(TB_INPUT_ALT) != TB_INPUT_ALT) 2002 if (tb_select_input_mode(TB_INPUT_ESC) != TB_INPUT_ESC) 2003 die("input error"); 2004 */ ... * Edit : add a couple more bindings to elinks.conf to not interfere with screen utility. Code:
... bind "main" "Ctrl-a" = "none" bind "main" "Ctrl-A" = "none" set document.colors.use_document_colors = 0 ... Last edited by elinkser; 04-05-2024 at 10:18 PM. Reason: revised keydefs,TERM,direction,status basename,default |
06-02-2024, 05:51 PM | #18 |
Posts: 223
Karma: 146236
Join Date: Oct 2022
Device: Kobo Clara HD
The w3m terminal browser we installed from Alpine Linux to the /mnt/onboard/.adds/koreader/ here ( https://www.mobileread.com/forums/sh...91&postcount=3 ) and migrated to the /mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/ folder here ( https://www.mobileread.com/forums/sh...6&postcount=14 ) is capable of showing inline images. It just needs an external image displayer, w3mimgdisplay, which we will crosscompile for fbink and rename w3mimgfbink. w3mimgdisplay has the following input parameters: (Thanks to https://blog.z3bra.org/2014/01/images-in-terminal.html for the heads up.) Code:
/* * w3mimg protocol * 0 1 2 .... * +--+--+--+--+ ...... +--+--+ * |op|; |args |\n| * +--+--+--+--+ .......+--+--+ * * args is separeted by ';' * op args * 0; params draw image * 1; params redraw image * 2; -none- terminate drawing * 3; -none- sync drawing * 4; -none- nop, sync communication * response '\n' * 5; path get size of image, * response "<width> <height>\n" * 6; params(6) clear image * * params * <n>;<x>;<y>;<w>;<h>;<sx>;<sy>;<sw>;<sh>;<path> * params(6) * <x>;<y>;<w>;<h> * */ /* +_______screen_____+ | ^ | | |offset_y| | v | | +image | |<____>| | | |offset_x| | | | | | | | +_______+ | +___________|_________+ | v +________image_______+ | ^ | | | shift_y | | v | | +- view port + ^ | |<___>| | | | |shift_x | | height| | | | | | | +______+ v | | <- width -> | +_____________________+ */ *** *** *** First build w3m on the desktop. You will build a binary called mktable that runs on the desktop to help crosscompile the arm binary for kobo (you will see later on.) tats/w3m https://github.com/tats/w3m/tree/master $ wget https://github.com/tats/w3m/archive/...ads/master.zip Now create a directory to build the arm binary: $ mkdir websw $ source ~/koxtoolchain/refs/x-compile.sh kobo env bare (This is the koreader toolchain as was covered here https://www.mobileread.com/forums/sh...16&postcount=4 . Note the frequent reference to the $HOME/x-tools/ folder. That is where the koreader crosscompile libs and headers are installed.) $ cd websw/ Now we will procede to crosscompile the whole w3m package, but we will only need the w3mimgdisplay binary, since the the main browser app w3m we got from Alpine Linux works fine. *** *** *** giflib $ wget https://sourceforge.net/projects/gif...b-5.2.2.tar.gz $ tar zxvf giflib-5.2.2.tar.gz $ cd giflib-5.2.2/ $ CC=arm-kobo-linux-gnueabihf-gcc make $ cd .. *** imlib2 $ wget https://downloads.sourceforge.net/en...-1.12.2.tar.xz $ tar Jxvf imlib2-1.12.2.tar.xz $ cd imlib2-1.12.2/ $ ./configure --without-x --without-tiff --without-webp --host=arm-kobo-linux-gnueabihf CPPFLAGS=" -I$HOME/x-tools/usr/include/ -I$HOME/websw/giflib-5.2.2/ " LDFLAGS=" -L$HOME/x-tools/usr/lib/ -L$HOME/websw/giflib-5.2.2/ -lgif " FREETYPE_CFLAGS=" -I$HOME/x-tools/usr/include/freetype2/ " FREETYPE_LIBS=" -L$HOME/x-tools/usr/lib/ -lfreetype " PNG_CFLAGS=" -I$HOME/x-tools/usr/include/ " PNG_LIBS=" -L$HOME/x-tools/usr/lib/ -lpng " JPEG_CFLAGS=" -I$HOME/x-tools/usr/include/ " JPEG_LIBS=" -L$HOME/x-tools/usr/lib/ -ljpeg " ZLIB_CFLAGS=" -I$HOME/x-tools/usr/include/ " ZLIB_LIBS=" -L$HOME/x-tools/usr/lib/ -lz " LIBS=" -lrt " $ ls -l $HOME/x-tools/arm-kobo-linux-gnueabihf/arm-kobo-linux-gnueabihf/sysroot/lib/libdl* -r-xr-xr-x 106036 libdl-2.15.so lrwxrwxrwx 2023 libdl.so.2 -> libdl-2.15.so $ export DLDIR=$HOME/x-tools/arm-kobo-linux-gnueabihf/arm-kobo-linux-gnueabihf/sysroot/lib/ (What just happened here is we are making sure we are building for the ARM libdl, and not the desktop one.) $ nano -l Makefile Code:
... 275 DLOPEN_LIBS = -L$(DLDIR) -ldl ... $ make $ cd .. *** gc 8.2.2-r2 https://hboehm.info/gc/ $ wget https://hboehm.info/gc/gc_source/lib...s-7.8.0.tar.gz $ tar zxvf libatomic_ops-7.8.0.tar.gz $ cd libatomic_ops-7.8.0/ $ ./configure --host=arm-kobo-linux-gnueabihf $ make $ cd .. *** $ wget https://hboehm.info/gc/gc_source/gc-8.2.4.tar.gz $ tar zxvf gc-8.2.4.tar.gz $ cd gc-8.2.4/ $ ./configure CPPFLAGS=" -I$HOME/websw/libatomic_ops-7.8.0/src/ " LDFLAGS=" -L$HOME/websw/libatomic_ops-7.8.0/src/.libs/ " --with-libatomic-ops=check --host=arm-kobo-linux-gnueabihf $ nano -l Makefile Code:
... 982 THREADDLLIBS = -lpthread -lrt -L$(DLDIR) -ldl ... $ cd .. *** openssl libssl3 3.1.4-r6 $ wget https://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-3.1.5.tar.gz $ tar zxvf openssl-3.1.5.tar.gz $ cd openssl-3.1.5/ $ ./Configure no-ssl2 no-ssl3 --cross-compile-prefix=arm-kobo-linux-gnueabihf- linux-armv4 $ nano -l Makefile Code:
... 3198 AR=$(CROSS_COMPILE)ar 3199 ARFLAGS= qc 3200 RANLIB=$(CROSS_COMPILE)gcc-ranlib 3201 RC= $(CROSS_COMPILE)windres 3202 RCFLAGS= ... 3222 CNF_EX_LIBS= -L$(DLDIR) -ldl -pthread -latomic ... $ cd .. *** ncurses https://invisible-island.net/ncurses/ $ tar zxvf ncurses-6.3.tar.gz $ cd ncurses-6.3/ $ ./configure --with-static --with-shared --with-cxx-shared --without-ada --without-gpm --without-sysmouse --enable-widec --disable-big-core --host=arm-kobo-linux-gnueabihf $ make $ cd .. *** tats/w3m https://github.com/tats/w3m/tree/master $ wget https://github.com/tats/w3m/archive/...ads/master.zip $ mv master.zip w3m-master.zip $ unzip w3m-master.zip $ cd w3m-master/ $ mkdir FBInk $ cp -r ../FBInk-v1.25.0/Release FBInk/ $ cp ../FBInk-v1.25.0/fbink.h FBInk/ $ nano -l configure [CODE] ... 7643 { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: Imlib2 is not installed. Install Imlib2$ 7644 $as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: Imlib2 is not installed. Install Imlib2 (version >= 1.0.5)" >&2;} 7645 have_imlib2="yes" ... 9084 if test x"$gclibdir" = xno; then 9085 /* as_fn_error $? "libgc not found" "$LINENO" 5 */ 9086 fi ... 9690 /* as_fn_error $? "cannot check setpgrp when cross compiling" "$LINENO" 5 */ ... /CODE] (A kludge to get get configure to run. Kids please don't copy - read a proper programming book instead.) $ ./configure --enable-image=fb --with-imagelib=imlib2 --disable-nls --disable-xface --disable-mouse --with-termlib=ncurses --with-gc=$HOME/websw/gc-8.2.4/.libs SSL_CFLAGS=" -I$HOME/websw/openssl-3.1.5/include/ " SSL_LIBS=" -L$HOME/websw/openssl-3.1.5/ " CFLAGS=" -g " CPPFLAGS=" -I$HOME/websw/imlib2-1.12.2/src/lib/ -I$HOME/websw/gc-8.2.4/include/ -I$HOME/websw/openssl-3.1.5/include/ -I$HOME/websw/ncurses-6.3/include/ -I$HOME/x-tools/usr/include/ -I$HOME/x-tools/usr/include/freetype2/ " LDFLAGS=" -L$HOME/websw/imlib2-1.12.2/src/lib/.libs/ -L$HOME/websw/gc-8.2.4/.libs/ -L$HOME/websw/openssl-3.1.5/ -L$HOME/websw/ncurses-6.3/lib/ -L$HOME/x-tools/usr/lib/ -L$HOME/websw/giflib-5.2.2/ -lgif -LFBInk/Release/ " --host=arm-kobo-linux-gnueabihf $ nano -l w3mimg/Makefile Code:
14 SUBDIRS=fb $ export DLDIR=$HOME/x-tools/arm-kobo-linux-gnueabihf/arm-kobo-linux-gnueabihf/sysroot/lib/ $ nano -l Makefile Code:
... 48 LIBS = -lm -lncursesw -lz -lfreetype -lfbink -lImlib2 -lgc -L$(DLDIR) -ldl ... $ nano -l config.h Code:
... 159 #define SETPGRP() setpgrp() ... $ nano -l w3mimg/fb/fb.c Code:
... 25 #include "fb.h" 26 27 #include "FBInk/fbink.h" 28 29 FBInkConfig fbink_cfg = {0}; 30 31 FBInkConfig* cfg(){ 32 return &fbink_cfg; 33 } ... 140 /* if ((fbfp = open(fbdev, O_RDWR)) == -1) { 141 fprintf(stderr, "open %s error\n", fbdev); 142 goto ERR_END; 143 } */ 144 fbfp = fbink_open(); 145 if (fbfp < 0) { 146 fprintf(stderr, "%s error\n", fbdev); 147 goto ERR_END; 148 } 149 FBInkRect cls_rect = { 0 }; 150 151 #if defined(__linux__) 152 if (fb_fscrn_get(fbfp, &fscinfo)) { ... 409 } 410 fbink_refresh( fbfp, y, x, width, height,cfg() ); 411 return 0; 412 } ... $ nano -l w3mimg/fb/fb_w3mimg.c Code:
... 179 /* 180 if (!check_tty_console(getenv("W3M_TTY")) && 181 strncmp("fbterm", getenv("TERM"), 6) != 0 && 182 strncmp("jfbterm", getenv("TERM"), 7) != 0) { 183 fprintf(stderr, "w3mimgdisplay/fb: tty is not console\n"); 184 goto error; 185 } 186 */ ... 187 if (fb_open()) 188 goto error; 189 190 int percentDisplay; 191 if (getenv("FBPDF_PERCENT") != NULL) { 192 percentDisplay = atoi(getenv("FBPDF_PERCENT")); 193 if (percentDisplay < 1 || percentDisplay > 99) 194 percentDisplay = 100; 195 } else { 196 percentDisplay = 100; 197 } 198 wop->height = fb_height() * percentDisplay / 100; 199 wop->width = fb_width(); 200 201 wop->init = w3mfb_init; ... $ nano -l w3mimgdisplay.c Code:
... 68 fflush(stdout); ... $ make ./mktable 100 functable.tab > functable.c /lib/ld-linux-armhf.so.3: No such file or directory make: *** [Makefile:178: functable.c] Error 255 This error is because make is attempting to use the arm compiler to generate the mktable binary to use during the build, which won't run because whatever it builds with the arm compiler won't run during the make process since that is on the desktop. So, copy the mktable binary from a previous desktop (non crosscompiled) build: $ cp ../w3m-master/mktable . $ make $ cp ../giflib-5.2.2/libgif.so . $ cp ../imlib2-1.12.2/src/lib/.libs/libImlib2.so.1.12.2 libImlib2.so.1 $ mkdir imlib2 $ mkdir imlib2/filters $ mkdir imlib2/loaders $ cp ../imlib2-1.12.2/src/modules/filters/.libs/*.so imlib2/filters/ $ cp ../imlib2-1.12.2/src/modules/loaders/.libs/*.so imlib2/loaders/ Copy the libImlib2.so.1 lib to the /mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/libs/ folder of your kobo. Copy the imlib2 folder to the /mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/libs/ folder of your kobo. $ cp w3mimgdisplay w3mimgfbink Copy the w3mimgfbink binary to the /mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/scripts/ folder of your kobo. ON YOUR KOBO: Setup the path: # . /korenv.sh Create a new user named w3muser so that you can browse as nonroot: # adduser w3muser Changing password for w3muser New password: # addgroup fbgroup # adduser w3muser fbgroup # chgrp fbgroup /dev/fb0 (Looks like you have to redo that last chgrp command as root each session.) Create a startup script: # nano -l /w3menv.sh Code:
1 #!/bin/sh 2 3 export PATH=/mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/scripts:/mnt/onboard/.adds/koreader/plugins/terminal.koplugin/:/mnt/onboard/.adds/koreader/scripts:$PATH 4 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/libs:/mnt/onboard/.adds/koreader/libs:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH 5 export TERM=screen 6 export FBPDF_PERCENT=58 7 export IMLIB2_LOADER_PATH=/mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/libs/imlib2/loaders 8 export HOME=/home/w3muser/ 9 cd $HOME 10 11 alias ls='ls --color=never' 12 chgrp fbgroup /dev/fb0 Run the startup script as root: # . /w3menv.sh Switch to the w3muser user: # su w3muser Run the startup script as user: $ . /w3menv.sh Check that the library path was set: $ echo $IMLIB2_LOADER_PATH Test the w3mimgfbink binary on tux.png in same folder: $ echo -e '0;1;0;0;200;160;;;;;tux.png\n4;\n3;' | /mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/scripts/w3mimgfbink 2>/dev/null You can try placing it at 400,400: $ echo -e '0;1;400;400;200;160;;;;;tux.png\n4;\n3;' | /mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/scripts/w3mimgfbink 2>/dev/null You can try making it double the height: $ echo -e '0;1;400;400;200;320;;;;;tux.png\n4;\n3;' | /mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/scripts/w3mimgfbink 2>/dev/null Now run w3m and set the options: $ ./w3m -v Enter 'o' for options. Set options as follows: Code:
... Display inline images (*)YES ( )NO Display pseudo-ALTs for inline images with no ALT or TITLE string (*)YES ( )NO Load inline images automatically (*)YES ( )NO Maximum processes for parallel image loading [4 ] Use external image viewer (*)YES ( )NO Scale of image (%) [150 ] Inline image display method [external command ] External command to display image [/mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/scripts/w3mimgfbink] ... q to quit. Now you have to run fbpad/fbpad2 (from either onscreen or remote SSH terminal keyboard) to see the inline images working: From fbpad, run the startup script as root, switch to the w3muser user and run the startup script as user, as before: # . /w3menv.sh # su w3muser $ . /w3menv.sh (ignore the chgrp error message) You can now run the Alpine Linux w3m binary on the downloaded google page to see the inline google image: $ w3m mywgets/index.html OR, if WiFi is on, e.g.: $ w3m mobileread.com Like elinks, it is space/b to page down/up, tab to traverse the links, q to quit, but U to open a URL. W3m Shortcuts cheatsheet https://cheatsheetfactory.geekyhacker.com/linux/w3m ⇧r Reload ⇧h Hotkeys ⇧t Open a tab ⌃q Close a tab ⇧u Go to a url ⇧{} Switch between tabs ⌃h Show history ⇧b Exit history ⇧i View image Esci Save image c Show which page you are on u View a URL of a link Escb View bookmarks Esca To bookmark <> Scroll left and right o Open options/preferences [number Go to link number Escl Show all links in a page in pop up form to select (with going to link) REMEMBER YOU ONLY HAVE AROUND 50MB STORAGE SPACE ON THE ROOT PARTION, SO DELETE ALL THE CACHE FILES IN /home/w3muser/.w3m AFTER EACH SESSION!!! * CORRECTION: the w3mxxxx files that fill up the .w3m/ folder are just temp files, not cache files, according to the FAQ ( https://stuff.mit.edu/afs/sipb.mit.e...c/w3m/FAQ.html ). If you open up a second SSH terminal, you can witness these w3mxxxx files multiply and eat up precious storage space as you browse. Forunately, they are automatically deleted, unless you run out of space and w3m crashes, for example. So why are we running it in the root partition then? There is plenty of space in the user /mnt/onboard/ partition. It is because inline imaging is not enabled on kobo fbpad if w3m can't do a symlink, and guess what the vfat user partition can't do? Symlinks! So either modify w3m source to not need symlinks, or run in the linux filesystem based root partition. For now that is what we are doing. And since we are there, we use the fine-grained permissions capability to run as nonroot, for a more secure browse. Yay! Note: if you want to recompile w3m, it is much easier to do it in a chroot - and that way you keep library compatibility with Alpine as well. *** *** *** * TIPS * To get bookmarks working: # cd /usr/lib # ln -s /mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/usr/lib/w3m w3m To get helpkey 'H' working: # cp /mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/usr/lib/w3m/w3mhelp.html /usr/share/w3m/w3mhelp-w3m_en.html To create a 500MB disk image on /mnt/onboard to act as a larger .w3m/ folder that is also formatted as a Linux filesystem. # dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/onboard/w3m.img bs=1M count=512 # mke2fs -F /mnt/onboard/w3m.img # cd /home/w3muser # mount /mnt/onboard/w3m.img .w3m # ls -l .w3m/ # chown -R w3muser:w3muser .w3m # su w3muser $ . /w3menv.sh $ w3m -v $ exit # umount .w3m * DON'T FORGET TO UNMOUNT THE DISK IMAGE AS ROOT WHEN DONE BROWSING (AS IN THAT LAST COMMAND) * (Possible data corruption risk if connecting USB cable and clicking 'connect' while loopfile still mounted was mentioned here: https://www.mobileread.com/forums/sh...02&postcount=9 ) *** *** *** Last edited by elinkser; 06-09-2024 at 11:46 AM. Reason: scale image 150%, tips,terminology,w3mxxxx files |
07-20-2024, 07:23 PM | #19 |
Posts: 223
Karma: 146236
Join Date: Oct 2022
Device: Kobo Clara HD
YAFT - Yet Another Framebuffer Terminal - with SIXEL* image support
YAFT - Yet Another Framebuffer Terminal - with SIXEL* image support *SIXEL is one of image formats for printer and terminal imaging introduced by Digital Equipment Corp. (DEC). Its data scheme is represented as a terminal-friendly escape sequence. So if you want to view a SIXEL image file, all you have to do is “cat” it to your terminal. https://saitoha.github.io/libsixel/ You need to have a terminal that supports SIXEL, e.g. xterm if invoked as: $ xterm -ti vt340 $ img2sixel logo.gif $ img2sixel tux.png $ img2sixel tux.png -o tux.six $ cat tux.six $ w3m -sixel mywgets/index.html *** uobikiemukot/yaft https://github.com/uobikiemukot/yaft $ wget https://github.com/uobikiemukot/yaft.../v0.2.9.tar.gz $ mv v0.2.9.tar.gz yaft-v0.2.9.tar.gz $ tar zxvf yaft-v0.2.9.tar.gz $ cd yaft-0.2.9/ $ nano -l conf.h Code:
... 4 /* color: index number of color_palette[] (see color.h) */ 5 enum { 6 DEFAULT_FG = 0, 7 DEFAULT_BG = 255, 8 ACTIVE_CURSOR_COLOR = 2, 9 PASSIVE_CURSOR_COLOR = 1, 10 }; ... 41 /* shell: refer SHELL environment variable at first */ 42 #if defined(__linux__) || defined(__MACH__) 43 const char *shell_cmd = "/bin/sh"; ... Use a bigger font than the default: cambus/spleen https://github.com/fcambus/spleen $ wget https://github.com/fcambus/spleen/re...n-2.1.0.tar.gz $ tar zxvf spleen-2.1.0.tar.gz $ cp ../spleen-2.1.0/spleen-32x64.bdf fonts/ $ cp ../spleen-2.1.0/spleen-16x32.bdf fonts/ $ cp ../spleen-2.1.0/spleen-12x24.bdf fonts/ $ nano -l makefile Code:
1 CC1 ?= arm-kobo-linux-gnueabihf-gcc 2 CC2 ?= gcc ... 25 mkfont_bdf: tools/mkfont_bdf.c tools/mkfont_bdf.h tools/bdf.h tools/util.h 26 $(CC2) -o $@ $< $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) ... 34 # ./mkfont_bdf table/alias fonts/milkjf_k16.bdf fonts/milkjf_8x16r.bdf fonts/milkjf_8x16.bdf > glyph.h 35 ./mkfont_bdf table/alias fonts/spleen-16x32.bdf > glyph.h 36 37 yaft: yaft.c $(HDR) 38 # If you want to change configuration, please modify conf.h before make (see conf.h for more detail) 39 $(CC1) -o $@ $< $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) ... gcc -o mkfont_bdf tools/mkfont_bdf.c -std=c99 -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -O3 -s -pipe $ rm glyph.h $ make glyph.h $ cd .. *** Resize the bdf font: ntwk/bdfresize https://github.com/ntwk/bdfresize $ wget http://openlab.ring.gr.jp/efont/dist...ize-1.5.tar.gz $ tar zxvf bdfresize-1.5.tar.gz $ cd bdfresize-1.5/ $ ./configure $ nano -l charresize.c Code:
... 49 void *malloc(); ... $ cp ../spleen-2.1.0/spleen-32x64.bdf . $ ./bdfresize -f 17/32 spleen-32x64.bdf >spleen-17x34.bdf $ cd .. $ cd yaft-0.2.9/ Save copy of yaft made with smaller spleen-16x32.bdf font: $ mv yaft yaftS $ cp ../bdfresize-1.5/spleen-17x34.bdf fonts/ $ nano -l makefile Code:
... 34 # ./mkfont_bdf table/alias fonts/milkjf_k16.bdf fonts/milkjf_8x16r.bdf fonts/milkjf_8x16.bdf > glyph.h 35 ./mkfont_bdf table/alias fonts/spleen-17x34.bdf > glyph.h ... $ rm glyph.h $ make glyph.h $ cd .. *** Prepare build system as was done in Post #4 above: $ source ~/koxtoolchain/refs/x-compile.sh kobo env bare *** Make shared version of FBInk as in Post #4 above: NiLuJe/FBInk https://github.com/NiLuJe/FBInk/releases $ wget https://github.com/NiLuJe/FBInk/rele...v1.25.0.tar.xz $ tar xJf FBInk-v1.25.0.tar.xz $ cd FBInk-v1.25.0/ $ make static stripped $ cd .. *** $ cd yaft-0.2.9/ $ mkdir fb/FBInk $ cp -r ../FBInk-v1.25.0/Release fb/FBInk/ $ cp ../FBInk-v1.25.0/fbink.h fb/FBInk/ $ nano -l fb/common.h Code:
... 41 42 #include "FBInk/fbink.h" 43 44 FBInkConfig fbink_cfg = {0}; 45 46 FBInkConfig* cfg(){ 47 return &fbink_cfg; 48 } 49 ... 303 /* open framebuffer device: check FRAMEBUFFER env at first */ 304 path = ((env = getenv("FRAMEBUFFER")) == NULL) ? fb_path: env; 305 /* if ((fb->fd = eopen(path, O_RDWR)) < 0) */ 306 fb->fd = fbink_open(); 307 if (fb->fd < 0) 308 return false; ... 488 fbink_refresh( fb->fd, 489 0, 490 0, 491 fb->info.width, 492 fb->info.height, 493 cfg() ); 494 } ... $ nano -l terminal.h Code:
... 340 term->cols = term->width / CELL_WIDTH; 341 term->lines = term->height / CELL_HEIGHT; 342 int percentDisplay; /* percent of display used */ 343 if (getenv("YAFT_PERCENT") != NULL) { 344 printf("YAFT_PERCENT = %s\n", getenv("YAFT_PERCENT")); 345 percentDisplay = atoi(getenv("YAFT_PERCENT")); 346 if (percentDisplay < 1 || percentDisplay > 99) { 347 percentDisplay = 100; 348 } 349 } else { 350 percentDisplay = 100; 351 } 352 term->lines = term->lines * percentDisplay / 100; ... $ rm yaft $ LDFLAGS=" -Lfb/FBInk/Release/ -lfbink " make yaft $ cd .. *** Now, copy the yaft and yaftS binaries to the /mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/scripts/ folder on the Kobo. From an SSH session to the Kobo: # . /korenv.sh # YAFT_PERCENT=58 yaft YAFT_PERCENT = 58 >>WARN<< ioctl: VT_SETMODE failed (maybe here is not console) >>WARN<< ioctl: KDSETMODE failed (maybe here is not console) # lsof | grep yaft # . /korenv.sh # OSK_TTY=/dev/pts/0 oskansi2 & # pkill yaft Or, update our NickelMenu and fbmenu scripts (from POST #14 above): # nano /mnt/onboard/.adds/nm/config.txt Code:
... menu_item :main :YAFT_PERCENT=58 :cmd_spawn :quiet :export HOME="/mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/" && cd "$HOME" && export PATH="$PATH:/mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/scripts" && export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/libs" && export YAFT_PERCENT=58 && yaft 0</dev/tty1 chain_success :dbg_toast :Started yaft chain_failure :dbg_toast :Error starting yaft ... # nano -l /mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/scripts/fbmenu.sh Code:
... 18 if [ "$num" == "1" ]; then 19 qndb -m mwcToast 500 "You selected 1-Stop agetty+fbpad+yaft" 20 fbcmd="/usr/bin/pkill agetty" 21 qndb -m mwcToast 200 "$fbcmd" 22 fberr=$($fbcmd 2>&1) 23 fbcmd="/usr/bin/pkill fbpad" 24 qndb -m mwcToast 200 "$fbcmd" 25 fberr=$($fbcmd 2>&1) 26 fbcmd="/usr/bin/pkill fbkeyboard" 27 qndb -m mwcToast 200 "$fbcmd" 28 fberr=$($fbcmd 2>&1) 29 fbcmd="/usr/bin/pkill oskansi" 30 qndb -m mwcToast 200 "$fbcmd" 31 fberr=$($fbcmd 2>&1) 32 fbcmd="/usr/bin/pkill yaft" 33 qndb -m mwcToast 200 "$fbcmd" 34 fberr=$($fbcmd 2>&1) 35 elif [ "$num" == "2" ]; then 36 qndb -m mwcToast 1000 "You selected 2-yaft" 37 export HOME="/mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/" 38 cd "$HOME" 39 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/libs/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" 40 fbcmd="/mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/scripts/fbkeyboard2" 41 qndb -m mwcToast 1000 "$fbcmd" 42 fberr=$($fbcmd 2>&1) & 43 fbcmd="eval YAFT_PERCENT=58 /mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/scripts/yaft 0</dev/tty1" 44 qndb -m mwcToast 1000 "$fbcmd" 45 fberr=$($fbcmd 2>&1) ... *** UNFORTUNATELY, YOU MAY NEED TO KILL AGETTY (E.G VIA FBMENU) TO GET YAFT TO WORK WITH FBKEYBOARD/OSKANSI KEYBOARDS, AT LEAST ON MY CLARA HD. *** EDIT - and maybe even USB networking/dropbox too, to get YAFT to start! ALSO, AS WITH FBPAD, YOU MAY NEED WIFI ON, THOUGH NO ACCESS POINT CONNECTION NEEDED.) *** *** YAFT supports sixel images: saitoha/libsixel https://github.com/saitoha/libsixel $ wget https://github.com/saitoha/libsixel/.../v1.8.6.tar.gz $ mv v1.8.6.tar.gz libsixel-v1.8.6.tar.gz $ tar zxvf libsixel-v1.8.6.tar.gz $ cd libsixel-1.8.6/ $ ./configure --help $ ./configure --host=arm-kobo-linux-gnueabihf --disable-python $ make $ cp converters/.libs/img2sixel . $ cp converters/.libs/sixel2png . $ cp src/.libs/libsixel.so.1.0.6 libsixel.so.1 *** Copy the img2sixel and sixel2png binaries to the /mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/scripts/ folder of your kobo. Copy the libsixel.so.1 lib to the /mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/libs/ folder of your kobo. Displaying images in YAFT with sixel: # . /korenv.sh # img2sixel tux.png Unfortunately, the img2sixel gives error with Alpine Linux w3m binary: w3m -sixel -o display_image=1 mywgets/index.html We will attempt to mod the w3m source to fix sixel support. *** Building w3m in chroot* partition to fix sixel image support: *See POST #8 for chroot reference. On kobo, switch to chroot: # chalpine.sh On kobo chroot: (as root) *** # apk add gc-dev (1/2) Installing libgc++ (8.2.2-r2) (2/2) Installing gc-dev (8.2.2-r2) OK: 1029 MiB in 528 packages # apk add ncurses-dev (1/4) Installing libformw (6.4_p20230506-r0) (2/4) Installing libmenuw (6.4_p20230506-r0) (3/4) Installing libncurses++ (6.4_p20230506-r0) (4/4) Installing ncurses-dev (6.4_p20230506-r0) Executing busybox-1.36.0-r9.trigger OK: 1030 MiB in 536 packages # apk add libpng-dev OK: 1030 MiB in 532 packages # apk add libjpeg-turbo-dev (1/1) Installing libjpeg-turbo-dev ( OK: 1030 MiB in 533 packages # apk add giflib-dev (1/2) Upgrading giflib (5.2.1-r4 -> 5.2.2-r0) (2/2) Installing giflib-dev (5.2.2-r0) OK: 1030 MiB in 534 packages # apk add imlib2-dev (1/4) Installing libice-dev (1.1.1-r2) (2/4) Installing util-linux-dev (2.38.1-r8) (3/4) Installing libsm-dev (1.2.4-r1) (4/4) Installing imlib2-dev (1.11.1-r0) OK: 1033 MiB in 538 packages # apk add gdb (1/1) Installing gdb (13.1-r9) OK: 1043 MiB in 541 packages # su myuser $ cd $ mv master.zip w3m-master.zip $ unzip w3m-master.zip $ cd w3m-master/ $ ./configure CFLAGS=" -g " --enable-image=fb --disable-mouse --with-imagelib=imlib2 * While we are messing with w3m source code to support sixel, we may as well remove symlink requirement to allow images even in vfat /mnt/onboard (user) partition, but of course it is not as secure to run as root. $ nano -l config.h Code:
... 139 #undef HAVE_SYMLINK ... Fix execvp quirk that interfered with img2sixel argument parsing (* updated to use snprintf and restore integer length to 11 as in original w3m code *): $ nano -l terms.c Code:
... 789 if ((pid = fork()) == 0) { 790 char *env; 791 int n = 0; 792 char *argv[20]; 793 /* char digit[2][11+1]; */ 794 char clip1[15+7+1], clip2[3+11+1], clip3[3+11+1], clip4[3+3+44+1], clip5[12+1]; 795 Str str_url; 796 797 close(STDERR_FILENO); /* Don't output error message. */ ... 821 else { 822 argv[n++] = "/mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/scripts/img2sixel"; 823 } 824 /* argv[n++] = "-l"; 825 argv[n++] = do_anim ? "auto" : "disable"; 826 argv[n++] = "-w"; 827 sprintf(digit[0], "%d", w); 828 argv[n++] = digit[0]; 829 argv[n++] = "-h"; 830 sprintf(digit[1], "%d", h); 831 argv[n++] = digit[1]; 832 argv[n++] = "-c"; */ 833 snprintf(clip1, sizeof(clip1) - 1, "--loop-control=auto"); 834 argv[n++] = clip1; 835 snprintf(clip2, sizeof(clip2) - 1, "-w %d", w); 836 argv[n++] = clip2; 837 snprintf(clip3, sizeof(clip3) - 1, "-h %d", h); 838 argv[n++] = clip3; 839 snprintf(clip4, sizeof(clip4) - 1, "-c %dx%d+%d+%d", sw, sh, sx, sy); 840 argv[n++] = clip4; 841 argv[n++] = url; 842 if (getenv("TERM") && strcmp(getenv("TERM"), "screen") == 0 && 843 (!getenv("SCREEN_VARIANT") || strcmp(getenv("SCREEN_VARIANT"), "sixel") != 0)) { 844 /* argv[n++] = "-P"; */ 845 snprintf(clip5, sizeof(clip5) - 1, "--penetrate"); 846 argv[n++] = clip5; 847 } 848 argv[n++] = NULL; 849 execvp(argv[0],argv); 850 exit(0); 851 } ... $ HAVE_SYMLINK="" make $ mv w3m w3msxl Copy the w3msxl binary to the /mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/scripts/ folder of your kobo. # YAFT_PERCENT=58 yaft # . /korenv.sh # TERM=linux w3msxl -sixel -o display_image=1 mywgets/index.html ... and we have sixel image support in w3m in the /mnt/onboard partition (but pls recall security notice in POST #1). (note that "w3msxl mywgets/index.html" would still work but default to w3imgfbink framebuffer viewer if you had set that up previously, except now can run as root in /mnt/onboard.) *TO ACTIVATE BOOKMARKS: # cd /usr/local/libexec/ # ln -s /mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/usr/lib/w3m w3m *** *** *** Last edited by elinkser; 10-28-2024 at 07:57 PM. Reason: cleaned up terms.c&w3msxl,need USB netorking for YAFT? |
08-04-2024, 06:56 PM | #20 |
Posts: 223
Karma: 146236
Join Date: Oct 2022
Device: Kobo Clara HD
PONG ON SDL ON SIXEL ON YAFT ON KOBO CLARA (You know we had to at least give it a shot.) saitoha/SDL1.2-SIXEL https://github.com/saitoha/SDL1.2-SIXEL $ wget https://github.com/saitoha/SDL1.2-SI...eads/sixel.zip $ unzip SDL1.2-SIXEL.zip $ cd SDL1.2-SIXEL-sixel/ Prepare build system as was done in Post #4 above: $ source ~/koxtoolchain/refs/x-compile.sh kobo env bare $ ./configure --help $ ./configure --disable-audio --disable-video-x11 --disable-video-fbcon --enable-video-sixel --host=arm-kobo-linux-gnueabihf $ cp ../libsixel-1.8.6/include/sixel.h . $ cp ../libsixel-1.8.6/src/.libs/libsixel.a . $ cp ../libsixel-1.8.6/src/.libs/libsixel.so.1.0.6 libsixel.so.1 $ nano -l Makefile Code:
... 25 EXTRA_CFLAGS = -I. -I./include -D_GNU_SOURCE=1 -fvisibility=hidden -D_REENTRANT -DHAVE_LINUX_VERSION_H -Wall -mword-relocation ... 27 EXTRA_LDFLAGS = -lm -ldl -lpthread -L. -lsixel ... 36 SOURCES = ./src/*.c ./src/audio/*.c ./src/cdrom/*.c ./src/cpuinfo/*.c ./src/events/*.c ./src/file/*.c ./src/stdlib/*.c ./src/thread/*.c ./src/timer/*.c ./src/video/*.c ./src/joystick/*.c ./src/video/dummy/*.c ./src/loadso/dlopen/*.c ./src/video/sixel/*.c ./src/thread/pthread/SDL_systhread.c ./src/thread/pthread/SDL_syssem.c ./src/thread/pthread/SDL_sysmutex.c ./src/thread/pthread/SDL_syscond.c ./src/joystick/linux/*.c ./src/cdrom/linux/*.c ./src/timer/unix/*.c ... 37 OBJECTS = $(objects)/SDL.lo $(objects)/SDL_error.lo $(objects)/SDL_fatal.lo $(objects)/SDL_audio.lo $(objects)/SDL_audiocvt.lo $(objects)/SDL_audiodev.lo $(objects)/SDL_mixer.lo $(objects)/SDL_mixer_MMX.lo $(objects)/SDL_mixer_MMX_VC.lo $(objects)/SDL_mixer_m68k.lo $(objects)/SDL_wave.lo $(objects)/SDL_cdrom.lo $(objects)/SDL_cpuinfo.lo $(objects)/SDL_active.lo $(objects)/SDL_events.lo $(objects)/SDL_expose.lo $(objects)/SDL_keyboard.lo $(objects)/SDL_mouse.lo $(objects)/SDL_quit.lo $(objects)/SDL_resize.lo $(objects)/SDL_rwops.lo $(objects)/SDL_getenv.lo $(objects)/SDL_iconv.lo $(objects)/SDL_malloc.lo $(objects)/SDL_qsort.lo $(objects)/SDL_stdlib.lo $(objects)/SDL_string.lo $(objects)/SDL_thread.lo $(objects)/SDL_timer.lo $(objects)/SDL_RLEaccel.lo $(objects)/SDL_blit.lo $(objects)/SDL_blit_0.lo $(objects)/SDL_blit_1.lo $(objects)/SDL_blit_A.lo $(objects)/SDL_blit_N.lo $(objects)/SDL_bmp.lo $(objects)/SDL_cursor.lo $(objects)/SDL_gamma.lo $(objects)/SDL_pixels.lo $(objects)/SDL_stretch.lo $(objects)/SDL_surface.lo $(objects)/SDL_video.lo $(objects)/SDL_yuv.lo $(objects)/SDL_yuv_mmx.lo $(objects)/SDL_yuv_sw.lo $(objects)/SDL_joystick.lo $(objects)/SDL_nullevents.lo $(objects)/SDL_nullmouse.lo $(objects)/SDL_nullvideo.lo $(objects)/SDL_sysloadso.lo $(objects)/SDL_sixelevents.lo $(objects)/SDL_sixelvideo.lo $(objects)/SDL_systhread.lo $(objects)/SDL_syssem.lo $(objects)/SDL_sysmutex.lo $(objects)/SDL_syscond.lo $(objects)/SDL_sysjoystick.lo $(objects)/SDL_syscdrom.lo $(objects)/SDL_systimer.lo ... $ nano -l build-deps Code:
... 982 $(objects)/SDL_sixelevents.lo: ./src/video/sixel/SDL_sixelevents.c \ 983 ./include/SDL.h \ 984 ./include/SDL_active.h \ 985 ./include/SDL_audio.h \ 986 ./include/SDL_cdrom.h \ 987 ./include/SDL_config.h \ 988 ./include/SDL_cpuinfo.h \ 989 ./include/SDL_endian.h \ 990 ./include/SDL_error.h \ 991 ./include/SDL_events.h \ 992 ./include/SDL_joystick.h \ 993 ./include/SDL_keyboard.h \ 994 ./include/SDL_keysym.h \ 995 ./include/SDL_loadso.h \ 996 ./include/SDL_main.h \ 997 ./include/SDL_mouse.h \ 998 ./include/SDL_mutex.h \ 999 ./include/SDL_opengl.h \ 1000 ./include/SDL_platform.h \ 1001 ./include/SDL_quit.h \ 1002 ./include/SDL_rwops.h \ 1003 ./include/SDL_stdinc.h \ 1004 ./include/SDL_syswm.h \ 1005 ./include/SDL_thread.h \ 1006 ./include/SDL_timer.h \ 1007 ./include/SDL_version.h \ 1008 ./include/SDL_video.h \ 1009 ./include/begin_code.h \ 1010 ./include/close_code.h \ 1011 ./src/events/../video/../video/SDL_sysvideo.h \ 1012 ./src/events/SDL_events_c.h \ 1013 ./src/video/sixel/SDL_sixelevents_c.h \ 1014 ./src/video/sixel/SDL_sixelvideo.h \ 1015 1016 $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(EXTRA_CFLAGS) -c ./src/video/sixel/SDL_sixelevents.c -o $@ 1017 1018 1019 $(objects)/SDL_sixelvideo.lo: ./src/video/sixel/SDL_sixelvideo.c \ 1020 ./include/SDL.h \ 1021 ./include/SDL_active.h \ 1022 ./include/SDL_audio.h \ 1023 ./include/SDL_cdrom.h \ 1024 ./include/SDL_config.h \ 1025 ./include/SDL_cpuinfo.h \ 1026 ./include/SDL_endian.h \ 1027 ./include/SDL_error.h \ 1028 ./include/SDL_events.h \ 1029 ./include/SDL_joystick.h \ 1030 ./include/SDL_keyboard.h \ 1031 ./include/SDL_keysym.h \ 1032 ./include/SDL_loadso.h \ 1033 ./include/SDL_main.h \ 1034 ./include/SDL_mouse.h \ 1035 ./include/SDL_mutex.h \ 1036 ./include/SDL_opengl.h \ 1037 ./include/SDL_platform.h \ 1038 ./include/SDL_quit.h \ 1039 ./include/SDL_rwops.h \ 1040 ./include/SDL_stdinc.h \ 1041 ./include/SDL_syswm.h \ 1042 ./include/SDL_thread.h \ 1043 ./include/SDL_timer.h \ 1044 ./include/SDL_version.h \ 1045 ./include/SDL_video.h \ 1046 ./include/begin_code.h \ 1047 ./include/close_code.h \ 1048 ./src/events/../video/../video/SDL_sysvideo.h \ 1049 ./src/events/SDL_events_c.h \ 1050 ./src/video/SDL_blit.h \ 1051 ./src/video/SDL_pixels_c.h \ 1052 ./src/video/sixel/SDL_sixelevents_c.h \ 1053 ./src/video/sixel/SDL_sixelvideo.h \ 1054 1055 $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(EXTRA_CFLAGS) -c ./src/video/sixel/SDL_sixelvideo.c -o $@ 1056 ... $ nano -l include/SDL_config.h Code:
... 260 #define SDL_VIDEO_DRIVER_SIXEL 1 ... ... $ nano -l src/video/SDL_video.c Code:
... 171 /* #ifdef DEBUG_VIDEO */ 172 fprintf(stderr, 173 "SDL_video.c: SDL_VideoInit: Start\n"); 174 /* #endif */ 175 176 /* Check to make sure we don't overwrite 'current_video' */ ... 198 } else { 199 for ( i=0; bootstrap[i]; ++i ) { 200 /* #ifdef DEBUG_VIDEO */ 201 fprintf(stderr, 202 "SDL_video.c: SDL_VideoInit: i=%d bootstrap[i]->available()= %d\n", i, bootstrap[i]->a$ 203 /* #endif */ 204 if ( bootstrap[i]->available() ) { ... $ make OK, let's test it: $ cd test/ $ mkdir include $ cp ../../libsixel-1.8.6/include/sixel.h include/ $ mkdir include/SDL $ cp ../include/*.h include/SDL/ $ mkdir lib $ cp ../../libsixel-1.8.6/src/.libs/libsixel.a lib/ $ cp ../../libsixel-1.8.6/src/.libs/libsixel.so.1.0.6 lib/libsixel.so.1 $ cp ../build/.libs/libSDL.a lib/ $ cp ../build/.libs/libSDL-1.2.so.0.11.4 lib/libSDL.so $ cp ../build/.libs/libSDL-1.2.so.0.11.4 lib/libSDL-1.2.so.0 $ arm-kobo-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -o testplatform testplatform.c -Iinclude -Iinclude/SDL -Llib -lSDL $ arm-kobo-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -o testvidinfo testvidinfo.c -Iinclude -Iinclude/SDL -Llib -lSDL $ arm-kobo-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -o testwm testwm.c -Iinclude -Iinclude/SDL -Llib -lSDL $ arm-kobo-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -o testsprite testsprite.c -Iinclude -Iinclude/SDL -Llib -lSDL -lm $ arm-kobo-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -o testfile testfile.c -Iinclude -Iinclude/SDL -Llib -lSDL -lpthread Now, copy the following binaries and image to the /mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/ folder on the Kobo: testplatform testvidinfo testwm testsprite icon.bmp Copy the libsixel.a, libsixel.so.1, libSDL.a, and libSDL-1.2.so.0 libs to the /mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/libs/ folder of your kobo. # YAFT_PERCENT=58 yaft # . /korenv.sh From a YAFT terminal: # . /korenv.sh # ./testplatform This system is running Linux All data types are the expected size. Detected a little endian machine. Value 16 = 0xCDAB, swapped = 0xABCD Value 32 = 0xEFBEADDE, swapped = 0xDEADBEEF Value 64 = 0xEFBEADDECDAB3412, swapped = 0x1234ABCDDEADBEEF RDTSC not detected MMX not detected MMX Ext not detected 3DNow not detected 3DNow Ext not detected SSE not detected SSE2 not detected AltiVec not detected # ./testvidinfo driver: sixel Current display: 0x0, 24 bits-per-pixel Red Mask = 0x00ff0000 Green Mask = 0x0000ff00 Blue Mask = 0x000000ff Fullscreen video modes: 1024x768x24 800x600x24 640x480x24 320x400x24 320x240x24 320x200x24 # ./testwm (Try hitting UP, DOWN, RIGHT, LEFT, ESC RET keys to exit.) Key pressed: 273-up modifiers: (none) Key released: 273-up modifiers: (none) Key pressed: 274-down modifiers: (none) Key released: 274-down modifiers: (none) Key pressed: 275-right modifiers: (none) Key released: 275-right modifiers: (none) Key pressed: 276-left modifiers: (none) Key released: 276-left modifiers: (none) Key pressed: 27-escape modifiers: (none) Posting internal quit request Key released: 27-escape modifiers: (none) Key pressed: 13-return modifiers: (none) Key released: 13-return modifiers: (none) Handling internal quit request Bye bye.. # ./testsprite (See the pretty sprites.) *** Now, back on the desktop, we add more SDL libraries: https://www.libsdl.org/projects/ $ wget https://www.libsdl.org/projects/SDL_...-1.2.12.tar.gz $ wget https://downloads.sourceforge.net/pr...tf-1.4-src.zip $ wget https://www.libsdl.org/projects/SDL_...f-1.2.2.tar.gz $ wget https://www.libsdl.org/projects/SDL_...t-1.2.8.tar.gz $ wget https://www.libsdl.org/projects/SDL_...-1.2.12.tar.gz Prepare build system as was done in Post #4 above: $ source ~/koxtoolchain/refs/x-compile.sh kobo env bare $ tar zxvf SDL_image-1.2.12.tar.gz $ cd SDL_image-1.2.12/ (Use a similar dependency setup, relying on the koreader crosscompile libs and headers in $HOME/x-tools/ folder, as for imlib2 in POST #18 above.) $ ./configure --host=arm-kobo-linux-gnueabihf CPPFLAGS=" -I$HOME/x-tools/usr/include/ -I$HOME/websw/giflib-5.2.2/ " LDFLAGS=" -L$HOME/x-tools/usr/lib/ -L$HOME/websw/giflib-5.2.2/ -lgif -ljpeg -lz " LIBPNG_CFLAGS=" -I$HOME/x-tools/usr/include/ " LIBPNG_LIBS=" -L$HOME/x-tools/usr/lib/ -lpng " SDL_CFLAGS=" -I../SDL1.2-SIXEL-sixel/include/ " SDL_LIBS=" -L../SDL1.2-SIXEL-sixel/build/.libs/ -lSDL " $ make Copy the showimage binary from the .libs/ folder to the /mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/scripts/ folder on the Kobo: $ cd .. *** $ mkdir libttf $ cd libttf/ $ unzip libttf-1.4-src.zip $ cd src/ $ chmod 755 configure $ nano -l configure Code:
... 3701 ac_cv_sizeof_int=4 3702 echo $ac_n "checking size of int""... $ac_c" 1>&6 ... 3740 ac_cv_sizeof_long=4 3741 echo $ac_n "checking size of long""... $ac_c" 1>&6 ... $ CC=arm-kobo-linux-gnueabihf-gcc ./configure --host=arm-kobo-linux-gnueabihf $ make $ cd .. $ cd .. *** $ tar zxvf SDL_ttf-1.2.2.tar.gz $ cd SDL_ttf-1.2.2/ $ CC=arm-kobo-linux-gnueabihf-gcc ./configure --host=arm-kobo-linux-gnueabihf $ nano -l configure Code:
... 2139 if test "$SDL_CONFIG" = "no" ; then 2140 # no_sdl=yes 2141 # else 2142 SDL_CFLAGS="$SDL_CFLAGS" 2143 SDL_LIBS="$SDL_LIBS" ... $ CC=arm-kobo-linux-gnueabihf-gcc CFLAGS=" -I$HOME/x-tools/usr/include/ -I../libttf/src/lib/ " LIBS=" -L$HOME/x-tools/usr/lib/ -L../libttf/src/lib/.libs/ -lttf " SDL_CFLAGS=" -I../SDL1.2-SIXEL-sixel/include/ " SDL_LIBS=" -L../SDL1.2-SIXEL-sixel/build/.libs/ -lSDL " ./configure --host=arm-kobo-linux-gnueabihf $ nano -l SDL_ttf.c Code:
... 21 /*static int round(float x) ... 33 }*/ ... Copy the showfont binary from the .libs/ folder to the /mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/scripts/ folder on the Kobo: $ cd .. *** $ tar zxvf SDL_net-1.2.8.tar.gz $ cd SDL_net-1.2.8/ $ ./configure --host=arm-kobo-linux-gnueabihf SDL_CFLAGS=" -I../SDL1.2-SIXEL-sixel/include/ " SDL_LIBS=" -L../SDL1.2-SIXEL-sixel/build/.libs/ -lSDL " $ make Copy the showinterfaces binary from the .libs/ folder to the /mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/scripts/ folder on the Kobo: $ cd .. *** $ tar zxvf SDL_mixer-1.2.12.tar.gz $ cd SDL_mixer-1.2.12/ $ ./configure --host=arm-kobo-linux-gnueabihf SDL_CFLAGS=" -I../SDL1.2-SIXEL-sixel/include/ " SDL_LIBS=" -L../SDL1.2-SIXEL-sixel/build/.libs/ -lSDL " $ make $ cd .. *** Here is a PONG game to try out our SDL: nathan242/SDL-pong https://github.com/nathan242/sdl-pong $ cd .. $ wget https://github.com/nathan242/SDL-pon...ads/master.zip $ mv master.zip SDL-pong-master.zip $ unzip SDL-pong-master.zip $ cd SDL-pong-master/ $ source ~/koxtoolchain/refs/x-compile.sh kobo env bare $ mkdir include (Use headers as for imlib2 in POST #18 above.) $ cp ~/websw/giflib-5.2.2/gif*.h include/ $ cp ~/x-tools/usr/include/png*.h include/ $ cp ~/x-tools/usr/include/j*.h include/ $ cp ~/x-tools/usr/include/z*.h include/ $ cp ../libsixel-1.8.6/include/sixel.h include/ $ mkdir include/SDL $ cp ../SDL1.2-SIXEL-sixel/include/*.h include/SDL/ $ cp ../SDL_image-1.2.12/SDL_image.h include/SDL/ $ cp ../SDL_ttf-1.2.2/SDL_ttf.h include/SDL/ $ cp ../SDL_net-1.2.8/*.h include/SDL/ $ cp ../SDL_mixer-1.2.12/*.h include/SDL/ $ mkdir lib (Use libs as for imlib2 in POST #18 above.) $ cp ~/websw/giflib-5.2.2/libgif.so lib/ $ cp ~/x-tools/usr/lib/libpng16.so.16 lib/libpng16.so $ cp ~/x-tools/usr/lib/libjpeg.so.62 lib/libjpeg.so $ cp ~/x-tools/usr/lib/libz.so.1 lib/libz.so $ cp ../libsixel-1.8.6/src/.libs/libsixel.a lib/ $ cp ../libsixel-1.8.6/src/.libs/libsixel.so.1.0.6 lib/libsixel.so.1 $ cp ../SDL1.2-SIXEL-sixel/build/.libs/libSDL.a lib/ $ cp ../SDL1.2-SIXEL-sixel/build/.libs/libSDL-1.2.so.0.11.4 lib/libSDL.so $ cp ../SDL1.2-SIXEL-sixel/build/.libs/libSDL-1.2.so.0.11.4 lib/libSDL-1.2.so.0 $ cp ../SDL_image-1.2.12/.libs/libSDL_image.a lib/ $ cp ../SDL_image-1.2.12/.libs/libSDL_image-1.2.so.0.8.4 lib/libSDL_image.so $ cp ../SDL_image-1.2.12/.libs/libSDL_image-1.2.so.0.8.4 lib/libSDL_image-1.2.so.0 The following are optional, for possible future use: $ cp ../libttf/src/lib/.libs/libttf.so.2.3.0 lib/libttf.so $ cp ../libttf/src/lib/.libs/libttf.so.2.3.0 lib/libttf.so.2 $ cp ../SDL_ttf-1.2.2/.libs/libSDL_ttf.a lib/ $ cp ../SDL_ttf-1.2.2/.libs/libSDL_ttf-1.2.so.0.2.0 lib/libSDL_ttf.so $ cp ../SDL_ttf-1.2.2/.libs/libSDL_ttf-1.2.so.0.2.0 lib/libSDL_ttf-1.2.so.0 $ cp ../SDL_net-1.2.8/.libs/libSDL_net.a lib/ $ cp ../SDL_net-1.2.8/.libs/libSDL_net-1.2.so.0.8.0 lib/libSDL_net.so $ cp ../SDL_net-1.2.8/.libs/libSDL_net-1.2.so.0.8.0 lib/libSDL_net-1.2.so.0 $ cp ../SDL_mixer-1.2.12/build/.libs/libSDL_mixer.a lib/ $ cp ../SDL_mixer-1.2.12/build/.libs/libSDL_mixer-1.2.so.0.12.0 lib/libSDL_mixer.so $ cp ../SDL_mixer-1.2.12/build/.libs/libSDL_mixer-1.2.so.0.12.0 lib/libSDL_mixer-1.2.so.0 Now compile PONG: $ nano -l makefile Code:
1 CXX = arm-kobo-linux-gnueabihf-g++ 2 3 pong: pong.o physics.o 4 $(CXX) -o pong -Llib -lgif -ljpeg -lz -lSDL -lSDL_image pong.o physics.o 5 6 pong.o: pong.cpp 7 $(CXX) -g -Iinclude -c pong.cpp 8 9 physics.o: physics.cpp physics.h 10 $(CXX) -g -c physics.cpp $ nano -l pong.cpp Code:
... 5 #define CLARA_UP 273 6 #define CLARA_DOWN 274 7 #define CLARA_RIGHT 275 8 #define CLARA_LEFT 276 9 #define CLARA_XSTEP 30 ... 44 if (obj->step_y > 0) { obj->step_y = 1 * CLARA_XSTEP; } else { obj->step_y = -1 * CLARA_XSTEP; } 45 } else if (obj->pos_x+obj->size_x >= area_x) { 46 scoreplayer1++; 47 obj->pos_x = 300; 48 obj->pos_y = 100; 49 if (obj->step_y > 0) { obj->step_y = 1 * CLARA_XSTEP; } else { obj->step_y = -1 * CLARA_XSTEP; } ... 61 obj->step_y = -2 * CLARA_XSTEP; 62 } else if (obj->pos_y <= y2) { 63 if (obj->step_y > 0) { obj->step_y = 1 * CLARA_XSTEP; } else { obj->step_y = -1 * CLARA_XSTEP; } 64 } else if (obj->pos_y <= y3) { 65 obj->step_y = 2 * CLARA_XSTEP; ... 75 // Constant variables 76 const int resX = 800; 77 const int resY = 600; ... 188 // Right paddle 189 paddle_right->sprite = SDL_DisplayFormat(IMG_Load("paddle.png")); 190 paddle_right->phys = new phys_obj; 191 paddle_right->phys->pos_x = 730; 192 paddle_right->phys->pos_y = 350; ... 206 // Ball 207 ball->sprite = SDL_DisplayFormat(IMG_Load("ball.png")); 208 ball->phys = new phys_obj; 209 ball->phys->pos_x = 300; 210 ball->phys->pos_y = 100; 211 ball->phys->size_x = 20; 212 ball->phys->size_y = 20; 213 ball->phys->step_x = 1 * CLARA_XSTEP; 214 ball->phys->step_y = 1 * CLARA_XSTEP; ... 245 while (quit==false) { 246 // SDL_Delay(20); ... 283 // Read inputs 284 while (SDL_PollEvent(&input)) 285 { 286 switch (input.type) 287 { 288 case SDL_KEYDOWN: 289 switch (input.key.keysym.sym) 290 { 291 case CLARA_UP: 292 down = false; 293 up = true; 294 break; 295 case CLARA_DOWN: 296 up = false; 297 down = true; 298 break; 299 case SDLK_b: 300 down = false; 301 up = true; 302 break; 303 case SDLK_SPACE: 304 up = false; 305 down = true; 306 break; 307 case SDLK_q: 308 quit = true; 309 break; 310 } 311 break; 312 case SDL_KEYUP: 313 switch (input.key.keysym.sym) 314 { 315 case CLARA_RIGHT: 316 up = false; 317 down = false; 318 break; 319 case CLARA_LEFT: 320 up = false; 321 down = false; 322 break; 323 case SDLK_n: 324 up = false; 325 down = false; 326 break; 327 case SDLK_v: 328 up = false; 329 down = false; 330 break; 331 } ... 335 // Move left paddle 336 paddle_left->phys->step_y = 0; 337 if (up) { paddle_left->phys->step_y = -1 * CLARA_XSTEP; } 338 if (down) { paddle_left->phys->step_y = 1 * CLARA_XSTEP; } 339 340 // Move right paddle 341 if (ball->phys->pos_y > paddle_right->phys->pos_y+paddle_mid) { 342 paddle_right->phys->step_y = 1 * CLARA_XSTEP; 343 } else { 344 paddle_right->phys->step_y = -1 * CLARA_XSTEP; 345 } ... 359 // Second number 360 offset.x = 550; 361 offset.y = 0; 362 SDL_BlitSurface(numbers, &num[scoreplayer2], screen, &offset ); ... 379 // Flip screen 380 SDL_Flip(screen); 381 // SDL_Delay(20); ... $ rm pong $ make Copy the libsixel.a, libsixel.so.1, libSDL.a, libSDL-1.2.so.0, libSDL_image.a, and libSDL_image-1.2.so.0 libs to the /mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/libs/ folder of your kobo. Also copy the following libs for possible future use: libSDL_mixer.so libttf.so.2 libSDL_ttf.a libSDL_ttf-1.2.so.0 libSDL_net.a libSDL_net-1.2.so.0 libSDL_mixer.a libSDL_mixer-1.2.so.0 Copy the pong binary and ball.png, numbers.png, paddle.png, p1win.png, and p2win.png images to the /mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/ folder on the Kobo: # . /korenv.sh # YAFT_PERCENT=58 yaft # . /korenv.sh From a YAFT terminal: # showimage tux.jpg # ./pong As you can see, it is kind of slow despite the changes I made to pong.cpp. Anyway, that is PONG on Kobo Clara HD. *** RUN PONG ON DESKTOP IN KOBO SSH TERMINAL (SECURITY WARNING: DO NOT SSH TO CRITICAL DESKTOP FROM INSECURE SSH CLIENT, E.G. KOBO) Create ssh firewall rule on desktop: $ sudo ufw allow proto tcp from to port 22 Rule added $ sudo ufw reload $ sudo ufw status numbered Install and run sshd server: $ sudo apk add openssh-server $ sudo ssh-keygen -A $ sudo /usr/sbin/sshd $ ps ax | grep sshd 3093 ? Ss 0:00 /usr/sbin/sshd 19580 pts/3 S+ 0:00 grep sshd $ netstat -tulpn Get an ssh client for kobo: https://pkgs.alpinelinux.org/package...7/dropbear-ssh The dropbear-ssh client has only the following dependencies: Depends (1) dropbear-dbclient Depends (2) musl* zlib* *already got these from elinks install. Download and extract the required packages: $ wget https://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpin...2022.83-r1.apk $ wget https://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpin...2022.83-r1.apk $ cd myalpine/ $ tar zxvf dropbear-dbclient-2022.83-r1.apk $ mv usr/bin/dbclient scripts/ssh NOW CONNECT YOUR KOBO TO YOUR PC: Copy your ssh binary from the scripts/ folder on the PC to the /mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/scripts/ folder on the kobo. On your kobo, connect to your (now insecure) desktop: # . /korenv.sh # ssh kobo@ $ cat tux.six $ cd $ cd SDL1.2-SIXEL-sixel/test/ $ ./testsprite 1010 frames per second on desktop becomes 62 on Kobo over SSH connection(compared to 4.44 natively on Kobo) $ cd $ cd SDL-pong-master/ $ ./pong (have to fix the keydefs) RUNS AT "DESKTOP SPEED" (4.7 seconds paddle to paddle on original source code over SSH, admittedly with ghosting, compared to 2 seconds on desktop)! $ exit *** *** *** Last edited by elinkser; 08-10-2024 at 09:09 AM. Reason: add insecure remote gaming section,framerate |
09-10-2024, 11:44 AM | #21 |
Posts: 223
Karma: 146236
Join Date: Oct 2022
Device: Kobo Clara HD
*** *** *** grunfink/html2epub https://codeberg.org/grunfink/html2epub $ git clone https://codeberg.org/grunfink/html2epub.git html2epub is a simple shell script to convert html pages to epub, so it can be used without having to crosscompile for the Kobo. However, it requires the paste(from the coreutils package) and zip utility programs, which we can acquire from Alpine Linux: *** coreutils The basic file, shell and text manipulation utilities Depends (5) busybox-binsh** libacl libattr musl* utmps-libs** zip Creates PKZIP-compatible .zip files Depends (2) musl* unzip*** *already got these from elinks and nano installs in Post #3 above. **already got this from screen install in Post #12 above. ***already got this from base busybox. * note: Alpine Linux files were migrated from the /mnt/onboard/.adds/koreader/ folder to the /mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/ folder since Post #14. DOWNLOAD THE REQUIRED PACKAGES: $ wget https://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpin...ils-9.1-r0.apk $ wget https://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpin...l-2.3.1-r1.apk $ wget https://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpin...r-2.5.1-r2.apk $ wget https://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpin...ip-3.0-r10.apk RUN THESE COMMANDS FROM LINUX DESKTOP: $ cd myalpine/ $ tar zxvf coreutils-9.1-r0.apk $ tar zxvf libacl-2.3.1-r1.apk $ tar zxvf libattr-2.5.1-r2.apk $ tar zxvf zip-3.0-r10.apk $ cp usr/bin/coreutils scripts/paste $ cp lib/libacl.so.1.1.2301 libs/libacl.so.1 $ cp lib/libattr.so.1.1.2501 libs/libattr.so.1 $ mv usr/bin/zip scripts/ NOW CONNECT YOUR KOBO TO YOUR PC: Copy your paste/zip binaries from the scripts/ folder on the PC to the /mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/scripts/ folder on the kobo. Copy your libacl.so.1/libattr.so.1 libs from the libs/ folder on the PC to the /mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/libs/ folder on the kobo. Copy your html2epub shell script to the /mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/scripts/ folder on the kobo. From kobo terminal or ssh session to kobo: # . /korenv.sh # mkdir myhtml2epub # cd myhtml2epub/ Here we download using the full wget binary we acquired from Alpine Linux (and renamed to 'wgets') in Post #3 above: # wgets --restrict-file-names=windows -k -nd -D codeberg.org -E -r -A jpg,jpeg,png,gif,svg,htm,html -l1 -Q20M https://codeberg.org/grunfink/html2epub -np, --no-parent don't ascend to the parent directory -k, --convert-links make links in downloaded HTML or CSS point to local files -nd, --no-directories don't create directories -D, --domains=LIST comma-separated list of accepted domains --exclude-domains=LIST comma-separated list of rejected domains -E, --adjust-extension save HTML/CSS documents with proper extensions -r, --recursive specify recursive download -A, --accept=LIST comma-separated list of accepted extensions -R, --reject=LIST comma-separated list of rejected extensions -l, --level=NUMBER maximum recursion depth (inf or 0 for infinite) -Q, --quota=NUMBER set retrieval quota to NUMBER # ls avatar_default.png favicon.svg index.html favicon.png html2epub.tmp.html # html2epub html2epub.epub -ntp html2epub.tmp.html html2epub recommendation: install 'tidy' or 'tidyp' Gathering data... Building .epub file... adding: mimetype (stored 0%) adding: META-INF/ (stored 0%) adding: META-INF/container.xml (deflated 34%) adding: content.opf (deflated 50%) adding: part-0001.html (deflated 74%) adding: toc.ncx (deflated 46%) Finished. # fbpdf html2epub.epub (space to page down, q to quit.) The epub was created. Now let's try another wget variation: # wgets --restrict-file-names=windows -nd -E -k -p -Q20M "https://www.google.com" -nd, --no-directories don't create directories -E, --adjust-extension save HTML/CSS documents with proper extensions -k, --convert-links make links in downloaded HTML or CSS point to local files -p, --page-requisites get all images, etc. needed to display HTML page -Q, --quota=NUMBER set retrieval quota to NUMBER # html2epub google.epub -ntp index.html.1.html html2epub: recommendation: install 'tidy' or 'tidyp' Gathering data... Building .epub file... adding: mimetype (stored 0%) adding: META-INF/ (stored 0%) adding: META-INF/container.xml (deflated 34%) adding: content.opf (deflated 50%) adding: part-0001.html (deflated 58%) adding: toc.ncx (deflated 48%) Finished. # fbpdf google.epub The page is there but no images! Let's try again: # html2epub google.epub -ntp index.html.1.html *.png html2epub: recommendation: install 'tidy' or 'tidyp' Gathering data... Building .epub file... adding: mimetype (stored 0%) adding: META-INF/ (stored 0%) adding: META-INF/container.xml (deflated 34%) adding: avatar_default.png (stored 0%) adding: content.opf (deflated 50%) adding: favicon.png (stored 0%) adding: googlelogo_white_background_color_272x92dp.png (stored 0%) adding: nav_logo229.png (deflated 0%) adding: part-0001.html (deflated 58%) adding: toc.ncx (deflated 48%) Finished. # fbpdf google.epub Now the image is there. *** *** *** gonejack/html-to-epub https://github.com/gonejack/html-to-epub $ wget https://github.com/gonejack/html-to-...v1.0.26.tar.gz $ mv v1.0.26.tar.gz html-to-epub-v1.0.26.tar.gz html-to-epub is a Golang binary to convert html pages to epub, so we have to crosscompile for the Kobo. However, it is self-contained once statically compiled, and also has another benefit which you will see : $ tar zxvf html-to-epub-v1.0.26.tar.gz $ cd html-to-epub-1.0.26/ $ source $HOME/.profile $ go version go version go1.20.2 linux/amd64 BUILD FOR DESKTOP: $ go build go: downloading github.com/PuerkitoBio/goquery v1.7.1 go: downloading github.com/alecthomas/kong v0.2.17 go: downloading github.com/gabriel-vasile/mimetype v1.3.1 go: downloading github.com/gonejack/get v1.0.9 go: downloading github.com/andybalholm/cascadia v1.2.0 go: downloading golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20210614182718-04defd469f4e go: downloading github.com/dustin/go-humanize v1.0.0 go: downloading github.com/go-resty/resty/v2 v2.6.0 go: downloading golang.org/x/sync v0.0.0-20210220032951-036812b2e83c go: downloading github.com/gofrs/uuid v3.1.0+incompatible $ mkdir myhtml-to-epub $ cd myhtml-to-epub/ Here we download just the base html page for the Kobo Developer Forum, using the desktop wget command: $ wget "https://www.mobileread.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=247" Saving to: ‘forumdisplay.php?f=247’ $ ls 'forumdisplay.php?f=247' $ ../html-to-epub forumdisplay.php\?f\=247 $ ls 'forumdisplay.php?f=247' images output.epub With ebook-viewer from calibre, you can see the output.epub: $ ebook-viewer output.epub It looks like html-to-epub has gone and downloaded the images linked to by the ‘forumdisplay.php?f=247’ page, even though we did not fetch them with our wgets command. BUILD FOR KOBO: $ source ~/koxtoolchain/refs/x-compile.sh kobo env bare ( Prepare build as in https://www.mobileread.com/forums/sh...d.php?t=350054 Post #4, or you could try Linaro build as in Post #1.) $ env GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm CC=arm-kobo-linux-gnueabihf-gcc CXX=arm-kobo-linux-gnueabihf-g++ go build go: downloading github.com/PuerkitoBio/goquery v1.7.1 go: downloading github.com/alecthomas/kong v0.2.17 go: downloading github.com/gabriel-vasile/mimetype v1.3.1 go: downloading github.com/gonejack/get v1.0.9 go: downloading github.com/andybalholm/cascadia v1.2.0 go: downloading golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20210614182718-04defd469f4e go: downloading github.com/dustin/go-humanize v1.0.0 go: downloading github.com/go-resty/resty/v2 v2.6.0 go: downloading golang.org/x/sync v0.0.0-20210220032951-036812b2e83c go: downloading github.com/gofrs/uuid v3.1.0+incompatible $ ls -l html-to-epub -rwxr-xr-x 1 10881529 html-to-epub $ file html-to-epub html-to-epub: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, EABI5 version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, Go BuildID=_DHZTlkwz4xzPeiVUlaW/Sj0LAzd2dr0VlhzcEumV/nqh8YWiS3s137C5H_5Dy/OB662nwm1KaHmiJTMIeA, with debug_info, not stripped Copy html-to-epub binary to /mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/scripts/ folder of kobo. From kobo terminal or ssh session to kobo: # . /korenv.sh # mkdir myhtml-to-epub # cd myhtml-to-epub/ Here we download just the base html page for the Kobo Developer Forum, using the full wget binary we acquired from Alpine Linux in Post #3 above: # wgets --restrict-file-names=windows "https://www.mobileread.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=247" Saving to: 'forumdisplay.php@f=247' # ls forumdisplay.php@f=247 # html-to-epub -o kobodev.epub forumdisplay.php@f\=247 # ls forumdisplay.php@f=247 images kobodev.epub Confirm the images have been added to the epub: # fbpdf kobodev.epub (space to page down, q to quit.) OK let's see if that means we can use the stripped-down busybox version of wget that already comes with the Kobo, removing the need to install the full Alpine Linux version: # which wget /usr/bin/wget # ls -l /usr/bin/wget lrwxrwxrwx root root /usr/bin/wget -> ../../bin/busybox # wget "https://www.mobileread.com" saving to 'index.html' # html-to-epub -o mobileread.epub index.html # ls images index.html mobileread.epub # fbpdf mobileread.epub html-to-epub has downloaded the images linked to by the index.html page, even though we could not fetch them with the stripped-down busybox/wget command. This means we can use the html-to-epub binary without the help of other than built-in commands, BUT the built-in wget still does not work with all sites, unfortunately. * Oops, actually wget can handle it using the -O option: # wget "https://www.mobileread.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=247" Connecting to www.mobileread.com ( wget: can't open 'forumdisplay.php?f=247': Invalid argument # wget -O index.html "https://www.mobileread.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=247" Connecting to www.mobileread.com ( saving to 'index.html' index.html 100% |************************************************* ***| 102k 0:00:00 ETA 'index.html' saved *** *** *** I have used Koreader to read huge 100MB 1000-page files, but even it couldn't handle a 45MB 576-page pdf file of scanned images. Even the sparse fbpdf reader from Post #16 could barely handle it, but with an intolerable minute delay between page turns. The mutool utility is included in the attached files fbpdf-build.zip of Post #16 above, and we can use it to split up the pdf file: # mkdir workdir # cd workdir/ # mutool draw -L -c gray -o out%d.png big.pdf 1-50 # mutool convert -O compress -o out.pdf out*.png # ls -l *.pdf -rwxr-xr-x 47245268 big.pdf -rwxr-xr-x 8076822 out.pdf Now we have created a grayscale out.pdf which contains just pages 1-50 of big.pdf. It took about 15 seconds per page to convert. Reading in Koreader in reflow mode (with contrast level cranked up a notch) is now acceptable. *** UPDATE: So I did the same operation on my (MXLinux-converted) chromebook, except I tried generating half the book at a time (takes about 10 minutes), then tried generating the whole book. Interestingly, even the whole book is now digestible by Koreader, even though the file size is double. $ mutool draw -L -c gray -o out%03d.png big.pdf 1-288 $ mutool convert -O compress -o out1-288.pdf out*.png $ mutool draw -L -c gray -o out%03d.png big.pdf 1-552 $ mutool convert -O compress -o out1-552.pdf out*.png Remove out002.png to out287.png $ mutool convert -O compress -o out288-552.pdf out*.png $ rm *.png $ ls -l *.pdf -rwxr-xr-x 47245268 big.pdf -rwxr-xr-x 8076822 out.pdf -rwxr-xr-x 49088131 out1-288.pdf -rwxr-xr-x 95610303 out1-552.pdf -rwxr-xr-x 47191462 out288-552.pdf * note: I also changed the %d parameter to %03d to generate sequential file names. ** note: I also tried the qpdf utility as follows: $ qpdf big.pdf --pages . 1-50 -- out.pdf and $ qpdf big.pdf --split-pages=50 -- out.pdf Result: conversion was super-quick - only a couple of seconds - but the resulting file was much slower to load and for page turns. *** *** *** Wget should also be useful for things like sites that require a subscription, although I haven't tried. This page explains how you might attempt it: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/...page-with-wget An example of a useful technique is: Use "Copy as cURL" in the Network tab of Firefox's browser developer tools and replace curl's flag -H with wget's --header (and also --data with --post-data if needed). So trying this on the page you get from a login attempt at https://www.mobileread.com/forums/fo...play.php?f=247 yields: curl 'https://www.mobileread.com/forums/login.php?do=login' -X POST -H 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) Gecko Firefox' -H 'Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8' -H 'Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5' -H 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br' -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' -H 'Origin: https://www.mobileread.com' -H 'Connection: keep-alive' -H 'Referer: https://www.mobileread.com/forums/fo...play.php?f=247' -H 'Cookie: bblastvisit=...' -H 'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1' -H 'Sec-Fetch-Dest: document' -H 'Sec-Fetch-Mode: navigate' -H 'Sec-Fetch-Site: same-origin' -H 'Sec-Fetch-User: ?1' --data-raw 'vb_login_username=myname&vb_login_password=&s=&se curitytoken=guest&do=login&vb_login_md5password=.. .' (truncated-for illustrative purposes only) Another example would be getting a token from a "Wallabag-like" server. You could do this with curl: $ curl -X POST '' --data 'client_id=myid&client_secret=mysecret' -H 'Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded' { "access_token": "", "expires_in": 3600, "refresh_token": "", "scope": null, "token_type": "bearer" } Or the same thing with wget: $ wget '' --post-data 'client_id=myid&client_secret=mysecret' --header 'Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded' Connecting to connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 122 [application/json] Saving to: ‘token’ token 100%[==================================>] 122 --.-KB/s in 0s ‘token’ saved [122/122] $ cat token { "access_token": "", "expires_in": 3600, "refresh_token": "", "scope": null, "token_type": "bearer" } These may not work with the stripped-down busybox version of wget that already comes with the Kobo, so you may need to install the full Alpine Linux version, as in Post #3. *** *** *** USE KOREADER AS "BROWSER": Although Koreader on Kobo doesn't open external links at present (as it does on Android), we can kludge it to enable it. In a Kobo terminal or SSH/Telnet to Kobo: # . /korenv.sh # cd /mnt/onboard/.adds/koreader/ # cd frontend/apps/reader/modules/ # cp readerlink.lua readerlink.lua.bak Open the readerlink.lua file in nano or vi: # nano -l readerlink.lua Code:
... 138 -- Set up buttons for alternative external link handling methods 139 self._external_link_buttons = {} 140 self._external_link_buttons["10_copy"] = function(this, link_url) 141 return { 142 text = _("Copy"), 143 callback = function() 144 UIManager:close(this.external_link_dialog) 145 end, 146 } 147 end ... Compare that code to that of readerhighlight.lua: # nano -l readerhighlight.lua Code:
... 81 ["03_copy"] = function(this) 82 return { 83 text = C_("Text", "Copy"), 84 enabled = Device:hasClipboard(), 85 callback = function() 86 Device.input.setClipboardText(cleanupSelectedText(this.selected_text.text)) 87 this:onClose() 88 UIManager:show(Notification:new{ 89 text = _("Selection copied to clipboard."), 90 }) 91 end, 92 } 93 end, ... Try modifying the readerlink.lua copy function to look like the readerhighlight.lua copy function: *** BACKUP ANY FILES BEFORE MODIFYING. IF YOUR FILES DON'T LOOK LIKE THE ABOVE, THIS KLUDGE IS NOT FOR YOU *** # nano -l readerlink.lua Code:
... 138 -- Set up buttons for alternative external link handling methods 139 self._external_link_buttons = {} 140 self._external_link_buttons["10_copy"] = function(this, link_url) 141 return { 142 text = _("Copy"), 143 enabled = Device:hasClipboard(), 144 callback = function() 145 Device.input.setClipboardText(link_url) 146 UIManager:close(this.external_link_dialog) 147 UIManager:show(Notification:new{ 148 text = _("Url copied to clipboard."), 149 }) 150 end, 151 } 152 end ... Now the external links copy function should work: 1) In Koreader, open an epub/html file that has external links in it 2) Tap on the external link. The "External link:" dialog should open as usual. 3) Select "Copy" 4) Turn on WiFi. (e.g. I have set spread/pinch gesture for this in Koreader.) 5) Open a terminal. (e.g. I have set two-finger diagonal swipe gesture for this in Koreader.) 6) Type elinks (or wget or whatever command you want.) 7) Tap and hold. The "Clipboard dialog" should open as usual. 8) Select "Paste". 9) Confirm that the pasted URL doesn't contain "rm *" or other such nasties, then press return. 10) You are now browsing the external link! "q" to quit elinks, "X" to close terminal, and you are right back in your original document in Koreader. So basically it's tap link, Select "Copy", swipe for terminal, type "elinks/wget", tap screen, select "Paste", and hit return to browse/fetch. *** *** *** How about browsing without leaving Koreader? For this we copy the wget111s binary we crosscompiled in Post #1 to the /mnt/onboard/.adds/ folder. Unfortunately we cannot use the built-in wget command because it leaves many links as relative, and we would not be able to browse by clicking on links of an epub we create with wget. We also copy the html-to-epub binary we crosscompiled above to the /mnt/onboard/.adds/ folder. Try modifying the readerlink.lua menu function to add a "add epub" item: # nano -l readerlink.lua Code:
... 153 self._external_link_buttons["15_add_epub"] = function(this, link_url) 154 return { 155 text = _("Add epub"), 156 callback = function() 157 if not util.pathExists("/mnt/onboard/.adds/ae/") then 158 os.execute("mkdir /mnt/onboard/.adds/ae") 159 end 160 os.execute("rm -r /mnt/onboard/.adds/ae/images/ ") 161 local datetime = os.date("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") 162 os.execute("/mnt/onboard/.adds/wget111s --ca-certificate=/mnt/onboard/.adds/koreader/data/ca-bundle.crt -k -O /mnt/onboard/.adds/ae/index.html "..'"'..link_url..'"') 163 os.execute("cd /mnt/onboard/.adds/ae && /mnt/onboard/.adds/html-to-epub -o /mnt/onboard/.adds/ae/"..datetime..".epub /mnt/onboard/.adds/ae/index.html") 164 -- os.execute("rm /mnt/onboard/.adds/ae/index.html") 165 UIManager:close(this.external_link_dialog) 166 UIManager:show(Notification:new{ 167 text = _("Added epub to /mnt/onboard/.adds/ae/ folder"), 168 }) 169 end, 170 } 171 end ... Now create an initial html file, index2.html, that we can open in Koreader: # mkdir mnt/onboard/.adds/ae # /mnt/onboard/.adds/wget111s --ca-certificate=/mnt/onboard/.adds/koreader/data/ca-bundle.crt -k -O /mnt/onboard/.adds/ae/index2.html "https://www.mobileread.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=247" In Koreader file browser, open, the index2.html file. 1) Click on an external link and select "Add epub". 2) Go back to filemanager and open the epub. * Instead of crosscompiling wget, you can use the wget binary you got from Alpine Linux (initially installed to /mnt/onboard/.adds/koreader in Post #3, then migrated to /mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir in Post #14). Just change line 162 as follows: # nano -l readerlink.lua Code:
162 os.execute("LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/libs /mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/scripts/wgets --ca-certificate=/mnt/onboard/.adds/koreader/data/ca-bundle.crt -k -O /mnt/onboard/.adds/ae/index.html # LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/libs /mnt/onboard/.adds/kordir/scripts/wgets --ca-certificate=/mnt/onboard/.adds/koreader/data/ca-bundle.crt -k -O /mnt/onboard/.adds/ae/index2.html "https://www.mobileread.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=247" ** You can rewrite the above code to use the built-in wget, but you won't be able to follow links past the first page. *** For searches, a searches.html file could be kept in the ae/ folder: Code:
<html> <body> <ul> <li><a href='http://www.nosysearchengine.com/search?q="mobileread"+forum+kobo+developer'>Edit search terms</a> </ul> </body> </html> *** *** *** Last edited by elinkser; 09-17-2024 at 03:21 PM. Reason: notes/update,koreader links,160-164,searches |
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