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Old 09-27-2022, 01:57 PM   #35
tamaracks began at the beginning.
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I'm trying to use this, but for some reason, after reviewing all the changes, it only applies changes to the last book in the list I have selected. Any clues?

Originally Posted by capink View Post
#!/usr/bin/env python
# ~*~ coding: utf-8 ~*~

__license__ = 'GPL v3'
__copyright__ = '2022, Ahmed Zaki <>'
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'

from qt.core import (QApplication, Qt, QWidget, QVBoxLayout, QCheckBox,
                     QGroupBox, QRadioButton)

import copy
import types
from functools import partial

from calibre import prints
from calibre.constants import DEBUG
from calibre.gui2 import Dispatcher, error_dialog

from calibre.ptempfile import PersistentTemporaryFile
from calibre.gui2.metadata.bulk_download import Job, download
from calibre.gui2.actions.edit_metadata import EditMetadataAction
from polyglot.builtins import iteritems

from calibre_plugins.action_chains.actions.base import ChainAction
from calibre_plugins.action_chains.common_utils import responsive_wait, responsive_wait_until

def unfinished_job_ids(gui):
    return set([ for job in gui.job_manager.unfinished_jobs()])

class ModifiedEditMetadataAction(EditMetadataAction):
    def __init__(self, gui):
        self.gui = gui

    def metadata_downloaded(self, job):
        if job.failed:
            self.gui.job_exception(job, dialog_title=_('Failed to download metadata'))
        from calibre.gui2.metadata.bulk_download import get_job_details
        (aborted, id_map, tdir, log_file, failed_ids, failed_covers, all_failed,
                det_msg, lm_map) = get_job_details(job)
        if aborted:
            return self.cleanup_bulk_download(tdir)
        if all_failed:
            num = len(failed_ids | failed_covers)
            return error_dialog(self.gui, _('Download failed'), ngettext(
                'Failed to download metadata or cover for the selected book.',
                'Failed to download metadata or covers for any of the {} books.', num
            ).format(num), det_msg=det_msg, show=True)

        self.gui.status_bar.show_message(_('Metadata download completed'), 3000)

        msg = '<p>' + ngettext(
            'Finished downloading metadata for the selected book.',
            'Finished downloading metadata for <b>{} books</b>.', len(id_map)).format(len(id_map)) + ' ' + \
            _('Proceed with updating the metadata in your library?')

        show_copy_button = False
        checkbox_msg = None
        if failed_ids or failed_covers:
            show_copy_button = True
            num = len(failed_ids.union(failed_covers))
            msg += '<p>'+_('Could not download metadata and/or covers for %d of the books. Click'
                    ' "Show details" to see which books.')%num
            checkbox_msg = _('Show the &failed books in the main book list '
                    'after updating metadata')

        if getattr(job, 'metadata_and_covers', None) == (False, True):
            # Only covers, remove failed cover downloads from id_map
            for book_id in failed_covers:
                if hasattr(id_map, 'discard'):
        payload = (id_map, tdir, log_file, lm_map,

        if self.do_review:
            self.apply_downloaded_metadata(True, payload, self.restrict_to_failed)
            self.apply_downloaded_metadata(False, payload, self.restrict_to_failed)

    def apply_metadata_changes(self, id_map, title=None, msg='', callback=None,
            merge_tags=True, merge_comments=False, icon=None):
        Apply the metadata changes in id_map to the database synchronously
        id_map must be a mapping of ids to Metadata objects. Set any fields you
        do not want updated in the Metadata object to null. An easy way to do
        that is to create a metadata object as Metadata(_('Unknown')) and then
        only set the fields you want changed on this object.

        callback can be either None or a function accepting a single argument,
        in which case it is called after applying is complete with the list of
        changed ids.

        id_map can also be a mapping of ids to 2-tuple's where each 2-tuple
        contains the absolute paths to an OPF and cover file respectively. If
        either of the paths is None, then the corresponding metadata is not
        if title is None:
            title = _('Applying changed metadata')
        self.apply_id_map = list(iteritems(id_map))
        self.apply_current_idx = 0
        self.apply_failures = []
        self.applied_ids = set()
        self.apply_pd = None
        self.apply_callback = callback
        #if len(self.apply_id_map) > 1:
            #from calibre.gui2.dialogs.progress import ProgressDialog
            #self.apply_pd = ProgressDialog(title, msg, min=0,
                    #max=len(self.apply_id_map)-1, parent=self.gui,
                    #cancelable=False, icon=icon)
        self._am_merge_tags = merge_tags
        self._am_merge_comments = merge_comments

class ConfigWidget(QWidget):
    def __init__(self, plugin_action):
        self.plugin_action = plugin_action
        self.gui = plugin_action.gui
        self.db = self.gui.current_db

    def _init_controls(self):

        l = self.l = QVBoxLayout()

        opt_gb = QGroupBox(_('Options'))
        opt_gb_l = QVBoxLayout()

        self.metadata_opt = QRadioButton(_('Download Metadata'))
        self.covers_opt = QRadioButton(_('Download Covers'))
        self.both_opt = QRadioButton(_('Download Both'))


        self.review_chk = QCheckBox(_('Review downloaded metadata before applying them'))
        self.wait_chk = QCheckBox(_('Wait for metadata download jobs to finish'))
        self.wait_chk.setToolTip(_('Check this if this action in not the last action in the chain.'))



    def load_settings(self, settings):
        if settings:
            self.metadata_opt.setChecked(settings.get('download_metadata', False))
            self.covers_opt.setChecked(settings.get('download_covers', False))
            self.both_opt.setChecked(settings.get('download_both', True))
            self.review_chk.setChecked(settings.get('review', True))
            self.wait_chk.setChecked(settings.get('wait_jobs', False))

    def save_settings(self):
        settings = {}
        settings['download_metadata'] = self.metadata_opt.isChecked()
        settings['download_covers'] = self.covers_opt.isChecked()
        settings['download_both'] = self.both_opt.isChecked()
        settings['review'] = self.review_chk.isChecked()
        settings['wait_jobs'] = self.wait_chk.isChecked()
        return settings

class DownloadMetadata(ChainAction):

    name = 'Download Metadata'
    support_scopes = True

    def run(self, gui, settings, chain):
        identify = settings.get('download_metadata') or settings.get('download_both', True)
        covers = settings.get('download_covers') or settings.get('download_both', True)
        wait_jobs = settings.get('wait_jobs', False)
        ensure_fields = None

        edit_metadata = ModifiedEditMetadataAction(gui)
        edit_metadata.do_review = settings.get('review', True)
        edit_metadata.restrict_to_failed = settings.get('restrict_to_failed', True)
        callback = Dispatcher(edit_metadata.metadata_downloaded)

        ids = chain.scope().get_book_ids()
        if len(ids) == 0:
            return error_dialog(gui, _('Cannot download metadata'),
                        _('No books selected'), show=True)

        jobs_before_ids = unfinished_job_ids(gui)

        tf = PersistentTemporaryFile('_metadata_bulk.log')
        job = Job('metadata bulk download',
                'Download metadata for one book',
                'Download metadata for {} books', len(ids)).format(len(ids)),
            download, (ids,, gui.current_db, identify, covers,
                ensure_fields), {}, callback)
        job.metadata_and_covers = (identify, covers)
        job.download_debug_log =
        gui.status_bar.show_message(_('Metadata download started'), 3000)

        if wait_jobs:
            # wait for jobs spawned by action to kick in
            # save ids of jobs started after running the action
            ids_jobs_by_action = unfinished_job_ids(gui).difference(jobs_before_ids)

            # wait for jobs to finish
            responsive_wait_until(lambda: ids_jobs_by_action.intersection(unfinished_job_ids(gui)) == set())

    def validate(self, settings):
        #if not settings:
            #return (_('Settings Error'), _('You must configure this action before running it'))
        return True

    def config_widget(self):
        return ConfigWidget
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