To "Forward" things - and additionally to rename the windows
to get the current "window name" use
xwininfo -tree -root
if you are unsure of what your thing is called.
To rename / reorder the layers use xdotool (The following assumes you created a false extensions folder called xdotool to install the files to in /mnt/us/extensions/xdotool/bin and the libs are placed in /mnt/us/extensions/xdotool/lib, adjust this to your reality )
Here's the general script to force things frontwards.
# arg sanity check
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
echo fail, enter search
#adjust to your reality
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/mnt/us/extensions/xdotool/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export PATH=/mnt/us/extensions/xdotool/bin:$PATH
wids=`xdotool search "$1"`
#wids=`xdotool search "$1" | tac` # optionally reverse the order
# reversing the order is often desirable to get multi layered windows to
# display their chronologically last child as the front window.
echo "----------------------------"
echo "searching on $1"
# make it space free
INNER=`echo -ne $1 | sed 's/ //g'`
echo tidied name value is: $INNER
echo "----------------------------"
for wid in $wids; do
echo "window being processed --- $wid"
#rename them
#xdotool set_window --name "L:A_N:application_ID:com.""$INNER""_PC:N" $wid
xdotool set_window --name "L:A_N:application_ID:com.""$INNER""_O:R_PC:N" $wid
#stick them at the very top of the stack.
# this order of iteration may not be the right one for all cases.
xdotool windowreparent $wid `xwininfo -root | awk ' /xwininfo: Window id:/ {print $4}'`
and call that like
./ app_window_name
I'm not suggesting this is a good solution.
Just throwing around a few tricks for your testing.