Originally Posted by camiller
In theory yes. In reality, and perhaps with the re-writing of the site, at the moment I can't seem to download the entirety of a purchased book, only a "sample". I can read the whole thing online though and it was yesterdays "play of the day" for $0.25 so I'm not out much. Hopefully it is a bug and will get fixed.
I had the same problem trying to download an EPUB last night and sent them a support query. They acknowledged it was a bug and offered this workaround:
1. Under "How to Read," navigate to "Download EPUB" or "Download PDF"
2. Right click on the icon, and select "Copy Link Address"
3. Open a new tab and pate the Link Address
4. Before hitting "Return" to prompt the book to download and open, remove "&dl_type=sample" from the URL
5. Now hit "Return" to open the file
It works; I'd actually figured that out about 5 minutes after I'd sent the query. Looks like the problem is still there.
Way to launch a new service huh?