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Sub-Forums : E-Book Uploads - Patricia Clark Memorial Library Search this Forum
  Forum Last Post Threads Posts
Your first stop before you upload your own e-books; find guidelines and discuss the tools of the trade
by graycyn
12-22-2022 12:57 PM Go to last post
243 4,178
Share your e-books in Sony BBeB/LRF format (e.g. Sony Reader)
by pyatrus
01-04-2023 05:04 PM Go to last post
8,318 12,197
Share your e-books in Kindle format (either the original "Mobipocket" format, or newer Amazon formats such as "KF8")
10,638 14,058
Share your e-books in ePub format (e.g. Sony Reader)
14,359 20,409
Share your e-books in eBookwise IMP format (e.g. Fictionwise eBookwise 1150)
by JSWolf
04-10-2021 05:53 PM Go to last post
3,078 3,524
Share your e-books in formats other than Kindle or ePub (e.g. Adobe PDF)
970 1,354
06-28-2024 05:35 PM Go to last post
3,697 5,697

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