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Old 02-13-2022, 01:00 PM   #1
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nucl3ar began at the beginning.
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Device: Kindle Paperwhite 3
[Kindle + Calibre] Covers not showing when sideloaded via USB


I'm new to Calibre. I am a bit of a control freak and like to have my library organized and looking pristine.

I have some epubs that I converted to azw3 to read on my Kindle. Took my sweet time to make the conversion perfect. Adjusted line height, paragraph spacing and indentation, headings, etc.

Then, last but not least, added the covers. I like to choose the best looking cover designs, and I get the highest quality possible (within reason; not some 5000px 300dpi monster).

When loading my books to the Kindle (via USB, using the "send to device" option on Calibre), some books display their cover, while others don't.

I read in many topics that you can just unplug and plug the Kindle again, and Calibre will load the covers for you. Did not work.

Here's what I've tried:
- Added the asin number to some books. Did not work. And some of the books that do show cover don't even have the asin number.
- Deleted the book from the Kindle and reloaded them. Did not work.
- Lowered the dpi of some covers from 96dpi to 72dpi. Did not work. BTW, I thought about lowering the resolution of the cover, but some of the books that do display cover on Kindle have high resolution cover on Calibre.
- Made sure "sharing content via Facebook" option was disabled.

Some people said that when you convert the book, Calibre already makes the cover ready for Kindle by default. I added the covers after the conversion (stupid). But I didn't want to convert again, because I don't want to risk losing all the work I put into the layout. Converting is always risking changes. I know, I've tried. It fixed the cover, but it screwed the layout.

Is there a way to fix it without converting the books again? I have noticed that Calibre added the covers of the working titles on a folder on my Kindle (amazon-cover-bug). All the covers there are low resolution (max of 500px). But on Calibre they were higher resolution, and Calibre handled the image rescaling during sideload. Is there a way to force this?

I am Using Calibre 5.22.1 and the Kindle Paperwhite 3 with latest software.
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