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Old 12-10-2016, 01:09 PM   #65
philip_goule began at the beginning.
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Device: kindle paperwhite2
Originally Posted by hawhill View Post
I used some spare time to hack a bit on the VNC viewer I published here before, KindleVNCviewer (

It is a major rework. It's not tested on Kindle 2, 3, DX, but it hopefully still works on those devices. It is however tested on Kindle PW1 and will probably run on K4, K5 (KT), KPW1 and KPW2. Also, a version for Kobos is available (announced in the Kobo developer forum). Thus, I decided a slight rename: It is now known as "kvncviewer" :-)

Source code is available on github in the old place:

As it is a major redesign, I opened this new thread. For some scenarios, people might want to continue to use the old code.

The new code brings some new options. It is written in Lua, and that I took a bit further than with the old codebase, which used Lua for configuration, too. The new code is implemented using LuaJIT. It re-uses the framebuffer code from Koreader and is quite versatile. It allows for rotation options, b&w dithering on all devices, configurable refresh timeouts (though this won't make your screen faster than the hardware can do, but you might want to fiddle with the options and report your experiences here) and some more things I forgot about.

Attached is the compiled version for Kindles.
Could you please show me how to install this vnc to kindle,thanks!!!
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