Thread: Sigil niggles
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Old 03-21-2024, 12:09 PM   #1
jwes began at the beginning.
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Sigil niggles

These are all not critical or even that important, but would make Sigil more convenient for me to use.

1. Open the 'Insert Special Character' window. Type something in the search and replace boxes, and click on find. When found, click on a special character. It goes into the replace box. I also have had a couple crashes inserting special characters into search and replace boxes, but I can't reproduce them.

2. Setting the focus by clicking in the find and replace boxes should select all the text in the box, like what happens when you press tab in the find box.

3. The font in the find and replace boxes make it hard to distinguish between straight and curly quotes.

4. Dry run replace lists lines to be changed in each section from last to first. It would be less confusing if it were first to last.

5. If there is a horizontal scroll bar in the preview, after a find keep the scroll as far to the left as possible while still showing the result of the find.

6. If you double click on an image or select 'Open Tab for Image' and then close the image, the tab shown is the rightmost tab. It would be nice if it went to the tab reflected in the preview window.

7. After opening a css file, clicking in the preview window does not sync with the corresponding code tab. When proofreading, I find myself scrolling through the preview window, finding a problem that requires changing a css file, fixing it, going back to scrolling through the preview window, finding another problem, clicking on it, switching back to the code tab, and finding myself back at the previous problem.

8. Is it possible to set the delay before updating the preview window when typing in the code window? I work with OCR texts, and sometimes an image has text that was not OCRed, and I will be typing the text from the image, and the image keeps flashing as the preview window updates.

9. When the preview window updates, it appears to flash to the start of the section and then show the current position. Is that flash necessary?
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