Thread: Kobo vs. Kindle
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Old 05-18-2010, 02:52 PM   #6
Roy Hinkley
Roy Hinkley began at the beginning.
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I agree with your points, TallMom. I had a Kindle for 3 weeks and returned it today. I've had to replace it 3 times, twice for broken screens and once because they sent me a refub unit that was scratched, a previous version and kept locking up. I'm going to miss the dictionary and text-to-speech. But, the Kindle really is huge. It's far too big to be comfortable to use. And, it's far too fragile.

I tried out a Kobo in Chapters today. Incidentally, there is a 6-week backorder on Kobo at the moment. I did notice that the Kobo is considerably slower than the Kindle. And, you can notice the difference with the 8-shade vs the 16-shade.

The Kobo is much better in size and weight. About perfect. For me, and this is only my preference, the deal breaker was left-justification for text. I can't read with the ragged right edge. This one factor stopped me from looking at the Kobo. Also, FWIW, the sans-serif font is very thin and much harder to read than on the Kindle.

What would I recommend? Honestly, anything but a Kindle or Kobo. I'm sure Kobo will come out with an upgrade that allows full-justification (again, you may not care about this), and a readable sans-serif font. Otherwise, it's darned good.

Oh, one final point. The Kobo is slooooooooooooow in comparison to the Kindle. It's noticeably slower on startup, page turns and loading a book. I would estimate that the Kobo is at least twice as slow, if not more.
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