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Old 11-21-2006, 01:44 PM   #1
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Bailywolf began at the beginning.
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DIY reader from used tablet PC

I've been lusting after an good multi-format eBook reader for a year or so, and awaited the new Sony device eagerly, but have been let down by its specs, format issues, and my experience fiddling with it at Borders. It feels like the device I covet, but doesn't seem to hack it. The iRex device looked like a winner, but the price... that killed it for me. I have a huge collection of PDF, txt, and other eBooks that I'd like to be able to read on the go, but my options seem limited right now. Price is a real problem, as tops, I can only justify about $200.

So I got to looking around ebay for used lower-end keyboardless table and pen PC's, and the price seems right. I can score all the software I need from my own library and from work, leaving 4 to 8 gigs of hard drive space for books.

The killer is in battery life... especially with a used device.

Anyone have experience DIY'ing and optimizing a tablet into a reader?


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