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Old 11-30-2023, 04:05 AM   #616
Divingo began at the beginning.
Posts: 10
Karma: 10
Join Date: Nov 2023
Device: Kindle Scribe
Originally Posted by xxyzz View Post
Please install the build for this commit:

then run calibre in debug mode and post these `print` values.
Here is the complete debug log :

ApplicationPaletteChange event ignored
Using calibre Qt style: True
ApplicationPaletteChange event received
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "calibre\gui2\", line 140, in __init__
  File "calibre\gui2\", line 158, in init_iaction
  File "calibre\customize\", line 662, in load_actual_plugin
  File "importlib\", line 126, in import_module
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1204, in _gcd_import
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1176, in _find_and_load
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1147, in _find_and_load_unlocked
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 690, in _load_unlocked
  File "calibre\customize\", line 206, in exec_module
  File "calibre_plugins.apnx_generator.apnxaction", line 10, in <module>
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'cStringIO'
calibre Debug log
calibre 7.1  embedded-python: True
Windows-10-10.0.22621-SP0 Windows ('64bit', 'WindowsPE')
('Windows', '10', '10.0.22621')
Python 3.11.5
Windows: ('10', '10.0.22621', 'SP0', 'Multiprocessor Free')
Interface language: None
Successfully initialized third party plugins: Gather KFX-ZIP (from KFX Input) (2, 5, 0) && DeDRM (10, 0, 9) && Package KFX (from KFX Input) (2, 5, 0) && APNX Generator (1, 1, 0) && Count Pages (1, 13, 4) && KFX metadata reader (from KFX Input) (2, 5, 0) && KFX Input (2, 5, 0) && Set KFX metadata (from KFX Output) (2, 3, 1) && KFX Output (2, 3, 1) && Quality Check (1, 13, 6) && WordDumb (3, 29, 8)
calibre 7.1  embedded-python: True
Windows-10-10.0.22621-SP0 Windows ('64bit', 'WindowsPE')
('Windows', '10', '10.0.22621')
Python 3.11.5
Windows: ('10', '10.0.22621', 'SP0', 'Multiprocessor Free')
Interface language: None
Successfully initialized third party plugins: Gather KFX-ZIP (from KFX Input) (2, 5, 0) && DeDRM (10, 0, 9) && Package KFX (from KFX Input) (2, 5, 0) && APNX Generator (1, 1, 0) && Count Pages (1, 13, 4) && KFX metadata reader (from KFX Input) (2, 5, 0) && KFX Input (2, 5, 0) && Set KFX metadata (from KFX Output) (2, 3, 1) && KFX Output (2, 3, 1) && Quality Check (1, 13, 6) && WordDumb (3, 29, 8)
QPA platform: windows
devicePixelRatio: 1.5
logicalDpi: 96.0 x 96.0
physicalDpi: 105.21682847896439 x 105.10344827586206
[0.00] Starting up...
[0.00] Showing splash screen...
[0.20] splash screen shown
[0.20] Initializing db...
[0.25] db initialized
[0.25] Constructing main UI...
[2.09] main UI initialized...
[2.09] Hiding splash screen
Job: 0 Set library information started
DeviceJob: 0 Set library information done, calling callback
Starting QuickView
DeviceJob: 0 Set library information callback returned
Job: 1 Get device information started
Job: 0 Set library information finished
No details available.
DeviceJob: 1 Get device information done, calling callback
DeviceJob: 1 Get device information callback returned
Job: 2 Set library information started
DeviceJob: 2 Set library information done, calling callback
DeviceJob: 2 Set library information callback returned
Job: 3 Get list of books on device started
MTP: Loading filesystem metadata...
MTP: Ignored object: .notebooks
MTP: Ignored object: .sync
MTP: Ignored object: system
MTP: Ignored object: fonts
MTP: Ignored object: .active_content_sandbox
MTP: Ignored object: documents/My Clippings.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/Iris sauvage, L' - Louise Gluck.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/Cerisaie, La - Anton Tchekhov.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/Pavillon d'Or, Le - Mishima,Yukio.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/Recueil de nouvelles (Les Nuits blanches-Le Moujik Marey-Krotkatenaire-L'Arbre de Noel) - Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/iris sauvage, L' - Gluck, Louise.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/artiste du monde flottant, Un - Kazuo Ishiguro.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/La Cerisaie_9cbad1a7-cf06-40b0-9f0b-1b7ea536bcb3.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/L’iris sauvage_d78c45ef-b632-4d81-8d99-d13a79405357.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/L'Iris sauvage_6HPCLBPFEZ0UAKZF7UBE0MM7BNAS4I9F.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/Mother night - Kurt Vonnegut.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/Mother night_BBXRQESVQV.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/The Great Gatsby_ The Authentic Edition from Fitzgerald’s Original Publisher_B000FC0PDA.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/Great Gatsby_ The Authentic Edition from Fitzgerald's Original Publisher, The - F. Scott Fitzgerald.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/Downloads/Items01/Collins Dictionary - English to French (One Way).sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/Downloads/Items01/Oxford Hachette French - English Dictionary_B00NM4BNTS.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/Downloads/Items01/Les Cavaliers – L’Assemblée des femmes_GDUBPEJKC6IANIK56ZSNLW6IXRHEAKL7.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/Downloads/Items01/Dictionnaire français Cordial_B005306NQM.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/Downloads/Items01/L'Art de lire_JR2QKJCMLX7N5ZF7E5R7K2ADEMK4W3GL.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/Downloads/Items01/Oxford Dictionary of English (English Edition)_B0053VMNYW.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/Downloads/Items01/Oxford Hachette English - French Dictionary (English Edition)_B00NM4BPWS.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/Downloads/Items01/Collins Le Robert – anglais – français – Senior (French Edition).sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/Downloads/Items01/Pride and Prejudice (English Edition)_B008476HBM.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/dictionaries/dictionnaire_littre.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/dictionaries/jmdict.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/Dante/Divine Comedie, La - Dante.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/Homere/Odyssee, L' - Homere.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/Jackson, Shirley/We Have Always Lived in the Castle - Shirley Jackson.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/Vonnegut, Kurt/Mother night - Kurt Vonnegut.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/Montaigne/essais, Les - Montaigne.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/Sarr, Mohamed mbougar/plus secrete memoire des hommes, La - Mohamed mbougar Sarr.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/Sarr, Mohamed mbougar/La plus secrète mémoire des hommes_3SHSGIMGEOUUND5IJ7197JYZMGSE2NK4.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/Ferrari, Jerome/sermon sur la chute de Rome, Le - Jerome Ferrari.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/Ferrari, Jerome/Le sermon sur la chute de Rome_CD0CR4PIP1CEDPH79M38TEDVWZ3UPKZD.sdr
Job: 1 Get device information finished
No details available.
Job: 2 Set library information finished
No details available.
MTP: Ignored object: documents/Kant, Immanuel/Critique de la raison pure - Immanuel Kant.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/Kant, Immanuel/Critique de la raison pure_334f2eeb-8e30-459e-ae4e-67333379aa85.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/Virgile/Eneide, L' - Virgile.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/Virgile/L'Enéide_T65DO5KJOHUVAOUDI8C5WT1AQMXG8WJN.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/Desbordes-Valmore, Marceline/Elegies, Marie et romances - Marceline Desbordes-Valmore.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/Christie, Agatha/And Then There Were None - Agatha Christie.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/Inconnu(e)/Cent ans de solitude - Inconnu(e).sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/Nietzsche, Friedrich/Ainsi parlait Zarathoustra - Friedrich Nietzsche.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/Ovide/Metamorphoses, Les - Ovide.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/Conrad, Joseph/Jeunesse- Le Coeur des tenebres - Joseph Conrad.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/Nabokov, Vladimir/Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/Russell, Bertrand/Histoire de la philosophie occidentale - Bertrand Russell.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/Flaubert, Gustave/Madame Bovary - Gustave Flaubert.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/Sienkiewicz, Henryk/Quo vadis - Henryk Sienkiewicz.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/Rothfuss, Patrick/Name of the Wind, The - Patrick Rothfuss.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/Rothfuss, Patrick/Wise Man's Fear, The - Patrick Rothfuss.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/Bernanos, Georges/Sous le soleil de Satan - Georges Bernanos.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/John, Steinbeck/raisins de la colere, Les - Steinbeck John.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/Stendhal/Rouge et le Noir, Le - Stendhal.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/Joyce, James/Ulysses - James Joyce.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/Murakami,Haruki/Kafka sur le rivage - Murakami,Haruki.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/Kafka, Franz/Proces, Le - Franz Kafka.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/Tolstoi, Leon/Guerre et la Paix - Tome I, La - Leon Tolstoi.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/Droit, Roger-Pol/Breve histoire de la philosophie, Une - Roger-Pol Droit.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/Mishima, Yukio/Confession d'un masque - Yukio Mishima.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/Leclercq, Bruno/Introduction a la philosophie analytique - Bruno Leclercq.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/Baudelaire, Charles/Fleurs du Mal, Les - Charles Baudelaire.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/Victor Hugo, Victor Hugo/Contemplations, Les - Victor Hugo, Victor Hugo.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/Zelazny, Roger/Nine princes in Amber - Roger Zelazny.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/DUBY, Georges/Histoire de la France des origines a nos jours - DUBY, Georges.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/Proust, Marcel/Du cote de chez Swann - Marcel Proust.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/Bardugo, Leigh/Six of Crows 1 - Six of Crows_2706T6HEP7E4CN4T6CNDNL215DCAGS08.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/Bardugo, Leigh/Six of Crows 2 - Crooked Kingdom - Leigh Bardugo.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/Bardugo, Leigh/Six of Crows 1 - Six of Crows - Leigh Bardugo.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/Bardugo, Leigh/Six of Crows 2 - Crooked Kingdom_14PYH5EYT9EANATCJU2VVCG1VW34HLJX.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/Tanizaki,Junichiro/Eloge de l'ombre - Tanizaki,Junichiro.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/Lucrece/nature (De rerum natura), De la - Lucrece.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/Kobo, Abe/femme des sables, La - Abe Kobo.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/Tanizaki, Junichiro/chat, son maitre et ses deux maitresses, Le - Junichiro Tanizaki.sdr
MTP: Ignored object: documents/Tanizaki, Junichiro/Le chat, son maître et ses deux maîtresses_RAUT25NXFY5ZH8RT22881T0699P8FIBW.sdr
MTP: WARNING:root:Import symbol table YJ_symbols version 10 max_id 823(+9=832) exceeds known table size 822(+9=831)
Ignored object: documents/Chesterton, G. K_/Man Who Was Thursday_ A Nightmare, The - G. K. Chesterton.sdr
MTP: Filesystem metadata loaded in 0.490837 seconds (258 objects)
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/My Clippings.txt
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/Romeo and Juliet - William Shakespeare.kfx
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/Mother night - Kurt Vonnegut.kfx
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/Lambeaux - Charles Juliet.azw3
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/La maison du peuple - Guilloux Louis.azw3
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/Cerisaie, La - Anton
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/Recueil de nouvelles (Les Nuits blanches-Le Moujik Marey-Krotkatenaire-L'Arbre de Noel) - Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky.azw3
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/artiste du monde flottant, Un - Kazuo Ishiguro.kfx
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/Iris sauvage, L' - Louise Gluck.kfx
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/Pavillon d'Or, Le - Mishima,Yukio.kfx
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/Sur les derniers vers - Douze lectures de Rimbaud.pdf
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/Downloads/Items01/Les Cavaliers – L’Assemblée des femmes_GDUBPEJKC6IANIK56ZSNLW6IXRHEAKL7.kfx
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/Downloads/Items01/Oxford Hachette French - English Dictionary_B00NM4BNTS.azw
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/Downloads/Items01/Dictionnaire français Cordial_B005306NQM.azw
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/Downloads/Items01/L'Art de lire_JR2QKJCMLX7N5ZF7E5R7K2ADEMK4W3GL.kfx
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/Downloads/Items01/L'intelligence de l'explication de texte.pdf_6XBXEWMQ2MAJVG7VWOU7LFHRV5EMMJGY.kfx
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/Downloads/Items01/Pride and Prejudice (English Edition)_B008476HBM.kfx
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/Downloads/Items01/Oxford Dictionary of English (English Edition)_B0053VMNYW.azw
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/Downloads/Items01/Oxford Hachette English - French Dictionary (English Edition)_B00NM4BPWS.azw
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/Downloads/Items01/Collins Le Robert – anglais – français – Senior (French Edition).azw
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/Downloads/Items01/Collins Dictionary - English to French (One Way).mobi
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/dictionaries/dictionnaire_littre.prc
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/dictionaries/
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/Dante/Divine Comedie, La - Dante.kfx
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/Homere/Odyssee, L' - Homere.kfx
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/Jackson, Shirley/We Have Always Lived in the Castle - Shirley Jackson.kfx
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/Montaigne/essais, Les - Montaigne.kfx
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/Sarr, Mohamed mbougar/plus secrete memoire des hommes, La - Mohamed mbougar Sarr.kfx
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/Ferrari, Jerome/sermon sur la chute de Rome, Le - Jerome Ferrari.kfx
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/Kant, Immanuel/Critique de la raison pure - Immanuel Kant.azw3
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/Virgile/Eneide, L' - Virgile.kfx
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/Desbordes-Valmore, Marceline/Elegies, Marie et romances - Marceline Desbordes-Valmore.kfx
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/Christie, Agatha/And Then There Were None - Agatha Christie.kfx
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/Inconnu(e)/Cent ans de solitude - Inconnu(e).kfx
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/Nietzsche, Friedrich/Ainsi parlait Zarathoustra - Friedrich Nietzsche.kfx
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/Ovide/Metamorphoses, Les - Ovide.kfx
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/Conrad, Joseph/Jeunesse- Le Coeur des tenebres - Joseph Conrad.kfx
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/Nabokov, Vladimir/Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov.kfx
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/Russell, Bertrand/Histoire de la philosophie occidentale - Bertrand Russell.kfx
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/Flaubert, Gustave/Madame Bovary - Gustave Flaubert.kfx
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/Sienkiewicz, Henryk/Quo vadis - Henryk Sienkiewicz.kfx
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/Rothfuss, Patrick/Name of the Wind, The - Patrick Rothfuss.kfx
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/Rothfuss, Patrick/Wise Man's Fear, The - Patrick Rothfuss.kfx
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/Bernanos, Georges/Sous le soleil de Satan - Georges Bernanos.kfx
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/John, Steinbeck/raisins de la colere, Les - Steinbeck John.kfx
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/Stendhal/Rouge et le Noir, Le - Stendhal.kfx
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/Joyce, James/Ulysses - James Joyce.kfx
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/Murakami,Haruki/Kafka sur le rivage - Murakami,Haruki.kfx
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/Kafka, Franz/Proces, Le - Franz Kafka.kfx
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/Tolstoi, Leon/Guerre et la Paix - Tome I, La - Leon Tolstoi.kfx
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/Droit, Roger-Pol/Breve histoire de la philosophie, Une - Roger-Pol Droit.kfx
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/Mishima, Yukio/Confession d'un masque - Yukio Mishima.kfx
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/Leclercq, Bruno/Introduction a la philosophie analytique - Bruno Leclercq.kfx
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/Baudelaire, Charles/Fleurs du Mal, Les - Charles Baudelaire.kfx
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/Victor Hugo, Victor Hugo/Contemplations, Les - Victor Hugo, Victor Hugo.kfx
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/Zelazny, Roger/Nine princes in Amber - Roger Zelazny.kfx
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/DUBY, Georges/Histoire de la France des origines a nos jours - DUBY, Georges.kfx
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/Proust, Marcel/Du cote de chez Swann - Marcel Proust.kfx
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/Bardugo, Leigh/Six of Crows 2 - Crooked Kingdom - Leigh Bardugo.kfx
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/Bardugo, Leigh/Six of Crows 1 - Six of Crows - Leigh Bardugo.kfx
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/Tanizaki,Junichiro/Eloge de l'ombre - Tanizaki,Junichiro.kfx
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/Lucrece/nature (De rerum natura), De la - Lucrece.kfx
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/Kobo, Abe/femme des sables, La - Abe Kobo.kfx
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/Tanizaki, Junichiro/chat, son maitre et ses deux maitresses, Le - Junichiro Tanizaki.kfx
MTP: Using cached metadata for Internal Storage/documents/Chesterton, G. K_/Man Who Was Thursday_ A Nightmare, The - G. K. Chesterton.kfx
DeviceJob: 3 Get list of books on device done, calling callback
DeviceJob: metadata_downloaded: Starting set_books_in_library
DeviceJob: set_books_in_library: books to process= 65
DeviceJob: set_books_in_library finished: time= 0.010001182556152344
DeviceJob: metadata_downloaded: updating views
DeviceJob: metadata_downloaded: syncing
DeviceJob: metadata_downloaded: refreshing ondevice
DeviceJob: metadata_downloaded: sending metadata_available signal
DeviceJob: 3 Get list of books on device callback returned
Job: 3 Get list of books on device finished
No details available.
[35.39] splash screen hidden
[35.39] Started up in 35.39 seconds with 7 books
Job: 5 Upload one book to the device: The Great Gatsby: The Authentic Edition from Fitzgerald’s Original Publisher started
Device using plugboard kfx MTP_DEVICE None
Setting metadata in: The Great Gatsby: The Authentic Edition from Fitzgerald’s Original Publisher at: C:\Users\slc_5xu\Bibliothèque calibre\F. Scott Fitzgerald\The Great Gatsby_ The Authentic Edit (8)\The Great Gatsby_ The Authentic - F. Scott Fitzgerald.kfx
Job: 4 Generating Word Wise for The Great Gatsby: The Authentic Edition from Fitzgerald’s Original Publisher finished
Starting job: Generating Word Wise for The Great Gatsby: The Authentic Edition from Fitzgerald’s Original Publisher 

KFX metadata writer activated for C:\Users\slc_5xu\Bibliothèque calibre\F. Scott Fitzgerald\The Great Gatsby_ The Authentic Edit (8)\The Great Gatsby_ The Authentic - F. Scott Fitzgerald.kfx
Processing container: C:\Users\slc_5xu\Bibliothèque calibre\F. Scott Fitzgerald\The Great Gatsby_ The Authentic Edit (8)\The Great Gatsby_ The Authentic - F. Scott Fitzgerald.kfx
Import symbol table YJ_symbols version 10 max_id 823(+9=832) exceeds known table size 822(+9=831)
A list of 156 approximate pages is already present with auto pages desired
Unknown symbols feature: max_id-832
Features: CanonicalFormat-1, kfxgen.textBlock-1, reflow-style-2
Unknown kindle_audit_metadata: creator_version=3.74.0
Metadata: ASIN=B000FC0PDA, asset_id=CR!3OAS89AFBWLHNRARX2YFV7AJWZ4T, author="Fitzgerald, F. Scott", book_id=PGAoqm7nS_SUtL9ctu5kXw0, cde_content_type=EBOK, content_id=B000FC0PDA, cover_image=918x1400, file_creator=KPR, is_sample=False, issue_date=2013-05-09, kfxgen=kfxlib-20230912, language=en, nested_span=enabled, override_kindle_font=False, pages=156, publisher=Scribner, reading_orders=1, selection=enabled, title="The Great Gatsby: The Authentic Edition from Fitzgerald’s Original Publisher"
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