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Old 06-23-2023, 08:02 AM   #1
Deljah can program the VCR without an owner's manual.Deljah can program the VCR without an owner's manual.Deljah can program the VCR without an owner's manual.Deljah can program the VCR without an owner's manual.Deljah can program the VCR without an owner's manual.Deljah can program the VCR without an owner's manual.Deljah can program the VCR without an owner's manual.Deljah can program the VCR without an owner's manual.Deljah can program the VCR without an owner's manual.Deljah can program the VCR without an owner's manual.Deljah can program the VCR without an owner's manual.
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Join Date: Jun 2012
Device: Android tablet
E-ink Kindle with text to soeech?

Can you recommend a kindle reader that has a text to speech function and an e ink screen that I can read in the sun?

I'm having no luck getting my android kindle app to read to me. Search function in this forum won't keeps closing and won't take input...sorry if this is a redundant question.
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