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Old 01-05-2023, 05:57 PM   #1
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ownedbycats ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.ownedbycats ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.ownedbycats ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.ownedbycats ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.ownedbycats ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.ownedbycats ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.ownedbycats ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.ownedbycats ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.ownedbycats ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.ownedbycats ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.ownedbycats ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.
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Amazon and DRM changes

March 1, 2024 - Removed Feedbooks link.

Post changelog:
January 5, 2023 - Initial post
January 15, 2023 - Rewrote the post to be more clear & add information on Download & Transfer
January 25, 2023 - Rewrote the 'Don't Have a Kindle?' section to add several websites
January 26, 2023 - Added additional sites to 'Don't Have a Kindle?'
February 5, 2023 - Added information about azw6 used in image-heavy books.
February 17, 2023 - Added information on Kindle for Android workaround
March 6, 2023- Added request for people not to PM the original poster (me).
March 10, 2023 - replaced quote of Unseen Entity's post with a link to the modified AZW6 Image Merge plugin.
April 28, 2023 - Added more details on why to not DeDRM Kindle Unlimited titles.
June 23, 2023 - Added moderator notice.
August 20, 2023 - Added information about books with additional restrictions
November 14, 2023 - Added information about KFX and DeDRM beta
November 15, 2023 - Kindle for PC updated.
March 1, 2024 - Removed Feedbooks link.

Please don't PM me with questions! Ask questions in this thread.

Additionally, please keep this moderator notice in mind:

Originally Posted by DiapDealer View Post
It seems this thread seems to get more and more specific over time. Both in help being offered, and details being discussed. We (editors/mods) are partly to blame for letting it go so long, but it's time for a course correction. Please refrain from offering step-by-step help, and from discussing the technical details of Kindle's DRM technology (as well as the development of the tools necessary to remove it) here in open forum at MobileRead. Let's get back to posting links to where detailed help with DRM should take place. Thank you.
Amazon has made some changes to how books can be downloaded. This affects the removal of DRM from these so they can be backed up and sideloaded onto other devices.

Kindle Unlimited


Books acquired through Kindle Unlimited are a loan and not meant to be kept.

Furthermore, the author's earnings are based on pages read. This cannot be tracked if you take the book outside of the Kindle ecosystem. DeDRMing a book borrowed through Unlimited means the author is not fairly compensated.

If you enjoy the book enough to keep it, purchase a copy to make it eligible for Download and Transfer.

Kindle for PC

The latest version (2.2.x) of Kindle for PC, NoDRM's fork of DeDRM (10.0.9 beta), and KFX Input can now be used! It is also not known how long this method will remain working, so backup your books as soon as possible.

According to jhowell, KF8 is usually closer to the original publisher-provided format, so you may wish to use Download & Transfer or the Bluestacks method instead.

Also note that books with additional restrictions will likely still fail.

Older versions of Kindle for PC
  • Books published after January 3, 2023 cannot be downloaded using earlier versions (1.26 and prior) of Kindle for PC.
  • Except for books only available as KFX, books published before January 3 (including those on Kindle Unlimited) are still currently able to be downloaded in 1.26 and prior

Download and Transfer
  • If you have an e-Ink Kindle, "Download and Transfer" is still available for purchased books, regardless of when they were published. The DRM can be removed from these files using the DeDRM plugin.
  • However, books borrowed from Kindle Unlimited are not eligible for Download & Transfer.

None of these worked!
Some books have additional restrictions and cannot be downloaded & transferred. The Bluestacks/Android app will not work either. The two main categories of these seem to be textbooks and books published for the Indian market.

If you're having trouble, including the ASIN (a string of numbers and letters, found in the URL and usually starting with 'B0') will help us determine whether the book has additional restrictions.

Don't have a Kindle?

New Workaround! As of February 17th, 2023, older versions of Kindle for Android will download the earlier, breakable formats. (Android device not required!)

Here are some options if you absolutely must read that book published on January 4:
  • Check if the books are available on other websites that offer DRM-free or more easily-removed ADE (Adobe Digital Editions) DRM:
  • Overdrive allows borrowing books; if your local library's offerings are short, many libraries offer non-resident cards.
  • However, if you see a self-published/indie author's books offered on Kindle Unlimited, there's a good chance that they're using the KDP Select program, which offers higher royalties and listing on Kindle Unlimited in exchange for exclusivity.
  • If you decide to buy a Kindle to take advantage of download & transfer, make sure you get an e-Ink one! Not a Kindle Fire.

However, some advice:
Originally Posted by jhowell View Post
I commented previously on some of the possible issues that might arise in purchasing a Kindle for the purpose of obtaining files suitable for DRM removal. Here are my thoughts on which models would be the most desirable in case someone still wants to go ahead with that.

Given the recent restrictions on Download & Transfer I recommend obtaining a model that allows books to be downloaded to the device directly from Amazon over WiFi in KF8 format which can be accessed via USB.

I would avoid the 1st and 2nd generation Kindles and the DX. They only support the old MOBI format and may no longer be able to connect to Amazon.

The Kindle Keyboard (3rd gen), Kindle Touch (4th gen), and Kindle (4th & 5th gen) are workable. However they may require manually installed firmware updates to be usable. And as older models they are more likely to be cut off from service in the future.

The Paperwhite 1 (5th gen) is the most desirable option in my opinion. It is the newest model that does not support KFX format.

I would avoid newer models than that. Most of them support KFX out of the box that cannot be disabled. Some models that didn't can be reverted to older firmware that does not support KFX, but that requires jail breaking which is more difficult to set up and risks bricking the device.
For image-heavy books, you would want to use jhowell's modified version of the AZW6 Image Merge plugin for Calibre. Note images will be in greyscale.

Original version of post:


Amazon has made some changes that newly-published books can't be downloaded on earlier versions of Kindle for PC. This makes it very difficult (maybe impossible?) to strip the DRM from them without access to an e-Ink Kindle. While older books appear to be unaffected yet, I would not be surprised if that changed soon.

What are your thoughts on this?

Going to quote some posts from other threads:

Dealing with Kindle for PC/Mac 1.19 and KFX in calibre:

Originally Posted by jhowell View Post
Amazon has made a change to their service so the books published since Jan 3 2023 can no longer be downloaded using Kindle for PC versions prior to 1.39.

I have updated the first post in this thread to reflect this change.
Originally Posted by stumped View Post
i can live with that, as I don't rush to buy newly released books,; but will amazon push that date gradually backwards ?

also, how is that affected, if at all, by owning various vintages of eink kindle?. I still have a paperwhite 3 (7th gen)- is that old enough to not support kfx? NO, says google:

[People also ask
Does Kindle Paperwhite support KFX?
Kindle KFX format is the successor to the azw3 format and released with the Kindle Paperwhite 3. ]

so the select transfer via USB to get azw trick will need a paperwhite 2 or older ?

I guess I need to find a free book published yesterday to test my options
Originally Posted by jhowell View Post
While that is a possibility, I suspect that they are going to keep to a fixed date of books published since the beginning of this year. If they moved the date backward then previously purchased books would stop working and I doubt they want to deal with the customer service implications of that.

This change has no effect on e-ink Kindle owners, at least so far.

My worry is that Amazon might stop allowing Download and Transfer via USB for books published after a certain date. That feature is already unavailable for certain categories of books and for free samples. That change would leave only extracting books from the Kindle's storage using USB, which only works for Kindles running old firmware. Hopefully Amazon is reluctant to further disable downloads since Kindle owners who do not have Wi-Fi would complain.

It depends on the firmware version installed. If is has firmware prior to version 5.6.5 it does not support KFX. If the firmware is prior to 5.12.2 it supports KFX but DRM removal is possible. Newer than that and you may be out of luck if Download and Transfer goes away.
Originally Posted by JSWolf View Post
It's the way Amazon is going with KindleForPC/MAC. You will need a physical Kindle registered to your account to be able to download new Kindle eBooks. Either that or you start buying ePub and convert.
Originally Posted by ownedbycats View Post
All this crap did was convince me not to purchase from Kindle anymore. If a book is exclusive there? Oh well, I didn't need to read it.
Originally Posted by Lys View Post
Same, and the same sentiment was shared by all my friends who I informed about this change.

Oh well, I've enough of a back-log to last me a lifetime, I may even end up thanking Amazon to help me stop buying every ebook I see on a deal (who do I kid? I've already bought 5 ebooks on the kobo store since the start of the year )
Originally Posted by Sirtel View Post
As long as there's a way to deDRM, I'll buy from Amazon (not exclusively from them, of course). I do still have a couple of older Kindles registered to my account. If it's no longer possible to deDRM Kindle books by any means, I'll stop buying them. I've never bought a single book I couldn't disinfect and I never will. My list of unread books is hundreds of kilometers long anyway, so I can live without Amazon exclusives.

standard guide for removing DRM for kindle book using calibre:

Originally Posted by stumped View Post
Academic textbooks is a special case. Affects a tiny proportion 9f book buyers.
So Amazon have gotten away with new rules without much outcry.
But if Amazon imposed kfx only on all new fiction, then kindles older than paperwhite 3 would not work with those books.
Are there any figures for how many book buyers still rely on such older devices and would be disenfranchised?
I am thinking the only way they could do that is by offering a very cheap upgrade option for those people which 2ould be costly. Far more costly than what they lose due to ebook piracy ?

I don't think any kindle generation has been made obsolete yet ?
Originally Posted by JSWolf View Post
I do not think Amazon would impose KFX only for old Kindles able to handle KF8 but not KFX. That would piss off a lot of customers.

I think Amazon may be switching to KFX only delivery on devices/software that can handle KFX. I hope I'm wrong.
Originally Posted by stumped View Post
Forcing an upgrade on pc and Mac could be a trial before doing something about kindles.

But if they offer a upgrade bribe only to owners of pw2 or older, that would piss off pw3 owners: And that would be a larger number .

the trade in, trade up offer for my pw3 is an unattractive £20, with no % discount on a newer model but I can't see the offers for models I don't own.
Originally Posted by Sirtel View Post
Any upgrade and trade offers have so far only been made to US customers, AFAIK. But there are thousands (tens of thousands? Hundreds of thousands?) of Kindle owners in other countries. What about them?

Originally Posted by JSWolf View Post
Amazon is not offering upgrades. Amazon is making it more difficult to download KF8 to your computer for new eBooks.
Originally Posted by ownedbycats View Post
frankly, Amazon is big enough that they could probably afford to piss off all the old e-Ink readers by cutting them off.

Originally Posted by Sirtel View Post
I'm afraid you're right. But I do wonder, why would they want to do that? Is someone pressuring them? What would be their benefit in doing so?

Last edited by ownedbycats; 03-01-2024 at 05:45 PM. Reason: Kindle for PC updated.
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