Thread: Kindle Scribe
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Old 09-29-2022, 04:01 PM   #80
beninma is kind to children and small, furry animalsbeninma is kind to children and small, furry animalsbeninma is kind to children and small, furry animalsbeninma is kind to children and small, furry animalsbeninma is kind to children and small, furry animalsbeninma is kind to children and small, furry animalsbeninma is kind to children and small, furry animalsbeninma is kind to children and small, furry animalsbeninma is kind to children and small, furry animalsbeninma is kind to children and small, furry animalsbeninma is kind to children and small, furry animals
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Originally Posted by apastuszak View Post
I assume you can sideload stuff.

I'm curious what Amazon's angle is with this thing. How is this going to help them sell electronic content? Are they going to make a push into selling non-fiction titles, such as textbooks on their website as PDFs, or will there be a new large screen KFX format?
There are already lots of kindle books which don't do that well on the smaller kindles. They basically have been there since the beginning of the kindle, and pretty much every kindle since the DX has been bad at presenting these books and so this solves all those issues without having to go buy an iPad.

I have plenty of those books in my library already.

Those are also the kind of books you're most likely to take notes in.

Now there is another separate issue that amazon needs to start doing things to enforce authors/publishers to put high quality images into the kindle books, and even actually include all the images from the paper book. I just read a book that had all kinds of maps that were so low res you couldn't read them on an Oasis or Paperwhite despite the high res screen. And some of the photos were deliberately replaced with "Photo intentionally left out of electronic book, see the paper book."
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