Thread: KOA3 MRPI Won't Launch
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Old 08-16-2022, 05:31 PM   #6
Shining One
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Originally Posted by shamanNS View Post
You seem not to have a good grasp of what goes where & what does what job.

"extensions" directory is the place for KUAL extension files. Python and ScreenSaver hack aren't KUAL extensions (SS hack does add a KUAL extension that is used to configure it, but that job is done by bin installer not the end user).

"mrpackages" directory is the place where you put stuff that is packaged as update_whatever.bin installer file.

MRPI/MR Package Installer is a script / program (that is packaged as a KUAL extension) used to install MobileRead's custom, hacky stuff packaged into update_whatever.bin. When started (via ';log mrpi' shortcut thing or from KUAL once you have KUAL installed) it check the content of that "mrpackages" directory and finds all you update_*.bin files that you put there if there is any and starts installing them.
So any .bin installer other than the official firmware updates downloaded from Amazon's website and "hotfix" package are to be copied over to that "mrpackages" directory on the Kindle device and installed by using MRPI. Those two exceptions (official Amazon installers and specialy packaged "hotfix") I've just mentioned are installed using "Update your Kindle" option in Kindle UI.

If you copy your python hack and the rest into the wrong place (like "extensions" directory ) of course doing ';log mrpi' will not install them.
I haven't extracted these files onto the Kindle extensions folder. I thought that's what someone else was suggesting above, hence why I asked for clarification. What I did do was place the two .BIN files in the mrpackages folder and tried to go KUAL -> Helper -> Install MR Packages. That's when I experienced the issue indicated in my first post.
Originally Posted by shamanNS View Post
Then you didn't understand the instructions. You don't need and shouldn't copy over to Kindle those archive files (be they .tar.xz, zip. rar, .7z). You should extract them on your computer and transfer only the (part of) contents that is needed for your device: in case of hacks that are packaged into .bin installer file from the whole archive content you in most cases only need and use one file. As in you would copy only bin file that has "install" in its filename not copy it and also the one with "uninstall" in its filename
In case of python package you use two bin files: one for python 2 and one for python 3. In case of say KUAL you would use "Update_KUALBooklet_e3deabf_install.bin". Hacks such as that python one have multiple installer packages that target different Kindle devices where common cut off is model before PW2 or after PW2.
The instructions for installing MRPI (referenced below) said to unpack the package to the root directory of the Kindle. I copied the archive to the Kindle root directory, extracted it there, then deleted the archive. Does it make a difference if I extract it locally to my PC and just copy the output directories/files to the Kindle?
Originally Posted by NiLuJe View Post
This is a KUAL extension, so it's as simple as unpacking the MRPI package you'll find in the Snapshots thread to the root directory of your Kindle over USB . You should end up with an extensions folder (with an MRInstaller subfolder) and an mrpackages folder at the USB root of your device.
As mentioned earlier, it'll plug into the Helper menu.
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