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Old 12-23-2021, 02:28 AM   #1
Junior Member
klektic began at the beginning.
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Join Date: Dec 2021
Device: Kobo Glo
Angry Exited Koreader now stuck on setup

So I installed Koreader and was reading a manga when I wanted to get back to the main menu. I exited ko reader instead of going back to the main area. Instead of going back to the default firmware it went back to the setup menu.

Every time I have it connected to the kobo software and login it just goes straight back to the login menu. I have become exceedingly good at determining which pictures are trains

I have tried a different account. Deleting Koreader and KFmon. Im just about to format the drive using windows but am unsure if thats safe to do so.
I have tried factory reseting it using the hole beside the usb. No matter how many times I reset when I see the round circles(the website says square which im guessing is old firmware) it defaults back. Ive reinstalled KOBO desktop.

What else can I try besides the disk format? Please help.
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