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Old 01-13-2020, 03:19 AM   #31
fsantini can differentiate black from dark navy bluefsantini can differentiate black from dark navy bluefsantini can differentiate black from dark navy bluefsantini can differentiate black from dark navy bluefsantini can differentiate black from dark navy bluefsantini can differentiate black from dark navy bluefsantini can differentiate black from dark navy bluefsantini can differentiate black from dark navy bluefsantini can differentiate black from dark navy bluefsantini can differentiate black from dark navy bluefsantini can differentiate black from dark navy blue
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Originally Posted by WatInTarnation View Post
  1. Does not work with GDrive (I get Curl permission denied)
It seems to work with my GDrive. Can you please provide me with the get.log file?

Now when I put an epub in my Dropbox folder, it loads the content onto my Libra H2O, but it also adds a duplicate book. When I go remove the duplicate from my book list on my Libra it just re-adds it. Does this only for Dropbox books, books added through Calibre are fine.
A friend of mine had the same issue and I can confirm that Semwize's solution works.
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