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Old 09-30-2019, 07:11 AM   #21
Michal Jancik
Sorry for my English
Michal Jancik ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Michal Jancik ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Michal Jancik ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Michal Jancik ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Michal Jancik ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Michal Jancik ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Michal Jancik ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Michal Jancik ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Michal Jancik ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Michal Jancik ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Michal Jancik ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.
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Originally Posted by FrustratedReader View Post
I can't see why I'd want a Pocketbook 3 / Vivlio 3HD /Liseuse Touch HD plus TEA Vivlio over a 6" or 7" Kobo (better software) or a 6" Kindle (more books, and does ePub via Calibre conversion).
Unfortunately I have to disagree.
I own both KOBO and Pocketbook.
Kindle 6 "(plus de livres et ePub via la conversion Calibre.
- The Pocketbook already understands the ePUB format by default, it does not need books to be converted to any format that will work & Pocketbook is not an overly closed OS like KOBO or Kindle
PocketBook works with "Calibre" very well "Plug & Play" and without a problem, the same thing I can not say on the Kindle.

Kobo (with the latest Update) and Kindle have faster, more reactive OSs. It is true. But the forest is debatable.

1) Can KOBO or KINDLE work with PDF formats, do functions like "reflow,
Cropping of page
" and so on? Neither KOBO nor KINDLE can handle PDF correctly, and offers no other features (only zoom). Pocketbook is unbeatable.
2) I would also like to mention the "file manager" which is very well executed on the Pocketbook against Kobo or Kidle. Show folders by format (epub, mobi, pdf et)
3) Can KOBO device has a bluetooth and can read Audio-books?
*Some Kindle features do not work in other states and you need to be in the country how "US", or you can use some features in English only, and that's a good half of all the features that Kindle offers.
4) Does Kobo or Kindle allow you to scroll through two open documents / books?
5) Can KOBO or Kindle "text-to-speech" TTS? Kindle can do it only in English.
*In addition, kindle SW only works in English speaking countries. Some features like read statistics only work with KEPUB formats.

- Luckily, there are a crew / bunch of people (geek1001 etc) working on a "PATCH" packages Kobo Developer's Corner.
If these "modifies some items" packages were not, I would really hesitate to buy KOBO..
In fact, I use 80% more the "Koreader" as a KOBO reader

Before, I used "KOBO Forma" on which PDFs were absolutely unusable. Then I went to the Pocketbook Inkpad 3 "7.8" which has an adequate "read-in" function to read a PDF document that offers professional e-Reads (eNotes) like Onyx BOOX, Likebook etc

PS : All readers have some minor flaws, there are is no 100% best,t, but I certainly would not call Pocketbook as worse.

Last edited by Michal Jancik; 09-30-2019 at 01:02 PM. Reason: Correcting: PATCH (ajustement) and not correction
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