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Old 06-19-2015, 04:42 PM   #1
Mr.... Death
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Narrator Michael Kramer

So, I'm dying to know if anyone has the same problem with listening to Michael Kramer's voice. He's narrated, pretty much, ALL of Brandon Sanderson's books, and the whole, freaking Wheel of time series.

If you haven't heard any of Kramer's works, try listening to this (There's a listening sample just beneath the picture):

Now, I'm norwegian, so my english obviously isn't the best. But both my siblings agree, we just can't listen to his intonation rising and falling in the same way every time.

BUT! There are apparently a lot of listeners who DO like his voice, consindering that the audiobooks has some really good reviews!

Would love to hear what you guys think.
In advance, thank you!

You're probably thinking "Just read the god damned books instead!"
However, I've got narcolepsy which makes it difficult to sit still and read, since I always fall asleep after short while :P
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