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Old 06-19-2008, 11:50 AM   #20
Holy S**T!!!
RickyMaveety lived happily ever after.RickyMaveety lived happily ever after.RickyMaveety lived happily ever after.RickyMaveety lived happily ever after.RickyMaveety lived happily ever after.RickyMaveety lived happily ever after.RickyMaveety lived happily ever after.RickyMaveety lived happily ever after.RickyMaveety lived happily ever after.RickyMaveety lived happily ever after.RickyMaveety lived happily ever after.
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Originally Posted by desertgrandma View Post
No judging here RM.......your system sounds fair, but I would probably forget what I bought and didn't buy. I think my brain has leaks........
Ah .... a leaky brain ... that's awful. Mine is like a sieve (seive?? -- I absolutely can't spell), which is why I keep a spreadsheet of every movie and book I own, where and when I got it, whether or not I watched/read it and a rating (because given a few days, I probably won't be able to tell you if I liked it or not).

Every once in a while, I go through it and sort the list to show me anything that could possibly be considered pirated. I then go online to see if it is legitimately available. If it is .... I buy, and then I delete the other copy.

It's a system I've used for a long time, so I'm comfortable with it. Others look at those sheets and think I am the most anal retentive person they have ever met. Since I readily agree with that sentiment .... I probably am the most anal retentive person they ever met .... it works for everybody.

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