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Old 02-12-2012, 12:16 PM   #42
Carnyx can even cheer up an android equipped with a defective Genuine Personality Prototype.Carnyx can even cheer up an android equipped with a defective Genuine Personality Prototype.Carnyx can even cheer up an android equipped with a defective Genuine Personality Prototype.Carnyx can even cheer up an android equipped with a defective Genuine Personality Prototype.Carnyx can even cheer up an android equipped with a defective Genuine Personality Prototype.Carnyx can even cheer up an android equipped with a defective Genuine Personality Prototype.Carnyx can even cheer up an android equipped with a defective Genuine Personality Prototype.Carnyx can even cheer up an android equipped with a defective Genuine Personality Prototype.Carnyx can even cheer up an android equipped with a defective Genuine Personality Prototype.Carnyx can even cheer up an android equipped with a defective Genuine Personality Prototype.Carnyx can even cheer up an android equipped with a defective Genuine Personality Prototype.
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Originally Posted by HarryT View Post
Touch screen require more delicacy of touch and a higher level of precision when it comes to things like selecting items from a menu. I imagine that may be an issue for someone with arthritis.
That's a real shame - I'd envisaged some larger touchscreen controls for people who needed them, but it doesn't sound like the E-Reader boffins have cracked that one yet.
I wouldn't get hung on this "unavailable in the UK" thing. Take a look at the Amazon UK eBook store; the availability of eBooks in the UK is extremely good.
Ok - I think I've badly communicated this somewhere in a previous post. I'm really not concerned with which books are available in the US vs UK due to publishing agreements etc. My only concern is that this bed-bound UK lady can get access to whatever books are *supposed* to be available in the UK when she wants them, and without outside intervention. e.g. if I went for a Nook(without the hacking/jailbreaking), it sounds like she would not have access to this, whereas if I went for a Kindle 3G, it sounds like she would.
I hope that makes sense, but probably not - I'm renowned for writing a lot, and people not understanding it.
Thanks again Harry,
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