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Old 05-19-2010, 12:52 PM   #9
Edge User
Originally Posted by fgruber View Post
I doubt that the market for applications optimized for dual screen is large enough for programmers to make the changes.

That's why it would be very useful to find a way to simply run an arbitrary application in the e-ink. How about having 2 android running? One of the eink and one for the LCD? Anyways I have no android programming experience so it is not for me to say what is possible and what is not.
lol, Iphone (ipad+ipod) has more than 15mln of users, android about (at least 3 time less) 5mln users, as for the eDGe (which is the only real double display device) there's less then 10000 users total. It's really nothing in terms of apps market. Even amazon's Kindle (more than 1mln users) is more interesting for me (as for developer).

As for two androids on one device -- it's impossible. But it's possible to rewrite android OS to support several displays, but it will take about 1 year. Are you ready to wait such long?