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Old 03-10-2011, 02:39 PM   #7
snipenekkid can understand the language of future parallel dimensionssnipenekkid can understand the language of future parallel dimensionssnipenekkid can understand the language of future parallel dimensionssnipenekkid can understand the language of future parallel dimensionssnipenekkid can understand the language of future parallel dimensionssnipenekkid can understand the language of future parallel dimensionssnipenekkid can understand the language of future parallel dimensionssnipenekkid can understand the language of future parallel dimensionssnipenekkid can understand the language of future parallel dimensionssnipenekkid can understand the language of future parallel dimensionssnipenekkid can understand the language of future parallel dimensions
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Originally Posted by Gray_Mouser View Post
Thanks, you helped me a lot.

I could care less about the video capability of the Ipad 2... On the other hand, I'm now afraid that applications which are now going to be developped won't be Ipad 1 friendly because of the extra horse power.

Furthermore, I often have to read more than one book at a time. Since the ipad 1 is unable to perform multi tasks, this could be an issue too. Of course, the problem would be the same with an e-ink device.

Finally, according to another thread, it seems there is no "one touch definition" application after all (at least for pdf files).

Maybe I'll wait for a discount for the Ipad 2 when the 3rd version is released.

Thanks again !
Until Apple clarifies the ebook app and content purchased outside the iTunes store, in good conscience, I can't recommend any iOS device to anyone interested in reading.

But you also bring up a valid point I had not considered. Developers are likely to get sloppy (we are a laaazzzzy lot for sure) with all those extra clock-cycles to burn up. But also Apple will likely become pretty lax about app overhead. Why would Apple let less efficient apps through the looking glass? Well, to sell more new hardware of course. As apps begin to demand more and more hardware/system resources it means more and more upgrades for devout users or those locked into the platform thanks to app lock-in from apps by developers who develop only for the iOS platform.

Originally Posted by murraypaul View Post
I'm not sure what you mean by this.
The reading apps will remember where you are in each book, so you can switch back and forth between books and keep your place in each.
With the iPad 1 you can switch back and forth between reading apps at will, rather than alt-tab with windows you double-click the home button to get a list of apps to switch to.
Your books aren't going to be doing anything while you aren't looking at them, so I'm not sure what you think you lose by not having multi-tasking?
Not being sure about the level of multi-tasking happening in iOS apps and the OS itself, how would the ability of something simple like keeping open multiple pages in a reader app be classified in iOS terms? Lots of people really could use that ability to flip quickly between pages in one book or in multiple books all open at the same time. So far as I know none of the reader apps currently support this in more than a work-around fashion via bookmarks.

I would think the older hardware could still easily support it but until we see the apps to make it happen it's hard, for those of us without more than a cursory understanding of the hardware and the OS of the first gen devices, to say either way.

On first blush though had the OP not brought up the argument of app bloat, errr, overhead increasing for the new gen devices, the iPad 1 at $400 would seem a no-brainer if you can make use of what the iPad offers. But still the $400 device is, as I recall, only an 8GB device and these days that is not a lot of content.
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