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Old 01-19-2011, 09:43 PM   #106
luv2knit began at the beginning.
Posts: 17
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: East Texas - thank god!
Device: BeBook Neo Jan 2011
You are getting a lot of good info here.

I just went through this search last month, spent 3-4 weeks reading every thread and lurking here and asking questions. So I'll tell you on what i decided.

I rejected nook or kindle because of the proprietary books from b&n and amazon. so kindle was thrown out right away, and nook soon thereafter as it held no advantage once you toss out buying from b&n and realize the plethora of ereaders and ebookstores out there.

i finally settled on a BeBook Neo. It could read all the formats, has an epaper screen, and people are very happy with it. It also does mp3s, which was a requirement for me also as I want to carry my mp3 audiobooks on it (on the sd card).

i ended up getting a BeBook Neo opened but used for only 2 days after christmas, paid $142.50 for it on eBay... another one went for that amount the day before so i offered that much to someone that had their's listed for much more and it wasn't selling - they took the offer.

BUT if money wasn't an option i would have gone for the sony 950PRS. love that thing, look and feel. a larger screen, if that appeals to you. but i couldn't justify the price.

so my BeBook is working great, has a simple and nice modern feel, and i am in love. i have decided that i can save my pennies, and some day when sony comes out with a 950 like device with epaper color then i can splurge at that point.

also, jump in with both feet into calibre - it is easy to use, fun to play around with, and will get your library organized from day one.

oh, and if you end up getting a sony go ahead and download the sony reader software NOW and start playing with it. download some free books, move them around, etc. you can do that all on your pc now to see what system you like to use BEFORE you even get your reader. heck, do the same with calibre as well - and you'll find that you probably prefer calibre for permanent library management. might as well start ADE too - get it all hooked up properly on your computer and you'll be a old wisened pro before your ereader even arrives

Last edited by luv2knit; 01-19-2011 at 10:04 PM. Reason: sloppy spelling
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