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Old 11-09-2010, 11:51 AM   #98
Barneyabz for a long time would go to bed early.Barneyabz for a long time would go to bed early.Barneyabz for a long time would go to bed early.Barneyabz for a long time would go to bed early.Barneyabz for a long time would go to bed early.Barneyabz for a long time would go to bed early.Barneyabz for a long time would go to bed early.Barneyabz for a long time would go to bed early.Barneyabz for a long time would go to bed early.Barneyabz for a long time would go to bed early.Barneyabz for a long time would go to bed early.
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Join Date: Nov 2010
Device: Kobo Glo and Kindle 3
Originally Posted by Barneyabz View Post
I also just got a Kindle 3. Have jailbroken it and now want to remove the big brother feature. Like post before this one I can't find out how to do it. My understanding of the first post to this message is that it refers to linux (not an expert by any means). Unfortunately i don't have access to a linux machine at all. Any way of making these changes using windows 7?


Originally Posted by Rinzwind View Post
Hmm I think you are not getting what to do ... your Kindle runs Linux and those are alterations made to the software on your Kindle.
Nope that's what I thought (didn't express myself well in my first post), thing is when I plug the Kindle to my desktop and browse the files on the Kindle, I cannot see directory/file: /usr/bin/showlog. I presume that is because I am connecting it to a Windows 7 pc and if I connect it to a linux system I will be able to see the file on the Kindle and be able to change the relevent line? - would that be correct? - If my understanding is correct in there any way at all (an emulater?) that I can see the file on the Kindle via Windows 7 - drag it across, make the change and copy it back?

Struggling with this so appreciate any advice.


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