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Old 09-19-2010, 01:50 PM   #50
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onlyreader began at the beginning.
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Device: Samsung SNE60
Originally Posted by singingbird View Post
As I pointed out, my greatest concern was that the sne-60 could not read ade at all. I could physically drag and drop whatever title to the book file on the computer, but the file would never open and the device would take an age to synch...warning me not to turn the device off...

...and I was left reading project gutenbergs...

For months now I have been waiting for an update - the 1012.0 is the latest on 23rd August from the Korean website - which would spout a link to a non-Korean bookstore! So I am looking forwards to whatever the UK site will create, and am hoping against hope the firmware helps me! When I purchased my reader, there was no clear support for ade...even though loads of people reading this are still crying *you can remove drm from ade*,
I just want to pay my nine dollars and have a book upload itself as easily as you can on a Kobo, or a Sony and so on.

If everyone can read ade on their ereader, then perhaps I did buy a dud...although four months ago, Samsung was not listed as a supported device on the Adobe site; now that it is, I suppose that's what I hope the update will fix!

For despite the few books that I have on the reader, and the therefore limited workout I put it through, it is still a joy to use.

side point: and yes, isn't it nice to be welcomed by a chocolate grasshopper?!
So did you update your reader to the korean 1012 and then it worked? How did you do that? My reader did not take the update...

Last edited by onlyreader; 09-19-2010 at 02:02 PM.
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