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Old 07-31-2010, 07:04 PM   #3
machstem is a glorious beacon of lightmachstem is a glorious beacon of lightmachstem is a glorious beacon of lightmachstem is a glorious beacon of lightmachstem is a glorious beacon of lightmachstem is a glorious beacon of lightmachstem is a glorious beacon of lightmachstem is a glorious beacon of lightmachstem is a glorious beacon of lightmachstem is a glorious beacon of lightmachstem is a glorious beacon of light
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Originally Posted by itimpi View Post
You can have as many users as you like actually connecting to the calibre content server. However there is no support for the type of authentication you mention. At best you can have a single username/password combination to protect the server content, and if set that is global for all the content. Calibre is really targeted at private ebook collections.
I understand that it is mostly for private ebook collections, and even then, I would love to be able to separate my ebook listing by authentication (the networking geek side of me likes group rights and the likes)

Either way, I do use the username and password, I was simply hoping for a separate username and password section.

One of the examples I like to give, for my own sake, is to give the opportunity for a friend or two to have access to my recipes for and other news sources, another for public domain and creative commons books, but have all my own ebooks (i.e. purchased, my own copies of existing ebooks I had but in epub format, using sigil, etc)

Thanks anyway!
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