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Old 04-17-2024, 02:52 AM   #1
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Post Help to finish the recipe of my favorite news site

Hi all,

I am trying to create a working news recipe for a spanish news site. There is a built in recipe but it just downloads the links and that is it. Not even the cover.

link to official news site:

I managed to find that if you open any article and replace the ".html" with "_amp.html" you can open the 'immersive reader' in edge to read the full article. And inspecting the "_amp.html" site you can find a script json with the content of the article.

So I started to create a custom one but I can only reach so far. I managed to retrieve the cover, title, subtitle and main image and delete the rest that is not relevant but I need help to add the content of the article by replacing the URLs of the articles to search in and finding the Script tag that contains a JSON with the article content.

This is the code that I have so far:

#!/usr/bin/env python
__license__ = 'GPL v3'
__author__ = 'Carlos Marten based on Kovid Goyal official version'
__copyright__ = '2008, Kovid Goyal'
description = 'Elcorreo Newspaper (Spain) - v1.0 16.04.2022'
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'


from import BasicNewsRecipe
from html5_parser import parse
import datetime
from datetime import date

class Elcorreo(BasicNewsRecipe):
__author__ = 'Carlos Marten'
description = 'Elcorreo'
now =
title = u'El Correo ['+str(']'
publisher = u'Ediciones El Pa\xeds SL'
category = 'News, politics, culture, economy, general interest'

language = 'es'
timefmt = '[%a, %d %b, %Y]'
oldest_article = 5
max_articles_per_feed = 4
recursion = 2

no_stylesheets = True
remove_attributes = ['width', 'height','display','margin','padding', 'position','border']
remove_javascript = True
use_embedded_content = False
ignore_duplicate_articles = {'title', 'url'}
compress_news_images = False

#auto_cleanup = True
#scale_news_images_to_device = True

def getcoverurl():
now =
return ''+str(now.year)+'/0'+str(now.month)+'/'+str('_elcorreo.750.jpg'
cover_url = getcoverurl()

def preprocess_html(self, soup):
for alink in soup.findAll('a'):
if alink.string is not None:
tstr = alink.string
return soup

extra_css = '''
all: initial;
width: 100%
h1 { font-size: 22px }
h2 { font-size: 20px }


keep_only_tags = [
dict(name='h1', attrs={'class': [
'v-a-t', #title
dict(name='h2', attrs={'class': [
'v-a-sub-t', #subtitle

dict(name='script', attrs={'type': 'application/ld+json',}), #json with article (closed)

dict(name='article', attrs={'class': [
'v-a v-a--d v-a--d-bs v-a--p-b', #article
dict(name='div', attrs={'class': [
'amp-access-hide', #article (closed)


remove_tags = [
dict(attrs={'class': [
'v-drpw__w', #social
'v-mdl-tpc', #section topics related
'content-exclusive-bg', #paywall
'v-d__btn-c', #comenta y reporta error
'v-i-b', #compartir
'v-pill-m', #icono de play y ampliar imagen
'v-mdl-ath__c', #comentarios
dict(attrs={'class': [
'v-a-img', #image



def postprocess_html(self, soup, first):
return soup

feeds = [
(u'Portada', u''),


calibre_most_common_ua = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/80.0.3987.87 Safari/537.36'

I really tried with the API of calibre and reviewing other recipes but cannot manage to do it. I think I need to do something in the preprocesshtml function but no clue, really.

Can someone with extensive recipe knowledge help?
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